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Graph theory 图论
Inequality 不等式
Improper fraction 假分数
Infinite decimal 无穷小数
Inverse proportion 反比
Irrational number 无理数
Infinitesimal calculus 微积分
Infinity 无穷大
Infinitesimal 无穷小
Integerable 可积分的
Integral 积分
Integral domain 整域
Integrand 被积函数
Integrating factor 积分因子
Inverse function 反函数
Inverse/reciprocal 倒数
Least common denominator 最小公分母
Least common multiple 最小公倍数
Literal coefficient 字母系数
Like terms 同类项
Linear 线性的
Minuend 被减数
Subtrahend 被减数
Mixed decimal 混合小数
Mixed number 带分数


Coordinate system 坐标系
Decimal 小数
Decimal point 小数点
Decimal fraction 纯小数
Decimal arithmetic 十进制运算
Decimal system/decimal scale 十进制
Denominator 分母
Difference 差
Direct proportion 正比
Divide 除
Divided evenly 被整除
Differential 微分
Distinct 不同的
Dividend 被除数,红利
Division 除法
Division sign 除号
Divisor 因子,除数
Divisible 可被整除的
Equivalent fractions 等值分数
Equivalent equation 等价方程式
Equivalence relation 等价关系
Even integer/number 偶数
Exponent 指数,幂
Equation 方程
Equation of the first degree 一次方程
Endpoint 端点
Estimation 近似
Factor 因子
Factorable quadratic equation 可因式分解的二次方程
Incomplete quadratic equation 不完全二次方程
Factorial 阶乘
Factorization 因式分解
Geometric mean 几何平均数


二.       伯努利概型:

三. 涉及排列组合的:T20,T21(捆绑),T34,T35
四. 其他:T28,T29(注意两个事件是否相互独立的判断),T30(条件概率),T18(条件概率),T50(容易忽略是2种情况)

附件3:   GMAT数学概念和名词(转载)
Algebra & arithmetic terms:

Absolute value 绝对值
Add (addition) 加
Average value 算术平均值
Algebra 代数
Algebraic expression 代数式
Arithmetic mean 算术平均值
Arithmetic progression (sequence)等差数列
Approximate 近似
Abscissa 横坐标
Ordinate 纵坐标
Binomial 二项式
Common factor 公因子
Common multiple 公倍数
Common divisor 公约数
Simple fraction
Common fraction 简分数
Complex fraction 繁分数
Common logarithm 常用对数
Common ratio 公比
Complex number 复数
Complex conjugate 复共轭
Composite number 合数
Prime number 质数
Consecutive number 连续整数
Consecutive even(odd) integer 连续偶(奇)数
Cross multiply 交叉相乘
Coefficient 系数
Complete quadratic equation 完全二次方程
Complementary function 余函数
Constant 常数


(II). 概率:计算相对数
一.       抽样:
(一)不可放回:sampling without replacement
1. 一次性抽取:T12,T17,T19,T22,T23,T24,T46
2. 依次抽取抽取:
2nd: P=9/10 * 1/9
3rc: P=9/10 * 8/9 * 1/8

(4)其他:T16,T17, T25,T26,T31(综合:体现分类抽取与一次性抽取的转换)

(二)可放回:sampling with replacement



附件2: 排列组合与概率问题专题


(I). 排列组合:
1. 有序且不可重复:T5,T10(循环定位法)
2. 有序且可重复:T37

1. 捆绑类:T8,T21
2. 插空:T42
4. 正反1/2型:T4,T43
5. 内部元素相同,外部有序(需要消序):T9
6. 其他:T38(循环赛),T47(结合集合的二维表),T49(握手),T48



三.       其他
138. 14162-!-item-!-187;#058&009822
A certain theater has a total of 884 seats, of which 500 are orchestra seats and the rest are balcony seats. When tickets for all the seats in the theater are sold, the total revenue from ticket sales is $34,600. What was the theater's total revenue from ticket sales for last night's performance?
(1) The price of an orchestra seat ticket is twice the price of a balcony seat ticket.
(2) For last night's performance, tickets for all the balcony seats were sold, but only 80 percent of the tickets for the orchestra seats were sold.

