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第一段perennial plant的野生的作物和Annual的作物对比,和普通我们种植的作物的区别,他的优点有神马,包括不需要施肥,不会遭虫子。什么防止水土流失,给野生动物提供食物。
第三段,第四段就是我们要把P Domesticated!可以杂交,也可以培育P,而P的缺点是产种率低,低的原因是植物把大部分的营养资源都用来抵抗旱灾,抵抗虫子了,我们如果能够对P进行一些修改(这个地方会考一个题目,问要把P的哪个能力给河蟹掉,要河蟹的就是抵抗旱灾的能力,因为家养后会有人工灌溉,不需要植物本身再耗费资源去抵抗旱灾了),这样就可以取长补短。这样P以后前途无量啊。(主旨题一个)


1、        主旨题:对比两种作物的不同特点,但徘徊于“解释野生作物为什么没有被广为种植”

2、        Perennial没有被祖先选育为家养农作物的原因?生长周期短,野外多,易获得

3、        杂交改良中,要改良Perennial什么不足? 产率低,把能量都拿去抗旱抗虫不产果

4、        杂交是为了获得P的什么特性?不需要施肥,不会遭虫子。什么防止水土流失,给野生动物提供食物

5、        科学家要改善wild的什么,选项有resist drought ,survival什么和抗害虫,还一个什么fertilize? 我觉得对应的是root system的那里,root system为了怎样营养都给根了分到上面的很少

6、        要把P的哪个能力给河蟹掉,要河蟹的就是抵抗旱灾的能力,因为家养后会有人工灌溉,不需要植物本身再耗费资源去抵抗旱灾了


第二段:在活水里可能是因为物种繁殖的速度(development的时间)决定了这个物种是否能存活,如果还没development完水就dry up了,就不能存活。繁殖速度足够快,才能在活水里存活下来。如果这是唯一的原因的话,死水里的种群多样性应该高于活水。科学家们又发现,一些死水里的种群还不如活水多
第三段科学家就研究了predator 和 competition of resources的关系,这可能是因为死水里捕食者predator多,使得死水里生物种类少。而活水里捕食者少,各种群之间主要为了争夺有限的资源而发生矛盾,限制了他们的数量(有题)

ephemeral物种少,predator少,所以survival主要依靠resource competition
permanent物种多,large predator多,所以survival就靠avoid predator的捕食

问到如果E塘里的生物到P塘,最可能发生什么结果? 我选 生存不下去,大量减少


第三段:一种方法,将bacteria先放到clay中预处理(有题),再放到concrete中,这样bacteria的寿命就能延长到even a year(有题)

1、        类比题:对concrete预处理的方法类似的是?把细菌放在clay里面类似于什么。我选了第一个类似把药放进胶囊加长药的释放时间。

2、        主旨,选describe ..... explanation of ....

3、        Concrete在渗水时候的物理特点?热胀冷缩?expand with heat and contract with cold

4、        逻辑题:第三段weaken预处理方法(细菌放入clay这个方法)的可行性?

5、        有题,问水泥和natural rock有什么地方相似:如果有小的crack,受热胀冷缩后,crack会变大;冬天crack接触水之后容易冻住,不好修复。 关键词“crack”


