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LBS MBA Recommendation Questions 2015-2016

After providing their basic contact information, recommenders are asked to respond to a series of brief essay questions about the applicant’s strengths, areas for growth, progress in the workplace, and goals for the future. Recommenders are asked to address each of the below questions in no more than 500 words. The adcom also notes that this is not a requirement, i.e. that briefer remarks are acceptable in response to each item.

1.How do you know the applicant? How long have you known them for?
2. What would you say are the applicant’s key strengths and talents?
3. What would you say are the applicant’s key weaknesses or areas for improvement?
4. In which areas of development has the applicant progressed most in the time you’ve known them?
5. What do you think this person might be doing in ten years’ time? Why?

Recommenders are then asked to complete a Ratings section, in which they complete a quantitative assessment of the applicant on a series of skills related to intellectual ability, interpersonal skills, as well as management and leadership potential. The LBS adcom asks recommenders to use the following “system” in completing their ratings: 1=High 3=Average 5=Low. Recommenders are also able to select “Not observed” for any of the below items:
Intellectual or academic ability
Quantitative skills
Initiative / Ability to take decisions
Problem-solving skills
Organisational skills
Leadership skills
Team skills
Impact / Charisma
Self confidence
Self motivation
Spoken English communication skills
Written English communication skills

Finally, recommenders are asked to summarize the strength of their recommendations on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 corresponding to Highly Recommended and 5 to Not Recommended.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


INSEAD MBA Program Recommendation Questions 2015-2016

INSEAD asks recommenders to provide their responses within a PDF that is emailed through the online application, which recommenders then upload through the online portal.

The recommendation begins with several background questions:
Have you attended an INSEAD Programme? if yes, please specify which one?
Please, specify your relationship to candidate: (select Professional, Educational, or Personal)
How long have you known the candidate? Define your relationship with the candidate and the circumstances whereby you met.
Click on the image to the right to view the grid on which INSEAD asks recommenders to rate the applicant’s competence, professionalism, and various other abilities and skills.

Recommenders are then asked to respond to the following short-answer questions within the PDF document. Our initial testing suggests that this space accommodates about 1,500 characters including spaces, though this may vary depending on the software being used.

These INSEAD MBA recommendation questions are:
1. Comment on the candidate’s career progress to date and his/her career focus.
2. What do you consider to be the candidate’s major strengths? Comment on the factors that distinguish the candidate from other individuals at his/her level.
3. What do you consider to be the candidate’s major weaknesses?
4. Comment on the candidate’s potential for senior management. Do you see him/her as a future leader?
5. Describe the candidate as a person. Comment on his/her ability to establish and maintain relationships, sensitivity to others, self-confidence, attitude, etc. Specifically comment on the candidate’s behaviour or skills in a group setting/team environment.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Emory MBA Recommendation Questions 2015-2016
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Georgetown McDonough Recommendation Questions 2015-2016

Recommenders are asked to begin by providing some context on their own backgrounds and relationship with the applicant:
How long have you known the applicant? (drop down menu)
lease check the box that most clearly defines your relationship to the applicant (multiple choice)
If other, please specify: (text field)
Are you an alumnus/a of Georgetown University? (select yes or no)
If yes, are you a McDonough School of Business alumnus/a? (select yes or no)

The admissions committee then poses a series of short-answer questions about the applicants’ strengths, areas for growth, interpersonal skills, and professionalism. Recommenders are asked to respond to each in 750 characters (approximately 125-150 words).
Describe the applicant’s strengths. How does this applicant’s professional performance compare with his/her peers? (750 characters, including spaces)
Describe the applicant’s main areas in need of development. Provide specific examples. (750 characters, including spaces)
Describe the applicant’s interpersonal skills. Is the applicant effective when working on a team? (750 characters, including spaces)
Describe the applicant’s professional poise, his/her ability to handle him/herself in a business setting. (750 characters, including spaces)
How does the applicant typically handle him/herself under pressure? Provide a specific example. (750 characters, including spaces)

