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21. 修滑雪道
R: 修了很赞的滑雪道,但是占了政府用地,被收回。于是与政府协商
A: 评估

R: 通胀了,工资低了,但税收没少
A: 解释

23. 城市的树
R: 树可吸收地下水并蒸发以降低空气温度,还可吸收CO2,但一城市树少了,气温却没变。
A: 解释:天气热了,树吸收水分并排放蒸汽的能力也加强了

24. 店铺选址
R: 选址的convenient对standard商家重要,如银行,但对非standard的商家不重要。某人想开餐馆,需考虑什么
A: (一些选址好的餐厅是不是会吸引很多初次光临的顾客)不一定准确

R: 教练发现那些吃维他命的人跑的更快,因而认为是维他命的作用
A: 削弱:那些本来就跑的快的人喜欢吃维他命


16 核能发电
R: 发电厂能提供今后的能源,成本不上升,政府也不用再投资
A: 削弱:投资不能cover non-financial 的部分

R: 有种C方法挖金子,但是污染环境,若是要研究或者治理环境的话会导致C的成本上升。现在有新方法O可以省钱
A: 评估 (若考到仔细研究下)

18. 巴士公司
R: 某一巴士公司改路线了,增加了城内的站点,乘车的人也多了,但是收入不会上升
A:解释:1. 城内车费低(fare)2. 人们本来是乘坐该公司的其他班车的

19、GWD原题GWD-8-Q3 (选项改了)
In the late 1980’s, the population of sea otters(水獭) in the North Pacific Ocean began to decline. Of the two plausible explanations for the decline—increased predation by killer whales or disease—disease is the more likely. After all, a concurrent(同时的) sharp decline in the populations of seals(海豹) and sea lions(海狮) was almost certainly caused by a pollution-related disease, which could have spread to sea otters, whereas the population of killer whales did not change noticeably.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the reasoning?
A.        Killer whales in the North Pacific usually prey on seals and sea lions but will, when this food source is scarce, seek out other prey.

20. 电子狗
A: 假设       
   逻辑错误:错把装雷达和预防失事变成casual 关系(狗中题)


11. 犯罪率(GWD原题)
The violent crime rate (number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents) in Meadowbrook is 60 percent higher now than it was four years ago. The corresponding increase for Parkdale is only 10 percent. These figures support the conclusion that residents of Meadowbrook are more likely to become victims of violent crime than are residents of Parkdale.
The argument above is flawed because it fails to take into account
D.        The violent crime rates in Meadowbrook and Parkdale four years ago (没给出犯罪率基数)

R: 秋天比冬天积雪少,但是却更容易打断树枝砸毁车
A: 解释:秋天风大,更容易刮断树枝

13 motorcycle广告
R: 摩托公司在儿童杂志上做青年人使用的摩托车广告,没用、有用、为什么有用

14. 高速公路
R: 人们发现高速公路附近的鹿多了,则认为在远处的森林里有更多。
A: 削弱:为了躲避天敌,食肉动物不敢来路边

15 药厂制药
R: 政府放宽了审查药的政策,但结果却发现之前审批严格的药反而副作用大
A: 解释:副作用在10年后出现


6. 狗粮传奇
R: 宠物狗市场不景气,按理卖家应该降价,但反而涨价


8. GWD
Which of the following most logically completes the editorial below?
Editorial in Golbindian Newspaper:
For almost three months, opposition parties have been mounting daily street demonstrations in the capital in an effort to pressure the ruling party into calling an election. Though the demonstrations were well attended at first, attendance has declined steadily in recent weeks. However, the decline in attendance does not indicate that popular support for the opposition’s demands is dropping, since
C. The state-controlled media have ceased any mention of the demonstrations,leaving many citizens outside the capital with no way of knowing that demonstrations continue.

R: 卡通很流行但不被认为是艺术。卡通和爵士曾经都流行,但爵士profound因而被认为是艺术. 卡通也会被认为是艺术。
A: 加强、填空解释:卡通也profound

10. 开车打手机
A:削弱:(A怎样反驳B) 乘客在看到路面情况不好时会保持安静



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