以下是引用frankdong在2004-9-24 11:47:00的发言:
Hi! I think I've got a very informative service here, and appreciate all the information that you've posted regularly. I'm deeply appreciative for the knowledge I've gained in this forum alone!
I plan to apply for an MBA programme in the States within the next three to four years, and am keen to work towards a succesful application in a good business school.
The plus points/problems that I anticipate, however, are:
- My academic grades ( 78 ) are of average standard amongst my peers, but fall exceedingly short of the minimum/average GPA requirements stated by many business schools.
- I am graduating from a 3-year degree programme.
- I recently took GMAT, and achieved a score of 710.
- I have been very actively involved in extra-curricular activities in university, having been elected into the presidential/chairperson positions in almost all of my student union/club activities. (My heavy involvement can be said to be the reason for my less than exciting grades)
- I plan to work for the next 2 to 3 years, in a multinational corporation, before applying for an MBA programme.
With this in mind, I have been looking through admissions requirements and prerequisites of MBA programmes in top 30 business schools, but have had trouble gauging my potential application standing.
Would you think that I stand a chance of being offered a position in schools like McCombs, Olin, Carnegie Mellon and Rotman (Toronto)?
Would you suggest that I take additional certificate/diploma courses in private educational institutes to boost my academic credibility before applying to MBA programmes?
Thank you in advance for your advice!
Many Thanks,
Hi, Frank. Thanks! The gratitude is never expected, but always appreciated!
Your GPA can be mitigated in your application. It still may be a good idea to build an alternate transcript with a handful of classes. (If you take too many classes, you may be labeled a professional student/degree collector.)
A three-year degree is not necessarily a problem. The top b-schools often quietly make exceptions, particularly for graduates from top programs.
I wouldn't spin it that way in your applications. The schools ideally want students who can succeed academically *and* be involved on the campus.
Gaining some professional experience is certainly a good idea. It does not have to come from working for a large MNC though. If you find an opportunity for career development in a smaller company, you should give that opportunity full consideration. (I'm wearing my admission hat?here. Obviously, if you are not comfortable in small companies, ignore this advice.)
With a good career progression, and application story you would be competitive at any business school.
Best of luck with your applications!