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Teaching methods:
Case Study: 30 %
Distance Learning: 0 %
Experiential Learning: 10 %
Lectures: 30 %
Simulations: 5 %
Team Projects: 25 %

Faculty also teaching in full-time program: 100 %
Tenured/tenure-track EMBA faculty: 100 %
Average class size, core EMBA class: 57
Average class size, EMBA electives: 29
Elective courses: 33
Estimated hours per week in class and outside classwork:
Hours per week in class: 9
Hours per week outside of class spent on classwork: 25

Last revision of core EMBA curriculum: 2007
Distance-learning EMBA via the Internet, videoconferencing, or some other medium? No
Description: Social Enterprise
Graduation Requirements:

Students must have attended a minimum number of classes
Students must have earned a pre-determined GPA/Letter grade average
Class participation accounts for some percentage of students' grades
please describe on next screen
Must complete a global course requirement.
Technology improvements in the last three academic years: Upgrades to study group rooms/classrooms;all public computing devices upgraded;video wall installed; Miami campus expanded.Laptop loaner pool expanded.MS Collaboration Suite upgraded.Enterprise applications enhanced.Social networking presence grown;integrated online student club environment launched;student-wide wiki launched.Video conferencing and video capture upgraded.CMS installed and website redesigned/rearchitected.
Amount spent: $19,000,000.00



Does the program include a mandatory international trip or project? No
Description: While our students are not required to participate in an out-of-country program, 74% of them participated in our global offerings (through global electives with our partner schools and our Global Initiatives in Management program) in the past year.
Does the school offer pre-program orientation for all EMBA participants? Yes
Does the school offer temporary housing/accommodations for EMBA participants? Yes
Description: The Kellogg School's James L. Allen Center was designed as a living/learning center and combines classrooms, dining and housing facilities. During class weekends and Live-In weeks, accommodations are provided on-site at the Allen Center.
Do EMBAs have access to a health club or gym? Yes
Special student/home/work/life initiatives: Offer “Full Engagement” seminar to promote emotional/physical well-being. When formulating study groups, take students’ preference for proximity to work/home into account to maximize balance. Host partner weekends/family events.
How far away from a major airport are most EMBA classes held? (miles) 17



Faculty employed by the B-school: 277
Full-time faculty:
Tenured: 102
Non-Tenured: 175
Adjunct/Visiting Faculty:
Tenured: 6
Non-Tenured: 76
Women on Faculty:
Tenured: 18
Non-Tenured: 38
Minority Faculty:
Tenured: 16
Non-Tenured: 35
International Faculty:
Tenured: 33
Non-Tenured: 62
Faculty with PhDs:
Tenured: 102
Non-Tenured: 104



EMBAs receiving financial aid through school: 52 %
Full-tuition scholarships awarded in past 12 months: 0
Does the school offer a guaranteed loan to EMBAs, regardless of nationality? Only to domestic students
Maximum loan amount: $20,500.00


EMBA students in newest entering class who are:
Female: 23 %
International: 29 %
Entering students are from the following regions:
Africa: 2 %
Asia: 1 %
Eastern Europe and Central Asia: 11 %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 8 %
Middle East: 1 %
North America: 74 %
Oceania : 0 %
Western Europe: 4 %
Entering North American citizens are from the following regions:
West: 10 %
Midwest: 47 %
Southwest: 10 %
South: 18 %
Mid-Atlantic: 6 %
Northeast: 6 %
Possessions and territories: 1 %
Canada: 2 %
U.S. students in newest entering class who are:
African American: 7 %
Asian American: 11 %
Hispanic or Latino American: 10 %
Native American: 0 %
White (Non-Hispanic): 36 %
Chose not to report: 17 %
Other: 19 %

Average months of work experience: 168
Middle 80% range work experience in months:
From: 106
To: 250

Average age: 38
Middle 80% age range:
From: 31
To: 44
Work background:
Have advanced degrees: 36 %
Work in the nonprofit sector: 5 %
Work at an organization with 100 or fewer employees: 18 %
Have title of president, CEO, or chairman: 7 %

EMBA students living within 45 miles of campus: 37 %
Middle 80% base salary range:
Low: $101,300.00
High: $286,200.00
Students work in these functional categories:
Consulting: 9 %
Finance/Accounting 12 %
General Management : 15 %
Human Resources: 1 %
Marketing/Sales: 14 %
Management Information Systems : 6 %
Operations/Logistics: 7 %
Other: 36 %
Students work in these industries:
Consumer Products: 0 %
Government: 0 %
Manufacturing: 14 %
Media/Entertainment: 1 %
Non-Profit: 4 %
Petroleum/Energy: 0 %
Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Health Care: 9 %
Real Estate: 1 %
Technology: 12 %
Other: 36 %
Top organizations sending students:
General Electric
John Deere


ADMISSIONS - Getting Into the Institution

Rolling admissions? Yes
GMAT Required? No
If applicants are not required to take the GMAT, how are EMBA applicants' quantitative abilities checked before enrollment? Through a review of academic transcripts and other related documents. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to ask for a GMAT score from any candidate.

Is the TOEFL required for non-English speakers? Yes
Application fee: $150.00
Applicant interviews are: Required
Applicants (admitted and denied) who were interviewed: 100 %
Admitted applicants who were interviewed: 100 %


Graduate business school enrollment:
Total: 2,673
Full-Time MBA: 1,126
Part-Time MBA: 1,020
Executive MBA: 387
PhD Program: 140



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