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The interview was not a difficult one, I guess one major objective is to evluate the interviewee's English communication skill, which I am OK. I was quite nurvus when waiting for the interviewer - since I didn't do interview for almost 2 years, all the time was I interviewing others. But when the guys comes and we started to talk, all things get fine.

Tips - be clear on why MBA, why Darden, show your knowledge on Darden(I didn't do my homework well that when he asked me one question about what particular entrepreneurship in Darden attracted me, I didn't answer well).

Darden requires HUGE working pressure - we talked a lot on that. He asked about a typical week of mine - to understand if I can have good time management skill.

The guy is a quite nice guy, very flexible when we arrange the time and place, very nice.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



校友是个很认真、很严谨的人。问题细到我每个时间段的每个细节,结束时我说:you have already asked everything happened in my life, (note: the thing we could really consider it a thing. 他说,这是件很重要的事,对你对学校都一样。



1.introduce youself (the only traditional question)


第一部分: education.

what's your average grade?
why isn't it above 95?
which subject you like most? why?
which subject you hate most? why?

what's your position in your organization? tell me about your organization.
one project you involved and impressive most.
how is your performace when interviewed by your third company.
style of leadership.
how do you understand Excel?
do you ever touch any field related to finance in your daily work?
why do you choose such career goal.
who is the general manager you admire most? who is the second one.(the current CEO of my comany was ever the CEO of his company).
tell me something you know about your CEO.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


这个面试是两周前(11/08/06),希望对去on-campus interview的人能有帮助。 

School: Darden
Date:11/8/06 12:30pm
Length: 45 min
Interviewer: Assistant director of admission, mid-age lady.





我的面试官在面试开始的时候就问了我一个问题“ I want to know you in the next 45 minutes, please tell me yourself and what are you doing now as well as your hobbies and remember to tell me that why you want a MBA and what are your short-term and long-term career goals. Also, I will leave you 5 minutes to ask me questions”

接下来的40分钟更象是一次交谈,我介绍了我的教育和工作背景,短期和长期目标。在讲长期目标的时候,我提到了老年人的healthcare问题。我的面试官就和我讨论美国的nursing home,还给我讲了些美国nursing home的问题。她也问了我"what I could contribute to Darden community".
后来提到我的爱好,我说我喜欢登山和攀岩,面试官问我有没有看过“into the thin air”这本书,讲1996年珠峰山难。这下正好撞到枪口上,我们聊了大概10分钟左右有关登山的话题(后来我的面试官告诉我她是Montana的人,老公现在还住在那里,难怪也知道很多登山的故事)。我还和她聊了一个今年登珠峰的ethical 的故事,我的面试官知道这个故事但是具体的细节不清楚。我就和她闲扯了几分钟,主要是关于ethical decision的话题。

时间差不多的时候,我的面试官就问我有没有什么问题问她,我就问了她几个问题。比如:她觉得darden的国际学生的表现如何。她提到语言还是一个障碍,毕竟darden的case method需要很多的课堂讨论。

最后在快结束的时候的,面试官又补充了一个问题。why darden。

个人感觉Darden的面试还不错,我喜欢这种聊天的方式。另外面试我Assistant director of admission人也超级nice.

To prepare: know yourself and have some stories to tell!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Had interview with a Darden alumni this afteroon.

Not a typical business school interivew.  We talked about different issues for almost one hour.  It's just a casual chat, not a question-answer session.

Mayby my experience is different.  I heard that alumni interview would be a typical one and the interviewer will ask questions like a question-machine.  This alumni was not like a mahcine, at all.

I feel admission office interview is more to the point than an alumni one.  Probably, the admission officers are more consicious of what they are doing while an alumni does not have such consciousness.  The admission officers can ask questions which are not covered in the essays.  They are clear they want to use the interview as a chance to know more about an applicant and so to make the decision.  Well, the alumni obviously knows less about the applicant.

So far, I had two telephone interviews with schools and one alumni interivew.  

