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Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus / Admitted! (Published March 29th, 2010)

Did it in India with AdCom officer in January 2010.

There was some initial small talk about the company I work with, and then there were following questions
What does your company do?
Why did you choose your current job?
Tell about a difficult interaction with your manager.
Why did you make this job change?
What do you want to do in long-term?
How did you prepare yourself for your new job?
Lot of small, follow-on questions about a sports I had written about in my resume to assess knowledge of that?
Tell me about a latest accomplishment since you submitted application
Question about my quizzing hobby, and how I did it at my college
Discussion about academics at Sloan and various recreational facilities in Boston.
He had read my application thoroughly, and asked many relevant questions. Surprisingly I didn't have too many behavioral questions. Overall it last 35 mins.

Final result - Admitted.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Round 2 / Outside consultant / On-campus (Published April 5th, 2010)

The interview went fairly smoothly today. It was all too fast before I realized the time was up! Anyway, I hope I left a good impression on the interviewer. It is not in m hands anymore...

Here is the interview format:

A very brief greeting, maybe 2-3min, just talked about the incredible weather and how I got to the place by taking the cab (instead of walking),
She then sat me down and asked for the transcripts.
She then made a one-min introduction of herself. It turned out that she was an outside consultant hired by Sloan to do the interview. From what I heard, there should be very little difference of interviewing with admission officer vs. outside consultant. But try to find out about the interviewer could be helpful
She then directly went to the behavioral questions.
The first question she posed was: how did you manage to resolve a conflict situation and move the team forward?
Tell me of a time when you set up a goal and moved towards achieving it;
Tell me of a time when you took the risk and the outcome, what did you learn from it
I used the innovation and initiative story for the first question, where I talked about how I convinced the team to pursue my new idea and so forth. She was probing how I persuaded the team and whether there was any push-backs from the team members. So just make sure that you are prepared to address those details.

I used the ballroom story for the second question. I think this one went really well, and we shared lots of laughs about dancing. No significant issues here.

I then used the grant writing story to talk about how I took the risk by focusing on the grant writing rather than the other errands. She then asked me whether I was willing to submit the grant, knowing that even if it was not perfect. I told her yes, that I have learned to strike a balance between quality and quantity.

She then asked me for any questions. I posed two questions to her: mentorship and the students at E&I track. It was a nice conversation, as I made an effort to weave in my fit and my career goals into this conversation.
That is it. Then she walked me out of her office, I shook hands with her, and ...
I then rushed to the bookstore and signed a Thankyou card and mailed it right away
General tips:

Relax, people are nice, so just focus on being positive and being in control. Even if you knew the answers to some of the questions (especially behavioral), try not to start answering right away, because that may sound a bit scripted. Instead, ask to take a moment, and (pretend to) think about it, and then start talking. Use every chance to establish a connection with her. For example, when I talked about my dance story, I mentioned a dance movie and we started chatting about the movie,
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


MIT on campus 面经

12月18号下午面的,45min. 之前从各方面的消息听说,mit的面试很tough,mit的面试guide里面说会全部问behavior的question!然后面试官会不停的挖细节。但是实际上我的面试比较简单直接,一个behavior的问题也没有问,也没有追问细节,可能我自己讲的比较细。
1。 do you have any new update
2。 did you join the lunch with students today? how do you think?
3。why did you change from the first job to the second job? anything you were not happy about your first job?
4。why did you choose to leave your job now?
然后就说take a break,问我有啥问题,我问了两个问题,我以为之后还有问题问,结果就wrap up了,问了一个:
5。what do you want me to say to the admission committee team about you?


另外front desk的kim很nice,我昨天早到45分钟,坐在那边紧张的不行,他一直在跟我讲笑话,虽然这是他的工作,但是还是很感谢他。另外谢谢所有的朋友。过程很圆满,结果对我来说反而没有那么重要。
good luck to everyone!! I am willing to answer questions if any of you need help!!
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


各位朋友分享一下MIT Sloan的面经。我向主要谈谈我的感受和怎么准备,单纯的问题其实没有什么意思,因为绝大部分的问题都可以google MIT 面经找到。

拿到面试通知后,我仔细看了一下近两年面经的总结,加上各种渠道打听的小道消息,以为MIT的面试应该不像传说中那么tough。后来事实证明面试官还是蛮sharp的。总的说来,面试官十分nice,,交谈在和谐的气氛中进行,所有的问题全部是behavior 的问题,和Sloan官方的preparation guide 完全一致。对比zhupp的面经,可以推测不同的面试官对待不同的申请人可能有不同的策略,但不管怎样,按照Sloan 的STAR策略应该是明智的。

具体准备的时候,我花了一些时间,把每个不同的scenario 提前想好几个例子, 按STAR准备一下。值得注意的是,面试官明显非常熟悉我的资料,而且明确要求essay 之外的事例。有几个问题明显是probe我的profile的不足之处。建议多practice,而且面试当天要提前到,我当时提前一个小时到,结果面试官提前让我进去,多谈了10分钟,感觉时间充裕更有机会present自己。

具体问题很多已经记不得了,但有一个很tricky的问题印象深刻,give me an example that you failed your expectation... ,我说了例子以后被问了很多细节,具体到故事中涉及的各个的人名,职位,关系,而且还在纸上记录,画出关系图,我没有想到要求如此详细,着实紧张了一下,最后还好答的不错。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


2010年1月 MIT面试

Adcom 面试,大约30分钟,Julie非常nice,但面试的问题还比较难,全部是behavior question,而且不能是essay里面提到过的内容,对每个回答都抠了很多细节:

举一个lead 一个team完成一件事情的example
末:其实本人申请的环节中有很多不科学的地方,整个申请过程中因为长年在外地出差,基本没听过info session,也几乎没有mock过interview,很多学校申请之前也不认识什么校友,所以在申请的过程中在材料准备上有很多不足,我觉得这几个环节其实都很重要,大家如果多花点心思在几个环节应该能提高申请的把握,最后祝大家都能拿到心仪的offer
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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