182. 17963-!-item-!-187;#058&011379
In a certain year, the difference between Mary's and Jim's annual salaries was twice the difference between Mary's and Kate's annual salaries.[l25]  If Mary's annual salary was the highest of the 3 people, what was the average (arithmetic mean) annual salary of the 3 people that year?
(1) Jim's annual salary was $30,000 that year.
(2) Kate's annual salary was $40,000 that year.

29.       3873-!-item-!-187;#058&003594
If n denotes a number to the left of 0 on the number line such that the square of n is less than  1/100, then the reciprocal of n must be[l26]

(A) less than -10
(B) between -1 and  
(C) between   and 0
(D) between 0 and  
(E) greater than 10

38.       5275-!-item-!-187;#058&004179
A certain business produced x rakes each month from November through February and shipped 0.5x rakes at the beginning of each month from March through October.[l27]   The business paid no storage costs for the rakes from November through February, but it paid storage costs of $0.10 per rake each month from March through October for the rakes that had not been shipped.  In terms of x, what was the total storage cost, in dollars, that the business paid for the rakes for the 12 months from November through October?

(A) 0.40x
(B) 1.20x
(C) 1.40x
(D) 1.60x
(E) 3.20x

54.       6364-!-item-!-187;#058&004806
P, Q, and R are located in a flat region of a certain state.  Q is x miles due [l28] east of P and y miles due north of R.  Each pair of points is connected by a straight road.  What is the number of hours needed to drive from Q to R and then from R to P at a constant rate of z miles per hour, in terms of x, y, and z ?  (Assume x, y, and z are positive.)

170.     18339-!-item-!-187;#058&011871(定义类)
For any triangle T in the xy-coordinate plane, the center of T is defined to be the point whose x-coordinate is the average (arithmetic mean) of the x-coordinates of the vertices of T and whose y-coordinate is the average of the y-coordinates of the vertices of T.[l29]   If a certain triangle has vertices at the points (0,0) and (6,0) and center at the point (3,2), what are the coordinates of the remaining vertex?

(A) (3,4)
(B) (3,6)
(C) (4,9)
(D) (6,4)
(E) (9,6)

181.     19721-!-item-!-187;#058&012675
The distributor of cases of a certain beverage charges $60 per case for orders of 1 to 5 cases, $50 per case for orders of 6 to 20 cases, and $45 per case for orders of more than 20 cases.  [l30] If the distributor filled three orders, one for 3 cases of the beverage, one for 11 cases of the beverage, and one for 30 cases of the beverage, what was the total amount the distributor charged for the orders?

(A) $1,960
(B) $2,000
(C) $2,040
(D) $2,080
(E) $2,120


二.       绩效工资模型
135.     13701-!-item-!-187;#058&009670
For each of her sales, a saleswoman receives a commission equal to 20 percent of the first $500 of the total amount of the sale, plus 30 percent of the total amount of the sale in excess of $500[l21] .  If the total amount of one of her sales was $800, the saleswoman's commission was approximately what percent of the total amount of the sale?

(A) 22%
(B) 24%
(C) 25%
(D) 27%
(E) 28%

7.         1502-!-item-!-187;#058&001086
A certain telephone company offers two plans, A and B.  Under plan A, the company charges a total of $0.60 for the first 7 minutes of each call and $0.06 per minute thereafter. [l22]  Under plan B, the company charges $0.08 per minute of each call.  What is the duration of a call, in minutes, for which the company charges the same amount under plan A and under plan B ?

(A) 2
(B) 9
(C) 15
(D) 21
(E) 30

62.       7185-!-item-!-187;#058&005078
In a certain furniture store, each week Nancy earns a salary of $240 plus 5 percent of the amount of her total sales that exceeds $800 for the week[l23] .  If Nancy earned a total of $450 one week, what were her total sales that week?

(A) $2,200
(B) $3,450
(C) $4,200
(D) $4,250
(E) $5,000

65.       7385-!-item-!-187;#058&005343
A salesperson received a commission of 3 percent of the sale price for each of the first 100 machines that she sold and 4 percent of the sale price for each machine that she sold after the first 100.[l24]   If the sale price of each machine was $10,000 and the salesperson received a $36,000 commission, how many machines did she sell?

