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109. “All personnel evaluations at a company should be multi-directional — that is, people at every level of the organization should review not only those working ‘under’ them but also those working ‘over’ them.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1,        只有上对下容易产生腐败和上层的官僚主义 bureaucratism
2,        过程会耗时和繁杂
3,         设计一种好的高效的评价体系

110. “The most effective business leaders are those who maintain the highest ethical standards.”
1,        支持者会认为, 高道德会赢得reputation and trust; 第一, 高道德生产高质量的产品以及service,顾客稳定stable share of the market; 第二, 高道德会让员工满意度提高(公平,平等). 从而attract those applicants with high ability and keep the employees loyal to the company---最终导致高的productivity.
例子:Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutic companies in the world, announced that the company would cease production of one of its major products, because of the hazardous ingredients it contained. By doing so, the company suffers great loss on profitability, but gains strong public support and understanding, which can contribute to the long-term success of the company.
2,        但在更多的情况下, 高道德也许不equal to maximal profit. 比如,a, 如果把道德放在第一位的话,企业的executive很可能无法执行裁员活动complete the normal administration, such as raising the price, reducing the superabundant staff…  b, 高道德的话,很可能采用最高标准的环保生产——这样很不是cost-effective.   总之,Following such undue concern about ethics, the company may find it impossible to survive in the radical competitive market, let alone to gain large profit.

View1: the definition of highest standards of ethics vary from person to person and time to time. Therefore, it is impractical to find and then stick to the highest standards of ethics. At some circumstance, violation of ethics may generate immediate efficiency and productivity. Examples: ??
View2: the regulations and laws of authorities are more feasible and suitable standards to follow.
View3: while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of eliminating the ill actions, we can count on the authorities to speed up the process of refining the laws and regulations.
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106. “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”
1,        每个员工都目标明确因此更有效率
2,        缺乏全局观念也可能出现协调上的困难
3,        好的leader好的分配是前提和保证

case by case.
1,        有些庞大的工程big and complex project,需要人们把工作细分,a, 单独的人没有力量完成,会take much more time,团队之间合作更有利于完成整个任务。b, 每个人可以做自己最擅长的工作。each member can choose the part that she or he are good at. 这样就整体上eliminate the total amount of time to complete the whole task.
2,        但很多工作不适合仅仅literally divide拆分。在要求连贯的coherent reasoning. 各个部分之间close related. 所以,第一,需要整个小组的人进行有效的communication,第二,需要对团队整个collective goal的adequate comprehension,第三,保证这两条的必要条件prerequisite to meet the two needs is 团队合理的人数,不能过多,也不能过少。第四,要有一个team leader,负责指挥和协调工作provide effective guide and lead the team to adhere to the collective goal (common purpose).
phrases: fragment work into small units; Distinct divisions of labor; stifle creativity; undermine self-motivation and pride in one’s work; collaboration=cooperation;
Of course, unproductive employees can be replaced. But replacement is costly; and high employee turnover is bad for organizational morale.-----用在对员工缺乏效率时的补充,很有用!!

View1: work division and assignment is an efficient way to get things done. However, merely dividing work among workers can not assure the final accomplishment of the task.
Evidence:   fragmenting work into small units leads to employee alienation, Those responsible for only a detailed component of a project can easily lose sight of larger organizational goals and their own importance in achieving them. then become less committed to their work, and less productive. In addition, the lack of overall conception may lead to adjusting difficulties. Moreover, Compartmentalizing tasks can stifle cooperation.   
View2: However, team work is not to simply add one component to another, but to organically conform all components together.
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105. “All archeological treasures should remain in the country in which they were originally discovered. These works should not be exported, even if museums in other parts of the world are better able to preserve and display them.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1,        对该国的尊重也可以让人更好的理解这些文物因为有相应的文化背景
2,        如果没有能力保护的时候应该另想办法
3,        要有完善的体系支撑上述思想,最终目的是更好的保护文物让全人类受益

