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二十五. 佃农 (sharecropper)
P2.1 作者跳出来说,其实不完全是这样的(作者的态度:反对),黑人虽然有了土地,可以自由分配劳动,可是呢,他们木有生产所必须的工具supplies for farming呀,这些工具都掌握在白人手里,要获得工具呢,他们就必须向白人贷款,于是款越贷越多,最后还不起了,肿么办呢. 白人又发明了burden system(好像是这样拼)这样一个系统。 黑人的only collateral抵押物 is their crop yield. 种什么还是得地主说了算, 所以最终百人叫黑人多种棉花,少种小麦.结果是棉花cotton价格越来越便宜(因为南方主要种植棉花,市场供应过大导致价格下降),小麦价格越来越贵(很可能是变体,请注意!!!)跟之前说的一样)市场上的棉花多了,价格骤降,黑人的收入还是跟以前比起来没有多大变化.
简而言之, 第二段讲什么只能种棉花来交换supplies 最终导致土地贫瘠 产量下降 没有得到他们预期的结果
Q1. 黑人本来是怎么设想的——我选设想自己也能从地主那分到些利润。(改善劳动条件,
Q2. 如果地主不让种棉花,会有什么情况?——棉花下降,价格上升的那个选项。
Q3. 主旨题
1.主旨题(describe 佃农制度形成,并指出其害处)
文章来说,大概是虽然黑人通过sharecopper的身份提高了经济地位,但是由于burden system的存在限制了他们的经济发展,当时是E来着(760)
我(760)的题目是为什么sharecopper不能 提高他们的economic 地位,答案我选的是优于他们要用收成做collateral against••••貌似是这样的话
选E,农场主很难找到work labors paid for lang **
4.劳动力短缺的原因。 黑人有权决定工作时间把。我(V33)选原本强迫整天劳动的黑人劳动时间随意了
5. 问了阻碍黑人获得经济利益的是什么,应该是选那个他们要用 collateral来换取SUPPLIES
P1:Sharecropping and tenant farming were substitutes for paid labor where little cash was available to pay wages. A sharecropper raised part of the landlord’s crop and was paid a share of the profits after deductions for living expenses and the cost of tools and supplies. A tenant farmer sold what he raised and paid the landlord a share of the profits as rent. The landlord either owned the crop (in sharecropping) or had a lien on it (in tenant farming); if the profit was low, he got his share first. The cropper or tenant took what was left or, if none was left, got an advance to keep going until the next harvest.(描述sharecropping和tenant farming这种制度的内容和操作方式)
P2:Desperate(铤而走险地,孤注一掷地) to recover financially, landowners relied almost exclusively on their traditional cash crop, cotton. Agriculture failed to diversify. By 1879, cotton production equaled its prewar peak.(为了尽快摆脱财务困境,地主们几乎全部种植棉花,农业没有多样化,棉花的产量也达到了战前的峰值)
P3:However, the return of high levels of cotton production failed to improve the lot of most Mississippians because the price for cotton declined through most of the postwar decades, and living costs rose. Mounting debt forced many small farmers to give up their land and become tenants or sharecroppers. Kept in perpetual debt because they could seldom earn enough to pay off their yearly advances, few were able to escape the sharecropping and tenant farming system. Not until World War II (1939-1945), when widespread mechanization of cotton production made sharecropping unprofitable, did the system begin to disappear.(棉花的高产量并没有改善他们的经济状况,因为棉花价格大跌,而生活成本则上升;日益增长的债务迫使小农场主放弃自己的土地,转而加入佃农制度。由于永久的债务,很少人能够摆脱佃农制,直到二战,棉花生产的机械化使得佃农制没利可图了,这个制度才得以消失。) |