(A)  90
(B)  103
(C)  105
(D)  115
(E)  120


V.         其他应用题
一.       路程问题: 注意单位换算!
178.     18885-!-item-!-187;#058&011972
Adam and Beth each drove from Smallville to Crown City by different routes.  Adam drove an an average speed of 40 miles per hour and completed the trip in 30 minutes.  Beth's route was 5 miles longer, and it took her 20 minutes more than Adam to complete the trip.[l19]   How many miles per hour was Beth's average speed on this trip?

(A) 24
(B) 30
(C) 48
(D) 54
(E) 75

155. 15462-!-item-!-187;#058&010358
Did it take Pei more than 2 hours to walk a distance of 10 miles along a certain trail? (1 mile = 1.6 kilometers, rounded to the nearest tenth[l20] .)
(1) Pei walked this distance at an average rate of less than 6.4 kilometers per hour.
(2) On average, it took Pei more than 9 minutes per kilometer to walk this distance.

163.     17463-!-item-!-187;#058&011464——读懂问题!
The mass of 1 cubic meter of a substance is 800 kilograms under certain conditions.  What is the volume, in cubic centimeters, of 1 gram of this substance under these conditions?  (1 kilogram = 1,000 grams and 1 cubic meter = 1,000,000 cubic centimeters)

(A)  0.80
(B) 1.25
(C) 8.00
(D) 12.50
(E) 80.00


IV.      排列组合、概率
117.     11706-!-item-!-187;#058&007820
A certain office supply store stocks 2 sizes of self-stick notepads, each in 4 colors:  blue, green, yellow, or pink.  The store packs the notepads in packages that contain either 3 notepads of the same size and the same color or 3 notepads of the same size and of 3 different colors. [l16]  If the order in which the colors are packed is not considered, how many different packages of the types described above are possible?

(A)  6
(B)  8
(C)  16
(D)  24
(E)  32

1.         246-!-item-!-187;#058&000117
Tanya prepared 4 different letters to be sent to 4 different addresses.  For each letter, she prepared an envelope with its correct address.  If the 4 letters are to be put into the 4 envelopes at random, what is the probability that only 1 letter will be put into the envelope with its correct address?

25.       3619-!-item-!-187;#058&003382
A fast-food company plans to build 4 new restaurants.  If there are 12 sites that satisfy the company's criteria for location of new restaurants, in how many different ways can the company select the 4 sites needed for the new restaurants if the order of selection does not matter?

(A)  48
(B)  288
(C)  495
(D)  990
(E)  11,880

46.       5979-!-item-!-187;#058&004694
If a coin has an equal probability of landing heads up or tails up each time it is flipped, what is the probability that the coin will land heads up exactly twice in 3 consecutive flips?

(A) 0.125
(B) 0.25
(C) 0.375
(D) 0.50
(E) 0.666

74.       8516-!-item-!-187;#058&006446
There are 15 slate rocks, 20 pumice rocks, and 10 granite rocks randomly distributed in a certain field.  If 2 rocks are to be chosen at random and without replacement[l17] , what is the probability that both rocks will be slate rocks?

89.       9835-!-item-!-187;#058&007168——抛硬币两面概率不等的case!
For one toss of a certain coin, the probability that the outcome is heads is 0.6.  If this coin is tossed 5 times, which of the following is the probability that the outcome will be heads at least 4 times?

(A) (0.6)^5
(B) 2(0.6)^4
(C) 3(0.6)^4(0.4)
(D) 4(0.6)^4(0.4) + (0.6)^5
(E) 5(0.6)^4(0.4) + (0.6)^5

152. 15540-!-item-!-187;#058&010751 20
A certain jar contains only b black marbles, w white marbles, and r red marbles. If one marble is to be chosen at random from the jar, is the probability that the marble chosen will be red greater than the probability that the marble chosen will be white?[l18]


III.     描述统计

110.     11364-!-item-!-187;#058&007646
The residents of Town X participated in a survey to determine the number of hours per week each resident spent watching television.  The distribution of the results of the survey had a mean of 21 hours and a standard deviation of 6 hours.  The number of hours that Pat, a resident of Town X, watched television last week was between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean.  Which of the following could be the number of hours that Pat watched television last week?

(A) 30
(B) 20
(C) 18
(D) 12
(E) 6
这个题的重点理解题意:在the number of hours per week Pat watched TV was between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean.
one standard deviation below the mean = 21-6=15
two standard deviations below the mean = 21-6*2=9



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