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The more I focus, the higher the accuracy and efficiency.

But I also need more time to relax during the intervals.

I hope on the day I take the test, I can concentrate all my energy on solving the problems and keep a peaceful mind.

The fluctuarion in emotion and undue concern about the result will undermine
the performance!!!


I start reviewing the AI outlines in Sunyuan's book.

I might take a different strategy for preparing AWA.   

Instead of memorizing templates, I try to get familiar with the topics and prepare the

Though such an approach is rather time-consuming, I strongly believe it is the
best strategy for me in the long run.


There are still two months before I take the test.

Though the accuracy rate for CR and RC is not satisfactory, there should still be room

for improvement.  Afterall, I still have opportunity to exercise my efforts!  

Don't be discouraged and give up easily!  Keep going!!!


I am now practising on the Reading Comprehension -- 12 passages a day!

It is really a tricky part, which entails patience and great efforts.

The main obstacle I encounter is that I can not interpet the exact meaning as well as
the implied/suggested meanding of some abstract discription in an adequate period of time.

The reasons underllining this problem might be:
1. Unfamiliar with the topic dealt with in the passage
2. I have not made sufficient practice to achieve the proficiency.

I need to encourage myself to keep going.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-17 15:34:11编辑过]


Some reflections these days:

I think it is very important to get enough familarity with the test questions.

There are some patterns and ways of thinking underlying all these GMAT questions.

Thorough familarity might be a good strategy for this kind of test.

Any comments welcomed!


我的考试安排在8月中, 现还有三个月的时间,我每天大概有5-6个小时的学习时间。

不知在这三个月内,我有没有希望大幅提高Verbal 的能力。





Since recently, I have been practised on GMAT on a timed basis, using a stopwatch to
time the whole process.

The verbal part does pose a tremendous challenge to me, since after a not short period
of time of preparation, I can only achieve 65% accuracy on 20 CR questions in 30 mins.

However, I shall not be discouraged by this result, for except keeping practising, I have no
other choice.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-8 16:20:08编辑过]


To Supermht,

Nice to meet you too.  

As for GMAT preparation, I am now dividing my time equally on each part of the test,
i.e. math, CR,SC, RC etc.   

How about you?


I am in New York, will take GMAT in August, nice to meet u , man



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