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答:Entrepreneurship: 很多课程可以选择,club的活动也很多,今年是学校大佬Dean Hubbard同学主讲Entrepreneurial Finance。特别一点的是Lang Fund专门出资资助学生的自办企业,可到网站上查找。

Real Estate: 有房地产concentrationtop b school不大多。我注意到了Wharton, Kellogg, MIT Sloan and Columbia. Columbia的特点是房地产和金融结合,不大重开发管理和建筑设计,更多在房地产融资和资本市场创新。此外纽约有很多房地产方面的协会和活动,有不少值得一去。real estate association几项固定的活动搞得很不错:Breakfast series with

real estate executives,定期和纽约城里面房地产界人士吃早饭,这个活动因为每次限制人数,就不会有掉到一堆人里面说不上话的感觉;real estate supercharger,主要是行业基本知识培训,对于入门人士有帮助;site tours,每年都会在美国各地找楼看,现场体验;domenstic and international trip,主要是针对某一地域访问当地公司,了解各地房地产发展,international trip目前已经去过欧洲和中国,下一个应该是南美或者印度;比较频繁的career panelalumni networking events。在club里面人比较少,又有共同的职业兴趣,交流起来更有效率。

Marketing:哥大的marketing的课程感觉有一定的时尚感。除了传统的课程外,这学期我比较感兴趣的有marketing & Internet (如何在internet上面marketing,并结合传统媒体)and marketing for art culture and education。此外guest speaker也给我一定的新鲜感。有个core class的老师专门请marketing professional来做guest speaker,那群人的风格很不同于我熟悉的大公司marketing,除了每天说的几CP之外,更讲求技巧和美感。

Media and Entertainment: 这个我就不说了,哥大的传统强项加上地理优势,选这个concentration估计不但能学到东西而且还玩的很开心。有个老师非常好,下学期拼了我所有的银子也要选到一门他的课。


答:SIPA我了解不多,只是知道他们也参加MBA的招聘会,这个待遇是满特别的,因为连Financial Engineering的学生都不允许参加.SIPA的中国学生很多,工作前景在Master中算很好的.



答:1. Women in business. I don't think there are specific classes for women, but there are countless activities mainly organized by CWIB (Columbia Women in Business). This is a very active club on campus, which organizes both social and career-related events for women. Almost every femal student is by default a member.

As CWIB member you will have advantage to participate in intimate gatherings with recruitiers. Take banking as example. Almost all major banks will organize CWIB dinners, with about 20 student participants (not so many women are interested in banking btw) and 4-5 bankers. It is a great chance to present yourself, make contacts, as well as enjoy some "girly" talks (babies, clothes, marriage, etc.) Apart from banking, consulting, media, IT, etc. will also organize  CWIB member only events. I have received an invitation from McKinsey several days ago asking me to go to a SPA & massage event... OMG...

CWIB also organizes the annual CWIB conference. It is a big event which lasts for a whole day. In the 2007 CWIB conference we will have 8 panels with different subjects. I am on the conference committee so if you are interested in participiating in the conference please let me know. The conference will be held on Feb. 23, 2007.

You can visit the CWIB website for more information:


2. Mentors. Most career-oriented clubs have for mentor systems which matches each mentor with two mentorees, but not every one works. As you will also learn from your talk with recruiters, the best way to find a mentor is by establishing personal relationship with him/her  - which really depends on your personality and your "fit". However, the formal mentor system does provide us with the opportunity to get to know more people. BTW, my mentor in the Investment Banking Club is terrific.

Jan accelerated program 普通的项目有什么区别啊?

答:J-termfall program在课程设置和找工作什么的上面没有任何区别。只是在fall term的同学们暑假作实习的时候,j-term的同学会继续上课。以05年入学,07年毕业的同学为例,时间安排如下:

05 Fall Fall-term 入学进行第一学期课程 ==> 06 Spring Fall-term进行第二学期课程;J-term入学进行第一学期课程;==> 06 Summer Fall-term进行暑期实习;J-term进行第二学期课程;==> 06 Fall Fall-termJ-term进行第三学期课程;==> 07 Spring Fall-termJ-term进行第四学期课程;==> 07 May Fall-termJ-term毕业




[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-22 9:16:49编辑过]












哥大羽毛球协会的中国人也很友好的,说欢迎我去blue gym 参加他们的活动。他们和U Pen, NYU, Princeton还定期有tournament,我去了大概可以当主力吧...



