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(B) Protest against the corrupt and partisan nature of political parties in the United States subsided during Jackson's presidency.


哪里有什么protest against the corrupt,从头至尾文中都没有这些信息.

而且文中讲的是JACKSON在任时,商业化达到顶峰,那应该是protest更多才对啊, 怎么会subside了呢????


这个32题我也是一头雾水, 不过问题和楼上的不一样, 到是可以讲一下!

A倒是weaken了, 既然是jackson的supporter,那就应该和jackson理念一样,人家jackson倾向于商业化,这些supporters却resist,显然是weaken了.




Question #32.  

Which of the following, if true, provides the LEAST support for the author's argument about commerce and political parties during Jackson's presidency?

(A) Many supporters of Jackson resisted the commercialization that could result from participation in a national economy.

(B) Protest against the corrupt and partisan nature of political parties in the United States subsided during Jackson's presidency.

(C) During Jackson's presidency the use of money became more common than bartering of goods and services.

(D) More northerners than southerners supported Jackson because southerners were opposed to the development of a commercial economy.

(E) Andrew Jackson did not feel as strongly committed to the classical ideals of leadership as George Washington had felt.

請問一下如何知道(A)weaken?? 本篇沒提到national economy呀?

               如何知道(C)support?? 本篇沒提到以物易物呀?

請問一下如何知道(A)weaken?? 本篇沒提到national economy呀?

               如何知道(C)support?? 本篇沒提到以物易物呀?



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