3. Discuss an ethical dilemma you faced and how you dealt with it. Probably the most troublesome question. Let's first review the nature of a dilemma. According to Webster, a dilemma is a "situation involving choice between equally unsatisfactory alternatives." No obvious or right solution exists for a dilemma. Every choice has undesirable consequences. The first step in approaching this question is choosing a situation to discuss. Were you ever asked to do anything on the job that you felt was unethical, but where refusal to act would cost you your job? Were you ever asked to withhold information damaging to a client? Did a colleague tell you in confidence something that would be very harmful or helpful to your employer? Did you ever face a situation where following the rules would have unintended, and possibly unconscionable, consequences? Any of these situations represents an ethical dilemma. After you choose the situation, your first step in writing your response is to describe it and briefly paint a picture of the pressures that surrounded the dilemma or the history that led up to it. Then describe the pros and cons of the options you faced. If the question calls for it, discuss how you resolved your dilemma. Conclude either with the lessons you learned from facing this situation or your opinion today of your actions then. |