词汇:pollination授粉  mimicry  模仿  entice  诱使 怂恿
Pollination study comes up with new insights
Dipannita Das, TNN, Nov 5, 2010, 01.43am IST
      PUNE: Did you know that inflorescence 花can deceive欺骗 its pollinators (beetles and bees) by mimicking an egg-laying site through a nauseating gaseous stench. With this deception, the plants achieve pollination授粉 without actually providing any reward to the insects.有种花序,他通过排放一种很臭的气味来模仿产卵来欺骗给它授粉的蜜蜂之类的东东。这样它不需要任何reward就能得到授粉。(貌似感觉是这个蜜蜂闻到这个味儿会咋个起样)
      This observation was made in Amorphophallus species(tuberous herbaceous plants), commonly known as corpse flower食人花 or elephant foot yam belonging to the Arum family in the northern parts of the Western Ghats and Konkan region, by scientists Sachin A Punekar and K P N Kumaranof the Agharkar Research Institute here. This work is a kind of first from the Indian subcontinent addressing the pollen morphology and pollination ecology of these species.然后说这个是科学家A和KPN发现的,给了些和它们类似的或者起源的东东。然后说这种行为最初来自印度次大陆那些种类(我想起生活大爆炸了raj)...的授花形态学和授粉生态的啥哦
      Another aspect found in a large number of these species is the process of heating. The spadix (a type of inflorescence) produces 30-45 degree Celsius heat during at least the first night, when flowers become susceptible and pollinators are attracted to it.关于这个种类的另外一个方面的发现是加热的过程。一个东东在花能被授粉者吸引的时候,至少会产生30到45 的高温在头天晚上。
     The research paper was published this year in Elsevier research journal Flora Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants and has been recently cited under the top 25 hottest articles under the environmental science theme.The present study, using scanning electron microscope, delves adequately on this topic. It can be utilised as an important tool to distinguish taxa (group of organism) and also to resolve taxonomic problems, Punekar said.介绍了一篇描述这种现象的文章的地位,和他所采用的方法。  和这个方法能有怎样的效果。
      The inflorescence form的形态 and shape形状 plays a significant role in attracting insects. Amorphophallus have a very strong and obnoxious odour臭味. The odour of each species has a characteristic chemical composition, Punekar said. In many species, the odour is a nauseating gaseous stench. This odour attracts pollinator insects that breed or feed on dung粪, decaying matter or fungi. 授粉动物会被恶臭吸引,因为他们都是“吃屎长大的”,囧-。这段就在解释为啥子那个花序能用发出恶臭来欺骗蜜蜂了。-This also results in pollinators meeting their sexual partners and completing their reproductive cycle, he said.导致了他们怎样找性伴侣和繁衍后代。
      The study observes five phases of insect trapping in Amorphophallus species, which facilitate pollination.研究了5个阶段的昆虫,其行为促进了授粉
      The initial phase of attracting beetles from a distance is possibly based on a visual trap诱惑 resulting from the inflorescence size and form and the frequency of the plant in a particular area. 第一种是通过距离来让蜜蜂去找。基于那个花序的大小形状和在某个区域那个植物出现的频率In the second phase, beetles get attracted from a distance by the odour trap, where the appendix emits a stench. 第二个,蜜蜂受到了appendix发出的恶臭的吸引。In the third phase, most of the insects fall to the bottom of the spathe via a slippery trap provided by the wet appendix.大多数的蜜蜂通过很滑的通道跑到一种植物的底部
      During the fourth phase of pollination, the insects, attracted by a food trap, crawl over the pistillate雌蕊的 zone and staminate zone. Here, the visual attraction act as baits.收到事物的吸引,爬过有雌蕊的地方。   此时,它的视觉收到诱饵的吸引
In the last phase, the trapped insects get shelter from light inside the kettle and meet sexual partners, achieving copulation and sometimes lay their eggs. 被诱捕的蜜蜂在kettle里受到了光的庇护然后遇到了性伴侣,繁衍下蛋。

最后一段是说也有一些其他植物也这样,共同特点有odor, color, shape, texture之类的。


1、        主文章从哪些角度写那种特殊植物的?应该选color和texture,注意第二段(确定)

2、        很多人认为Unbelievable  这个assumption基于什么? 很多植物可以通过吸引小虫子 授粉

3、        最后一段中作者提到了这种植物的那些特性:odor and humidity 不确定
odor and shape
4、关于这个植物的某个器官,哪项叙述是正确的。那个器官好像是柱头吧 stigma