Respondents are then presented with a Recommendation Rating section. Instead of the grid rating system favored by many programs, recommenders are simply asked to use a drop down menu to rate the applicant on a scale of 1-4 based on descriptions for each skill/domain. The content of this section includes interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, team and leadership qualities, business savvy, and intellectual curiosity.
Description 1 – Exhibits social awkwardness that may negatively impact individuals and teammates; or displays inappropriate behavior
Description 2 – Seems apathetic or appears to “know it all”; or exhibits some social awkwardness (i.e. overly shy, fidgety, limited eye contact, disengaged)
Description 3 – Actively engaged, professional image and attitude; appears comfortable and competent during interaction; socially at ease
Description 4 – Poised, asks probing questions; appropriately confident during interaction, socially adept
N/A – Unable to comment based on experience with applicant
Description 1 – Unable to understand a point of view different from his/her local culture; seemingly limited to one viewpoint or culture
Description 2 – Recognizes varying perspectives but has limited or minimal exposure to, or knowledge of other cultures; however, is able to understand issues in the context of his/her own national culture
Description 3 – Identifies the nuance and values the differences between cultures; has a view of the world that is shaped by experiences outside his /her own national culture
Description 4 – Seeks to understand and participate in other cultures; has significantly engaged another culture first hand
N/A – Unable to comment based on experience with applicant
Description 1 – Minimal business knowledge; experience has been in a non-business related field
Description 2 – Limited business knowledge; may observe others’ involvement but has only had limited, indirect involvement in business
Description 3 – Broad business knowledge or has transferrable skills that relate to a business- related position
Description 4 – Work has included in-depth business experiences in which he/she had first-hand involvement
N/A – Unable to comment based on experience with applicant
Description 1 – Does not demonstrate the ability to work effectively on a team
Description 2 – Demonstrates the ability to work only somewhat effectively on a team
Description 3 – Engages in effective teamwork and collaboration; however, focuses on his/her own accomplishment rather than that of the group
Description 4 – Embraces and creates opportunities for collaboration; leverages team strengths; focuses on the accomplishment of the group over that of the individual
N/A – Unable to comment based on experience with applicant
Description 1 – Shows minimal interest in learning both in their personal/professional life
Description 2 – Demonstrates some interest in personal/ professional intellectual pursuits, but it does not appear to be a priority
Description 3 – Has a desire to invest time and energy in personal/professional learning; demonstrates a willingness to engage in learning but may not take initiative to do so
Description 4 – Seeks opportunities and actively engages in learning; pursues learning to enhance personal/professional life
N/A – Unable to comment based on experience with applicant
Description 1 – No demonstrated leadership skills; no evidence of initiative
Description 2 – Expresses desire for leadership role; has limited or minimal leadership experience
Description 3 – Moderate experience in influencing and motivating others; limited opportunity to develop skill set
Description 4 – Has had notable leadership experiences; demonstrates keen ability to influence and motivate others toward a common goal; has significant experience in a leadership role
N/A – Unable to comment based on experience with applicant

Finally, recommenders are invited to upload any additional comments they would like to share with the admissions committee, and are asked to summarize the strength of their recommendation for the applicant’s admission to the MBA program.
If you would like to provide additional comments please use the ‘upload document’ button below to upload your response.
Extent of Recommendation:
I strongly recommend this applicant to the Georgetown MBA Program.
I recommend this applicant to the Georgetown MBA Program.
I recommend (with reservations) this applicant to the Georgetown MBA Program.
I do not recommend this applicant to the Georgetown MBA Program.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


UNC MBA Recommendation Questions 2015-2016       

Following the recommender’s contact information, the UNC MBA adcom asks recommenders to provide an Evaluation of the Applicant via a series of brief responses. Applicants should note that character limits include spaces.
How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? (150 characters)
Describe the applicant’s potential for becoming a responsible and successful manager. (200 characters)
What are the applicant’s major strengths? (200 characters)
What are the applicant’s most noticeable areas for improvement or growth? (200 characters)
Please use the space below to elaborate on the applicant’s qualifications? (200 characters)

Recommenders are then asked to rate the applicant on a series of professional and interpersonal characteristics. Click on the image to the right to view the UNC MBA recommendation grid. This grid also includes a drop down menu asking recommenders to indicate the strength of their recommendation (options: Strongly Recommend, Recommend, Recommend with some reservations, Do not recommend).