I think the alumnus is right that the interview is not the most important thing in the application. Interview is just a double-check process. Very much like the VISA interview. I personally believe that your fate is 80% determined before the interview - just my personal view though.

As to the New York City distraction - yes there's something in it that many students live off-campus. However, people usually stay on campus till very late (say 10 pm), especially when there are recruiting events, social events, or simply study group discussion. Columbia students/alumni are especially passionate about the school - partly because the school screened the applicants and commitment to CBS is a very important component in the admission process.

Here are some social events/clubs that are especially important in the social life of CBS:

1) Happy Hour (HH).  Every Thursday evening, usu. from 6:30 PM to 10 PM. Pre-HH parties and after-HH parties are organized and turnout is great. Every HH is sponsored by a specific club and/or company, i.e. Investment Banking Club & Merill Lynch, Consulting Club & Bain, etc.

2) Social clubs, such as rugby teams (both men and women). The rugby teams are very good examples how in B-school everything serves to form relationships. These teams are more social clubs rather than sports clubs, you'll get to know this part of b-school life when you get here!

3) Inter/inner-cluster parties. The good thing about NYC is that you have all venues to hold dinners, cocktails, parties. These are in addition to the house-warming parties, gambling parties (strongly recommended, haha), drinking parties, b-day parties, and whatever parties you can think of, which will be held in a more intimate way. People get to know each other really well in such parties.








介绍:一封有趣的信,尝试对和谐社会和中国商业道德向孔孟和墨家思想追根溯源。可能会对申请stanford and columbia的同学有用。Stanford比较讲求独特角度和思想深度,columbia则可能会欣赏对于人文精神的追求,另外此文中提到的Hu Shih,即胡适同学,是哥大的校友。

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Last week I returned from a brief trip to China. I was privileged to deliver a short paper at a conference in Shanghai. The theme of the conference was how China can develop a “harmonious society”. Our panel was asked to reflect on how business ethics and corporate social responsibility could contribute to that end.

The vision of a “harmonious society”, I was told, is taken from the writings of Hu Shih, a noted Chinese writer of the 1920’s. Hu Shih in his time was seeking to describe a modern China, part of the global community, but one that still retained a sense for order and achieved better livelihoods for all. Today, the Chinese leadership seeks something similar: use of free markets and participation in a global economy but with restraint on abuses of power and self-seeking exploitation of others.

The discussions of how to build this China seem genuine and open to reflection and new ideas.  It is my hope that as the CRT develops its relationships with Chinese colleagues we might be able to contribute constructively some well-reasoned conclusions for their consideration.

In my paper I suggested that indeed business ethics and CSR as conceived and practiced in Europe and America could easily fit within a Chinese moral framework leading to the desired “harmonious society”.  I suggested that China has in fact two major normative models for business ethics – one derived from Confucius and Mencius and the other derived from the recommendations of Mo Di.

The Confucian tradition that I specified is contained in The Analects, and not in later writings that conform to the influence of Imperial pretensions. This tradition I consider to rest on ethics and the expectation of responsible individualism.

The normative model provided by Mo Ti, on the other hand, I consider to rely on compliance mechanisms only. Mo Ti lived and wrote after Confucius and did not agree with his expectations of individual moral potential. Mo Ti thought little of individuals and, accordingly, recommended that social and political order be achieved through forced compliance with the will of superior authority.

China could use a Mohist compliance approach to seeking a “harmonious society”, but at a cost of lost creativity and restricted freedoms. Alternatively, use of the Confucian/Mencian approach would build a “harmonious society” within a framework of individual excellence.

Finally, I suggested that President Hu’s recent recommendation of 8 do’s and don’t’s was an attempt to blend Mohist pessimism with the more optimistic Confucian/Mencian approach.

For those of you who might be interested in the complete paper, a copy of Two Traditional Chinese Normative Models for Business Ethics has been attached to this email (a 19-page PDF) and also posted on our website (www.cauxroundtable.org) under publications and papers.

Sincerely yours,
Stephen B. Young
Global Executive Director
Caux Round Table




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