第二段:其他一些地方也有类似的现象。人们就觉得是鸟能感知到地震最初造成的轻微动,试图解释为什么海上一点点变化鸟也会察觉到,唯一能解释原因是bird detected 其他的变化从一个小的变化中 (这里有细节题)
第四段:然后别的地方也都有这样的跟鸟有关的现象。举了其他地震的例子, 说中国地震前也发现有duck 的反常, 什么什么地方也发现鸟往一个洞还是什么里面飞, (这里有题)


1、        主旨题。a argument of ……over a phenomena

2、        第一个奇怪:为啥居民觉得好天气鸟乱飞?  因为通常坏天气才会往内陆飞

3、        第二个奇怪:为啥地震了还往内陆飞,找死啊? 地震了它们应该往海岸/海里飞

4、        文章中举到这些例子的共性是什么?我选的是都和birds有关

5、        针对第一段的, 说那个most-weather person 在地震发生之间的对seabird有什么样的理解, 我选的是 "只有当稳定的季节结束的时候它们才会往内陆飞"

6、        针对第二段的, 推测, 如果seabird只detect 一个小变化而没有其他的异常, 它们会怎么样? 我选的是"它还是会往海上飞", 其他的选项还有"他们能signal storm", 但我根据第二段的解释, 觉得seabird只detect到一个变化的话不会有异常反应
7、        针对最后一段的, 问文中举的例子都提到了,  选项有 wildlife animal, 还有 bird, 我选bird, 因为中国的duck不算野生动物吧?
8、        问说这些古人的wisdom认为这群鸟类群体飞走后聚在一块通常代表什么,          我选代表天气要变坏了还是什么stable weather要结束了之类的
9、        按照那些“对天气很了解的人”一直以来的认识,应该怎样:“typically, seabird如果往内陆飞,多是天气要发生变化”(很确定)


第一段:用玻璃造房子,普通conventional玻璃易碎不行,于是给玻璃穿protective coat,但这样变得不透明了使玻璃房失去意义,也不行。
第二段:然后用钢化玻璃(tempered glass),它碎成均匀的小颗粒不会伤害人(有题),但还是不行。
第四段:一些建筑师想生产uncommon glass解决上面的问题,一拨人用其他材料添加进玻璃的制作工艺,做出来的玻璃和传统的二氧化硅的玻璃比有什么什么特点。另外一拨人则用Adhesive来粘,但悲剧的是粘贴玻璃Reliability没有经过时间的验证。


1、        关于传统玻璃conventional grass的问题?易碎,楼主选温度变化的时候,它体积会变化

2、        第三段和第三段之间有什么关系? 2段是提出一个情况/问题,由第3段来解决

3、        类比题:下面哪种方法和夹心玻璃lamination工艺最接近?pearl掉了一颗,其他的珍珠还留着好地

4、        Lamination被高亮:安装需要打孔。

5、        主旨题:设计者在改进玻璃的过程中遇到多种困难

6、        词汇题:integrity(完整,完全)的同义?选项有:completeness, conformity, high quality, soundness, complexity

