Katelyn真是美女一个,语速比较快,思路也很活跃,有些问题会come out in the middle of nowhere… 也是blind interview, 只看resume,但是resume上的东西问得不算多,问了我一些主观的问题,好像很重视人的observation。。。比如东西方人的差异,对他们学校了解以后比较surprise的finding是什么。另外还问了几个关于我career goal 的问题。她说会把面试的report交给committee, 他们来做decision.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.
give her a few minutes to read the resume
why choose that conbination of major and minor
why choose that first job
why change in 1 year
career progression (no details, only title)
about culture conflicts
career plan in the long and short run
why georgettown
what do you learn from webinar
any questions?
anything want to add?
give me her biz card (copy)
总结了一下:表现的不够热情,自己的回答自己都想笑。问我为什么选修新闻,我说新闻在复旦是个很好的专业……脑子搭住了, 因为早上赶飞机,晚上还要赶飞机,大中午的连个咖啡馆都找不着,去了一家韩国烧烤,又去永和大王坐了会儿,一身油烟味,对不起我这身business formal attire,从早上出门就为忘了洒香水郁闷。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.