View1: generally speaking, original countries is best place to preserve and display their antique treasures.
Evidence: cultural recognition, historical integrity , show respect to the original counties. Examples: It’s a great shame and pity for all Chinese to see our antique treasures, which originally belonged to the palace of Qing dynasty and be robbed during the First World War, displaying in the Great British museum.
View2: However, under some circumstance, it could be better to transport the antiques to other places for better preservation.
Evidence: war, the authority ignore the value of certain antiques or lack the ability to properly preserve it: skills,
But when condition permitting, the treasures should be returned to their mother country.
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100. “If a nation is to ensure its own economic success, it must maintain a highly competitive educational system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries.”
1,        advantage: make students better prepared for the future competition, etc.
2,        disadvantages:very pressure and stressful
3,        a refined educational system is preferred

View1: education play a very important part in determine a nation’s economic success.
Employees, government regulation strategies, corporate management level, technology—competitive power of products  
View2: as the development of open market and global economy, education is also required to face international challenge.
Although sometimes competition might produce desired results such as efficiency and productivity, I still believe that our national economic success will be better promoted by an educational system that encourages cooperative learning among students, and with students from other countries.
being competitive fixes our focus externally, on marking and beating the progress of others with whom we compete. Such external motivation can direct our attention away from creative solutions to our problems, and away from important human values like cooperation and fair play. Indeed, a highly competitive environment can foster cheating and ruthless back-stabbing within an organization, and ill-will and mistrust among nations. In the extreme case, competition between nations becomes war.
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87. “As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”

1,        The government should be responsible for the adjustment of the workers. If all the citizens should be responsible for themselves, there is no use for the government to exist.
2,        The government should also force the business to involve in the project. Because the government itself is incapable of doing so without concrete knowledge of each certain industry. In the long run, doing so will also benefit the business.
3,        Admittedly, the workers should not rely on others to help them to adjust to varying situations. They themselves should adapt their skills and knowledge to the change of the industry and of the society.

job obsolescence  assume some of the responsibility
1,        个人确实应该首先take the chief responsibility of their job obsolescence. 因为对自己的生活负责的人,首先是自己。现在的社会也提供了机会:很多学校提供短期的培训,人们可以参加保持自己keep up with the changes of the technologies and new direction of businesses。第二,只有个人采取主动,才能从根本上解决问题。否则merely rely on the help coming from government or business,人们会变得消极become passive and lose enterprise. 长期以来,对整个社会都有negative impact on the further development of one society.
2,        但是,这不是说企业不应该负责。after all, 是企业作出了创新和改变,并且造成了这些改变——并且造成了job obsolescence。应该为这些负责任。比如,为员工提供opportunity of training for the new technique…,这样也可以节约重新培训totally new employee的cost。
3,        Moreover, 政府也应该采取一些行动。政府作为一个社会的管理者supervisor,有责任保证全社会的well being. 应该帮助个人完成适应adjustment. 可以通过提供一些insurance for unemployment, advice for the occupational choice, necessary information of the new trend of business…

Thesis sentence: While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so
View1: l agree that individuals must assume primary responsibility for adjusting to job obsolescence, especially since our educational system has been preparing us for it
View2: However, industry should bear some of the responsibility as well. It is industry, after all, that determines the particular directions technological progress and subsequent social change will take. Moreover in the long run, doing so will also benefit the business.
View3:         Government should also assume some of the responsibility, since it is partly government money that fuels technological progress in industry. Moreover, government should help because it can help—for example, by ensuring that grants and federally insured student loans are available to those who must retool in order to find new work. Government can also help by observing and recording trends in worker displacement and in job opportunities, and by providing this information to individuals so that they can make prudent decisions about their own further education and job searches.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Issue 81
1.        A conformist can achieve any real success especially lasting success. Real and lasting success needs innovation and hard work. Just to conform does not make any sense. Through imitating others, one can only become an artisan-painter rather than an artist; without any innovation, a scientific worker can never be acknowledged as a scientist.
2.        Likewise, no one can "get rich" in business merely conform to the existing practices.
3.        However, what I mentioned above does not mean that conventions have no value at all. We should not only know the conventions but also have a deep insight of it, thus getting the information of the domain that indicates what kind of innovation can be made and how make.