Recommenders are also asked to provide context for their ratings, and are invited to explain any reservations they might have about the applicant:
For each attribute listed in the chart below, please select the ranking that best describes how this applicant compares with others you have known during your professional career. Indicate the reference group with whom you are comparing this candidate (e.g., other MBA candidates, other students, other employees). (200 characters)
My reservations are: (if applicable) (200 characters)

Finally, recommenders are invited to upload an optional letter of recommendation to supplement their text-field entries.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


UT Austin (McCombs) Recommendation Questions 2015-2016

The recommendation form begins with the recommender’s contact information and a question about alumni status.
Are you a McCombs School of Business Alumnus? (yes or no)

The McCombs adcom then offers some guidance regarding the content of the recommendation they are seeking, and asks a few contextual questions before asking recommenders to upload their documents.

The Admissions Committee values an independent view of our applicants and is looking for insights from an individual who has superior knowledge of the applicant as a professional. The recommender should speak to the applicant’s work qualities and career potential. The most useful recommendations provide detailed descriptions and specific evidence that highlight the candidate’s professional behavior. This kind of information helps distinguish the very best individuals from a pool of many well-qualified candidates. Please write your recommendation in a separate document and upload below. Please only upload a PDF file:
What is your relationship with the applicant? (drop down menu)
What was your position at the time you worked with the applicant? (text field)
What was your organization at the time you worked with the applicant? (text field)

Finally, recommenders are invited to share any additional comments they would like with the admissions committee:
- Please provide any additional comments about the applicant’s performance, potential, fit with the program, or personal qualities you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee. (200 words)
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


CMU Tepper Recommendation Questions 2015-2016

The Tepper MBA recommendation is a relatively brief one. Following an inquiry about the recommender’s contact information and whether he or she is a CMU alum, the admissions committee poses a contextual question and asks recommenders to summarize the strength of their recommendations:
-How long have you known the candidate?

Overall Recommendation
Picklist options: “I enthusiastically recommend this candidate to the Tepper School,” “I recommend this candidate to the Tepper School,” “With some reservation, I recommend this candidate to the Tepper School,” and “I do not recommend this candidate to the Tepper School.”

Applicants are then asked to comment in more detail on the applicant’s areas for growth, current strengths, and whether the recommender would choose to work with the applicant in the future. Recommenders are asked to limit their comments on each of these topics to 300 words.
- If you were to coach this candidate with respect to how s/he works within a team, what would you advise that s/he does well? What would you advise the candidate to do differently? Provide specific examples that support your advice. (300 word maximum)
- If you were to coach this candidate on his/her professional development, in what areas would you suggest s/he focus? What areas are strengths on which s/he can build? Provide specific examples that support your advice. (300 word maximum)
- If you had the opportunity to work with this candidate in the future, would you? Why or why not? (300 word maximum)
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Cornell MBA Recommendation Questions 2015-2016
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Yale MBA Recommendation Questions 2015-2016

Recommenders are asked to provide their contact information, and then to rate the applicant on a series of abilities related to management, communication, and interpersonal skills. The adcom asks recommenders to rate applicant on a five-point scale, with a written description for each response on each item. Click on the image to the right to view the Yale MBA recommendation grid.
Recommenders are then asked to rate the applicant with respect to his or her peer group, and to summarize the strength of their overall recommendation.

Based on your professional experience, how do you rate the applicant compared to her/his peer group?
– The best encountered in my career
– Outstanding (top 5%)
– Excellent (top 10%)
– Very good (well above average)
– Average
– Below average

Overall Recommendation
– Recommend enthusiastically
– Recommend
– Recommend with reservations
– Do not recommend

Finally, recommenders are asked to upload a Word of PDF document that offers a candid assessment of the applicant’s leadership potential, providing specific examples to back up their claims. The adcom poses a series of questions that recommenders are asked to address in the course of their comments. 

Recommenders are asked to limit their comments to “one to two pages.”
1. Please comment briefly on the context of your interaction with the applicant. If applicable, describe the applicant’s role in your organization.
2. How does the candidate’s performance compare to that of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples.
3. Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response.
4. Are you in a position to know whether the applicant is sponsored for the MBA by his or her current employer? If so, please comment.