7、        变体:文中高亮的Integrity一词意思最不相似的哪个?Complexity

8、        钢化玻璃(tempering glass)的特点? 碎成小颗粒,不伤人。

9、        哪种玻璃对于设计者来讲最理想?楼主选了not tempered but as strong as tempered glass.  不确定

10、        以下哪种不是使玻璃变硬的方法:让玻璃外部温度降温比内部快


Two opposing scenarios情节,        两种解释鸟飞的假设:树栖和疾走。
the “arboreal”树栖的 hypothesis and
the “cursorial”行走的 hypothesis, have
Line traditionally been put forward con-
(5)  cerning the origins of bird flight.
The “arboreal” hypothesis holds      树栖论说鸟祖先爬上树滑行下来,随
that bird ancestors began to fly       着羽毛越来越大,最终飞了起来。
by climbing frees and gliding
down from branches with the
(10) help of incipient feathers: the
height of trees provides a good
starting place for launching flight,
especially through gliding. As
feathers became larger over time,
(15) flapping拍打 flight evolved进化了 and birds
finally became fully air-borne.
This hypothesis makes intuitive       树栖论的问题:始祖鸟和M恐龙没有
Sense, but certain aspects are         明显的栖树适应性,如合适的脚。
Troubling. Archaeopteryx (the
(20) earliest known bird) and its
Maniraptoran dinosaur cousins
have no obviously arboreal
adaptations, such as feet fully
adapted for perching栖息. Perhaps        没分析显示始祖鸟曾用前肢爬树和飞,
(25) some of them could climb trees,
but no convincing analysis has
demonstrated how Archaeopteryx
would have both climbed and
flown with its forelimbs前肢, and there
(30) were no plants taller than a few       始祖鸟化石发现的地方也没有发现高
meters in the environments where      树。
Archaeopteryx fossils have been
found. Even if the animals could       即使它会爬树也不表明会滑翔。
climb trees, this ability is not
(35) synonymous with gliding ability.
(Many small animals, and even
some goats and kangaroos,
are capable of climbing trees
but are not gliders.) Besides,
(40) Archaeopteryx shows no obvi-
ous features of gliders, such as        它没明显的滑翔特征。
a broad membrane connecting
forelimbs and hind limbs.
   The “cursorial”(running)
(45) hypothesis holds that small           疾走论认为鸟为了躲避猎食者,奔跑
dinosaurs ran along the ground        并张开双臂平行
and stretched out their arms for
balance as they leaped into the
air after insect prey or, perhaps,
(50) to avoid predators. Even rudi-         前肢的原始特征能帮助身体稍微升高
mentary feathers on forelimbs
could have expanded the arm’s
surface area to enhance lift
slightly. Larger feathers could         然后鸟慢慢就飞起来了。
(55) have increased lift incrementally递增的,
until sustained flight was gradu-
ally achieved. Of course, a leap跳跃
into the air does not provide the
acceleration produced by drop-
(60) ping out of a tree; an animal
would have to run quite fast
to take off. Still, some small
terrestrial animals can achieve
high speeds. The cursorial
(65) hypothesis is strengthened by
the fact that the immediate the-         兽脚亚目恐龙祖先拥有各种疾走的
ropod dinosaur ancestors of            特点。
birds were terrestrial, and they
had the traits needed for high
(70) lift off speeds: they were small,
Agile敏捷的, lightly built, long-legged,         另外,
and good runners. And because         它们用两足走,双臂有空用来拍打。
they were bipedal, their arms
were free to evolve flapping flight,
(75) which cannot be said for other
reptiles of their time.

Q 3:
The primary purpose of the passage is to

A.        present counterevidence 反证to two hypotheses concerning the origins of  bird flight
B.        propose and alternative to two hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight correct certain misconceptions about hypotheses concerning the  origins of bird flight
C.        (missing) correct certain misconceptions about hypotheses concerning the  origins of bird flight
D.        refute a challenge to a hypothesis concerning the origins of bird flight
E.        evaluate competing hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight

Q 4:
The passage presents which of the following facts as evidence that tends to undermine the arboreal hypothesis?

A.        Feathers tend to become larger over time
B.        Flapping flight is thought to have evolved gradually over time
C.        Many small animals are capable of climbing trees.
D.        Plants in Archaeopteryx’s known habitats were relatively small
E.        Leaping into the air does not provide as much acceleration as gliding out of a tree

Q 5:
Which of the following is included in the discussion of the cursorial hypothesis but not in the discussion of the arboreal hypothesis?