1,        Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president)
2,        Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday's answers  are inadequate for today's problems ----just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president) 
以上是两个很有用的名言!都是Franklin Roosevelt:As President Franklin Roosevelt said, “…”
1,        的确在很多情况下,merely!!遵循旧的方法,很难保持long-lasting success。在很多consumer-driven industries, 顾客们追求innovative and different products。比如,一个it is ridiculous for a abacus manufactory cannot compete with the calculator factory by producing better abaci. 必须创新,才能keep up with the development of the market.
2,        但是在有一些为了financial achievement的一些business principles. 比方说,a, 追求efficiency, 降低cost是永恒的需要——所以要追求新技术,创造不同的产品;b, 比如保持企业的reputation,吸引充足的consumer. ——制造质量好的产品。c, 企业作为社会的一分子,不能单纯地追求利益最大化,也应该carry some responsibility for the whole community。

Thesis sentence: Whether a conformist can achieve lasting success or "get rich" in business depends primarily on the type of business involved. Iconoclasts rise to the top in newer industries and in those where consumer demand is in constant flux. Conformists ultimately prevail, however, in traditional service industries ensconced in systems and regulations.
View1: In consumer-driven industries, innovation, product differentiation, and creativity are crucial to lasting success
Evidence: retail and media sectors. And in technology, companies that fail to break away from last year's paradigm are soon left behind by the competition.

View2: However, in traditional service industries—such as finance, accounting, insurance, legal services, and health care—lasting success and riches come not to nonconformists but rather to those who can deliver services most effectively within the confines of established practices, policies, and regulations.
Evidence: CitiBank gain high reputation for its insistence in comprehensively considerate services
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Issue 75
Self-interest an fear are two important forces that motivate people. But I can not totally agree with the author's assertion that the above-mentioned two forces are the only forces that motivate people.
1.        Fear and other survival instinctions can motivate people to do some basic and essential activities such as eating, drinking, living with others, and so on so forth.
2.        Self interest is the initiative for people to do some further explortions. That is the motivation for us to study, to hold a certain type of expertise or technology, etc.
3.        However, the author ignore the other aspect of mankind other than the selfish nature--altruism.

1.        不能否认的是,人们做很多行为都出自这两种天性。a, 人们努力工作,为了赚足够的钱养活自己,support the family,人们接受education and training to make sure that he or she can grasp the up to date knowledge and skills for the purpose to avoid being supplanted by others. 因为恐惧。b, 人们遵守社会规范,有时也是为了赢得reputation。
2.        但是,如果说人的一切行为都root in these only two factors, 这就过于one-sided的说法。忽略了other aspects of the natural humanity。比如人性中的很多美德,都表现了人们克服了selfishness and fear取得的成就。a, 科学家为了address the problem of starvation, 花一生的精力去研究the better rice breed. b, anonymous charitarian donate huge amount of money to the school and hospital…people can hardly be persuaded to believe that the anonymous charitarian doing so are only motivated by the intention of gaining reputation.
3.        过于片面。

Optional words:
Motivate/ provoke/ stimulate/ excite/ prompt/ arouse/ encourage/ incite/ inspire
Fear/dread/ alarm/ terror/ scare
Thesis sentence: While self-interest and fear are two important forces that motivate people, they are not the only forces that motivate people. the speaker oversimplifies human nature, ignoring the important motivating force of altruism.
View1: On the one hand, I agree that most of our actions result in large part from self-
interest and from our survival instincts, such as fear.
Evidence: educational and vocational lives are motivated by interest in ensuring our livelihood, safety, health and so on.
View2: On the other hand, the assertion that all of our actions are essentially motivated by self-interest and fear is based on the belief that human beings are essentially selfish, or egoistic. Thus, overemphasize one aspect of human nature. Humans are also altruistic—that is, we act to benefit others, even though doing so may not in be in our own interest.
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68. “Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.”
1.        brings creativity and coziness
2.        makes colleagues more closely and companionate
3.        Admittedly, some companies such as consulting/consultant? company must avoid too much decoration.
However, no matter the employee or the employer, as for the environment is considered, compromise should be made from time to time.

