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OSU Fisher面经 昨天刚刚电面了Fisher的student ambassador.前几天看到还有其他XDJM也在申这校,所以把面试问题列一下供大家参考吧。 1 career goal 2 personal goal (career 以外的) 3 why Fisher 4 期望从Fisher获得什么帮助? 5 What motivates you? 6 a situation where you showed passion 7 a time when you have to look from other people’s perspective to solve conflict (意思就是要换位思考,站在与你有矛盾的对方看问题才能解决矛盾,描述一个这样的情况) 8 a hypothetical situation where breaking corporate rules might be the right thing to do 9 Suppose you did all the work, but in a meeting, someone else took all the credit, what would you do? 10 Describe an industry that you think is obsolete. 个别问题还是要准备下为好,不然真可能会“卡壳”。 可能对每个申请人问的问题都会略有不同的,所以以上仅供参考。 补充一下,还有个问题是describe your leadership style,我刚想起来.
in Fisher (OSU) + 面经 刚收到Fisher offer. 面试是上周举行的. offer这周给的.速度还挺快的. offer没提奖学金.估计没戏. 顺便把电话面试问题汇总一下, 用了17分钟的样子. 1. why mba, what affected you most in applying fisher. 2. what's your leadership style? 3. give me an exapmle of an industry that you think will go obsolete. 4. if you are going to a different career, what would that be? (大概这个意思.措辞不太一样) 5. how do you keep yourself from internal laziness (such as watching tv). 6. during a meeting, if your coworker takes credits for what you do, what would be your response (大概这个意思.措辞可能不同). 给我面试的是一个1年纪还是2年纪的学生. 上来先说面试大概持续30分钟. 人还比较nice. 比较formal.
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