A.        A discussion of some of the features of Archaeopteryx
B.        A description of the environment known to have been inhabited by bird ancestors
C.        A possible reason why bird ancestors might have been engaging in activities that eventually evolved into flight
D.        A description of the obvious features of animals with gliding ability
E.        An estimate of the amount of time it took for bird ancestors to evolve the kind of flapping flight that allowed them to become completely airborne

Q 6:
The passage suggests which of the following regarding the climbing ability of Archaeopteryx?

A.        Its ability to climb trees was likely hindered by the presence of incipient feathers on its forelimbs.
B.        It was probably better at climbing trees than were its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins.
C.        It had certain physical adaptations that suggest it was skilled at climbing trees.
D.        Scientists have recently discovered fossil evidence suggesting it could not climb trees.
E.        Scientists are uncertain whether it was capable of climbing trees


Companies that must determine well        好卖的产品产量太少,难卖的产品
    in advance of the selling season how       产量又太大。
    many unites of a new product to manu
Line facture often underproduce products
(5)  that sell well and have overstocks of
    others. The increased incidence in           这种供求矛盾似乎很讽刺,因为
    recent years of mismatches between         消费者购买模式的数据趋于精确,
    production and demand seems ironic,        弹性生产又允许小量商品的生产。
    since point-of-sale scanners have
(10) improved data on consumers’ buying
    patterns and since flexible manufacturing
    has enabled companies to
    produce, cost-effectively, small
    quantities of goods. This type of             弹性生产导致美国每年新产品
(15) manufacturing has greatly increased         大量增加。但是频繁引入新产品
    the number of new products introduced        有两个消极的副作用。
    annually in the United States. However,
    frequent introductions of new products
    have two problematic side effects. For         一方面产品平均寿命缩短;它
(20) one, they reduce the average lifetime of        们既不处于初期(难以预计),
    products; more of them are neither at the       也不处于末期(库存昂贵)。
    beginning of their life (when prediction
    is difficult) or at the end of their life
    (when keeping inventory is expen-
(25) sive because the products will soon
    become obsolete). For another, as              另一方面,随着新产品泛滥,
    new products proliferate, demand is            需求在增加的库存单位内分配
    divided among a growing number of
    stock-keeping units (SKU’s). Even             虽然厂商和零售商有些把握预
(30) though manufacturers and retailers can          计准确的累积总需求,但他们
    forecast aggregate demand with some          难以准确预计这些需求在众多
    certainty, forecasting accurately how            库存单位内如何分配。
    that demand will be distributed among
    the many SKU’s they sell is difficult.
(35) For example, a company may be able           例如,一家公司可能可以准确
    to estimate accurately the aggregate             估计鞋子总售量,但它不确定
    number of shoes it will sell, but it may          哪种鞋子会卖更多,哪种鞋子
    be uncertain about which specific               会卖更少。
    types of shoes will sell more than
    other types.
Which of the following most accurately describes the function of the last sentence in the passage (lines 35-40)?
A. To cite a situation in which the aggregate demand is more important than the distribution of demand among SKU’s
B. To refute an assertion about the side effects of flexible manufacturing
C. To illustrate an assertion about companies’ ability to forecast demand
D. To provide an example of ways in which companies address the difficulties of forecasting demand
E. To note an exception to the author’s assertion about distributing demand am-ong SKU’s
The passage suggests which of the following about divided demand among a growing number of SKU’s?
A. It has increased the average lifetime of products.
B. It has resulted from retailer’s attempts to predict demand more accurately and avoid both understocks and overstocks.
C. It has decreased the use of flexible manufacturing by companies.
D. It has not increased the expense of keeping inventory of certain products.
E. It has not prevented companies from predicting aggregate demand with some certainty.
According to the passage, which of the following has led to growth in the number of new products introduced in the United States each year?
A.        Reduced average lifetime of products
B.        Increased ability to forecast aggregate demand
C.        More cost-effective ways of keeping inventory for products
D.        Cost-effective production of small quantities of goods
E.        Increased ability to divide demand among a number of SKU’s and to forecast how that demand will be distributed among those SKU’s



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