I would say telephone interview would make more sense.  If I can choose, I would choose admission office interview.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Darden MBA on Campus Interview (Dec, 2006)

顺便向大家简要介绍前两次面试经验,都是我主动要求的。第一次是去年12月中旬到Charlottesville进行了Darden的校园面试,气氛随和,友好。面试者是招生委成员,就问了常规的why mba, career goal, why darden等问题,但特别问了我的业余生活和爱好。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


In @ Darden 和一点点面试经验





但是,面试的过程比我想象得简单很多。据说Darden的面试会叫你讲life story。但是我的面试官上来就问我why MBA然后是Why Darden。回想起来,她问过的问题只有这两个。眼见着面试只过去了20分钟,她就叫我问问题了。

与众不同的是,我们的面试真的是一场聊天,就像我参加的一场information session后与alumni的Q&A。所以,我很放松的问起她在学校的经历等等。Q&A用了也有20多分钟,聊了这么久,要感谢面试官的耐心与真诚,也幸亏我对Darden做了足够的研究。

没有任何teamwork,leadership,challenge,failure。。。问题,竟然也没有Darden经典的life story。但是面试之后的感觉是两个字:尽兴。





大年初四,看了一场电影Slumdog Millionnaire,就像电影最后的字幕:It is written,所以如果尽力了,随缘就好。不管成与败,都这样安慰自己。。。

G700/iBT105/BS and MS from a top University in Shanghai/2.5 years oilfield engineering/2 years consulting/some international working experience/some community service experience
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Darden Alumni Interview @ 台北

I had an alumni interview with a Korean alumna in Hotel Formosa in Taipei.

She is very nice and kind, keep smiling through all the interview.

The interview took 40 minutes, she even treat me a cup of orange juice..

Questions are very standard:

1. Please describe your career progress

2. Why MBA? Why Darden?

3. The biggest challenge you might face when you are in Darden

4. Greatest achievement at work

5. Regretful experience at work

6. Strengths/Weaknesses

7. Questions

Good Luck to myself
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


我从Gmat Club上转载过来的。给个简明的中文摘要:Darden面试成功要诀说出自己的故事,射出强烈的秋波,让面试官发出拿什么将你遗忘的感叹。

Had my interview with a member of the AdCom this morning. Allinterviews are 100% blind, she knew nothing about me or my application.It started with her asking questions about my childhood, where I wasfrom, what my family was like, etc. We progressed through undergrad andmy career, but rather than focusing on "resume-type" accomplishments,we talked more about WHY I made certain decisions, and what matters tome.

We eventually got to "why MBA", but I was never directlyasked "why Darden". I tried to weave a few pieces of "why Darden" intoour conversation. Before I knew it 45 mins was up, she gave me theopportunity to ask questions....so we talked about job prospects for abit. After an hour we were still chatting, but she had to cut it off.

OverallI think (hope) it went well, but with interviews like this its alwayshard to tell. I forgot to mention a few things that I'd hoped to workin. Oh well.

My advice to those still yet to interview:

create a mini-list of items you for sure want to cover (interestinganecdotes), its easy to get caught up in the conversation, then beforeyou know it you missed your chance to talk about that interestingundergrad EC (since you're already talking about your job)
beready to NOT talk about accomplishments, she almost seemeddisinterested when I did. I guess it makes sense, there is no point tojust regurgitate your resume during the interview - they already haveit on file. Talk about something ELSE, something interesting/dynamic
do your homework and be able to convey sincere interest in the program(I honestly think this is a big part of the interview...they try togauge this)
She said her comments would be added to my overallapplication file, then it would undergo a final review and a decisionwould be made.

Thats about it I guess.  Feel free to ask me any specific questions, I'd be happy to help out.  

Ohand also, she said they release ALL decisions (including financial aid)on Jan 28th, so no crazy stressful hair pulling out for weeks on end(ahem...Kellogg...). I was happy to hear that.

Best of luck to everyone.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


1月04日 上海 11:30-1:30 Darden



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