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123. The information in the passage suggests that which
of the following statements from hypothetical
sociological studies of change in industry most clearly
exemplifi es the social constructivists’ version of
technological determinism?
(A) It is the available technology that determines
workers’ skills, rather than workers’ skills
infl uencing the application of technology.
(B) All progress in industrial technology grows out
of a continuing negotiation between
technological possibility and human need.
(C) Some organizational change is caused by
people; some is caused by computer chips.
(D) Most major technological advances in industry
have been generated through research and
(E) Some industrial technology eliminates jobs, but
educated workers can create whole new skills
areas by the adaptation of the technology.


定位braverman 在第二段,首先明确clark和braverman是有不同观点的,clark通过驳斥braverman来支持自己的观点,因此排除 A和C, E,sympathetic带有强烈的感情色彩,支持就是支持,不支持就是不支持,没有什么同情不同情的,所以排除。定位braverman,For Braverman, the shape of a technological system is subordinate to the manager’s desire to wrest con-trol of the labor process from the workers. 因此选择B。


122. Which of the following most accurately describes
Clark’s opinion of Braverman’s position?
(A) He respects its wide-ranging popularity.
(B) He disapproves of its misplaced emphasis on
the infl uence of managers.
(C) He admires the consideration it gives to the
attitudes of the workers affected.
(D) He is concerned about its potential to impede
the implementation of new technologies.
(E) He is sympathetic to its concern about the
impact of modern technology on workers.


由于题目中出现了具体的单词the telephone exchange ,所以定位,At the empirical level Clark shows how a change at the telephone exchange from maintenance-intensive electromechanical switches to semi-electronic switching systems altered work tasks, skills, training opportuni-ties, administration, and organization of  workers.  因此可以发现the telephone exchange 有巨大的影响,因此 C。


121. Which of the following statements about the
modernization of the telephone exchange is supported
by information in the passage?
(A) The new technology reduced the role of
managers in labor negotiations.
(B) The modernization was implemented without the
consent of the employees directly affected by it.
(C) The modernization had an impact that went
signifi cantly beyond maintenance routines.
(D) Some of the maintenance workers felt victimized
by the new technology.
(E) The modernization gave credence to the view of
advocates of social constructivism.


本文是一篇典型的观点陈述性文章。提出了Clark的观点,驳斥了breaverman的观点。A 文章并没有明确提出technological change的更积极的观点。
B 主题体型中不能出现非主题词,如employee。
C 驳斥了一个关于technological change的观点。
D challenge technological determinism,这和作者的观点相左。
E suggest social cause? 这和作者的观点相左。
所以选择 C


120. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) advocate a more positive attitude toward
technological change
(B) discuss the implications for employees of the
modernization of a telephone exchange
(C) consider a successful challenge to the
constructivist view of technological change
(D) challenge the position of advocates of
technological determinism
(E) suggest that the social causes of technological
change should be studied in real situations



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