5. (optional) Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


UCLA Anderson Recommendation Questions 2015-2016

Following contact information and a bit of background on the recommender, the admissions committee requests that the recommender rate the applicant in a number of areas related to communication, interpersonal, and management abilities. The categories and response options are as follows:
Results Orientation
1 – Fulfills assigned tasks
2 – Overcomes obstacles to achieve goals
3 – Exceeds goals and raises effectiveness of organization
4 – Introduces incremental improvements to enhance business performance using robust analysis
5 – Invents and delivers best-in-class standards and performance
6 – No Basis
Strategic Orientation
1 – Understands immediate issues of work or analysis
2 – Identifies opportunities for improvement within area of responsibility
3 – Develops insights or recommendations that have improved business performance
4 – Develops insights or recommendations that have shaped team or department strategy
5 – Implements a successful strategy that challenges other parts of the company or other players in the industry
6 – No Basis
Team Leadership
1 – Avoids leadership responsibilities; does not provide direction to team
2 – Assigns tasks to team members
3 – Solicits ideas and perspectives from the team; holds members accountable
4 – Actively engages the team to develop plans and resolve issues through collaboration; shows how work fits in with what others are doing
5 – Recruits others into duties or roles based on insight into individual abilities; rewards those who exceed expectations
6 – No Basis
Influence and Collaboration
1 – Accepts input from others
2 – Engages others in problem solving
3 – Generates support from others for ideas and initiatives
4 – Brings others together across boundaries to achieve results and share best practices
5 – Builds enduring partnerships within and outside of organization to improve effectiveness, even at short-term personal cost
6 – No Basis
1 – Sometimes rambles or is occasionally unfocused
2 – Is generally to the point and organized
3 – Presents views clearly and in a well-structured manner
4 – Presents views clearly and demonstrates understanding of the response of others
5 – Presents views clearly; solicits opinions and concerns; discusses them openly
6 – No Basis
Information Seeking
1 – Asks direct questions about problem at hand to those individuals immediately available
2 – Personally investigates problems by going directly to sources of information
3 – Asks a series of probing questions to get at the root of a situation or a problem
4 – Does research by making a systematic effort over a limited period of time to obtain needed data or feedback
5 – Involves others who would not normally be involved including experts or outside organizations; may get them to seek out information
6 – No Basis
Developing Others
1 – Focuses primarily on own abilities
2 – Points out mistakes to support the development of others
3 – Gives specific positive and negative behavioral feedback to support the development of others
4 – Gives specific positive and negative behavioral feedback and provides unfailing support
5 – Inspires and motivates others to develop by providing feedback and identifying new growth opportunities as well as supporting their efforts to change
6 – No Basis
Change Leadership
1 – Accepts status quo; does not see the need for change
2 – Challenges status quo and identifies what needs to change
3 – Defines positive direction for change and persuades others to support it
4 – Promotes change and mobilizes individuals to change behavior
5 – Builds coalition of supporters and coordinates change across multiple individuals; may create champions who will mobilize others to change
6 – No Basis
Respect for Others
1 – Is sometimes self-absorbed or overly self-interested
2 – Generally treats others with respect; usually shares praise and credit
3 – Is humble and respectful to all
4 – Is respectful to all and generous with praise; ensures other opinions are heard
5 – Uses understanding of others and self to resolve conflicts and foster mutual respect
6 – No Basis
1 – Shows occasional lapses in trustworthy behavior
2 – Generally acts consistently with stated intentions
3 – Acts consistently with stated intentions even in difficult circumstances
4 – Is reliable and authentic even at some personal cost; acts as a role model for the values of the organization
5 – Is reliable and authentic even at some personal cost; works to ensure all members of the organization operate with integrity
6 – No Basis
This section closes with questions asking the recommender to compare the applicant to other professionals with similar qualifications, and to summarize the strength of their recommendation.
Based on your professional experience, how do you rate this candidate compared to his/her peer group?
1 – Below average
2 – Average
3 – Very good (well above average)
4 – Excellent (top 10%)
5 – Outstanding (top 5%)
6 – The best encountered in my career
1 – I do not recommend
2 – I recommend with reservations
3 – I recommend this candidate to UCLA Anderson

Recommenders are then asked to provide a recommendation addressing three required questions in 1000 characters each, including spaces:
- How do the candidate’s performance, potential, or personal qualities compare to those of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples. (1,000 characters)
- Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response. (1,000 characters)
- In UCLA Anderson’s school culture we share success, drive change and think fearlessly. Please give examples where the applicant exhibited any or all of these. (1,000 characters)

Finally, recommenders are invited to upload a document if they have additional comments that fall outside of the scope of the three questions above.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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