View1:work character have great influence on the design of workplace.
Evidence: consulting company must avoid too much decoration in order to appear professionally and dependably. To some creative work such as AD agency and fashion design, the decorating of workplace is important not only for simulating inspirations but also for showing creative abilities.
View2: also, the designment of workplace should be compromise to company culture.
Evidence: Consider the influence it has done to co-workers and the harmony in work place.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Issue 66
1.        Manufactures are resposible for providing the consumers with safe and reliable products and they are also responsible for supplying clear and detailed instrctions. That is the basic requirement for a qualified manufacture.
2.        To satisfy the need of the consumers for convenient and user-friendly product will benefit the manufacture at the same time. Because during the process in pursue of the consumers' satisfaction the manufactures have to make innovations and a lot of P&D, which will enhance the manufactures and make them competetive in the rival with others.
3.        However, if the manufacture has already done well to provide excellent and safe product plus clear and detailed instructions and it is the consumers' misconduct that should be blamed for the incidence, then the manufacture is not responsible for the injury.

View1: safe is one of the most important features of products
View2: the extremely strict standard of safe liability is costly and unfair to the manufacturers.
Evidence: this standard force manufactures to do excessive safety testing, and defending liability law suits, Consumers are then damaged by ultimately bearing these costs in the form of higher prices.
nothing can be absolutely safe if used inappropriately. while manufacturers have given clear guide on how to keep and use their product, it is still impossible for manufactures to ensure their products being under proper use. More over, a large number of victims are not direct customers but second-hand users, who can not receive all instructions and guidance.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


65. “The rise of multinational corporations is leading to global homogeneity*. Because people everywhere are beginning to want the same products and services, regional differences are rapidly disappearing.”
* homogeneity: sameness, similarity
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above. Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
1.        The so-called cultural innovation does exists. Let's take KFC as an example. Its standard design, decoration and food supplied in every chain all around the world influence people consume its product and service.
2.        However, to say the multinational corporations do no good to promote and improve the unique culture of the nations where their branches are located is very imprudent.
3.        Ideally, the multinational corporations should incorporate the culture of the target country's cultrue with the corporate culture and the culture it belongs to.

1,        首先,前提是错误的。因为各地差异不同,所以全球化的大公司,想在所有地方都提供一样的产品服务是不现实的。empirical evidence: 很多成功的大企业,往往是那些充分认识到不同,从而采用不同的策略的。不能保持完全一致的策略,let alone 更不用说完全一样的产品和服务。比如:KFC等fast food,在中国都针对口味偏好开发了很多新产品。
2,        Moreover, 地区差异不会消失,有更深层次的原因on much deeper level。第一,文化的差异,信仰的不同,很难靠产品和服务改变。比如,即使使用最先进的日本Panasonic产的电视,美国人用来传播transmit democratic principles, while中国人可能用来publicize the thoughts of Mao, or Confucius… 第二,习俗的差异,custom。比如,尽管很多年轻人在中国开始celebrate the Valentine’s Day, 但是在所有中国人心中,最重要的节日仍然是Spring Festival。这是什么样的产品都不能改变的。

Optional words:
Homogeneity/ homogeneous/ homogenize/
Difference/ divergence/ deviation/ variance/ disagreement/ conflict
Thesis sentence:
View1: the development of multinational corporations does enhance global unity by bringing the same methods of business administration as well as products and services throughout the world.
Evidence: western fast food bring by global chain express such us McDonald’sand KFC have change our diet habits a lot
View2: however, the effect of multinational corporations is far from eliminating regional deference. The corporations itself is blend in the regional features.
Evidence: Lay’s, one of the most successful multinational food manufacturers, add some flavor of traditional Asian dishes to its potato chips in order to attract foreign customers.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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