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做了一段时间的笔考数学题, 感觉很简单。 现在大概是一分钟多一点点做一题。

做这些题主要是为了熟悉数学表达式, 做了千把道题后,是感觉读题快多了。

考前一个月还得再做KAPLAN,难题精解以及费费宝典里的题。 也许这样就会在考试中对



Commitment to myself:

"I will not quit."  

"I will not quit!"


To Tocean,

Sharing ideas with you is an enjoyful to me.

I'm very glad to keep the line of communication open with you in the future.  

I hope the Gmat test will be resumed as soon as possible, for as scheduled,
my application shall starts in the middle of Oct.

Anyway, I still need to have good use of every minute to learn more and practise more.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-24 7:22:55编辑过]


To bobee,


你会发现有很多的G友在一起努力, 有些G友可能

与你相隔数千里,但是你却感觉得很近。 他们的



to peace:

Thanks for your  praise,but I am afraid you might have been overstated the case.
And I am also glad to hear that you are interested in NewConcept and the writings of Russell.So, I'd like to be friends, and exchange ideas with you, not only about Gmat but also about important matters in life.

I hope our ideas and dreams would be materialized in the future!
The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge!




To Tocean0222,

I am glad that you are anther fan of New Concept English Book 4.  

Yes, you are right.  I also enjoy Russell's "How to grow old", a prose that I can not
recite clearly but still contributes much to my spirit.

I hope I can grow old in the way Russell described.

Thanks for sharing your perspectives.  Once again, I am convinced that you are a thoughtful and promising young men.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-21 11:00:57编辑过]


to peace:

Have you recited the passages from NewCept? I find that your writing style upstairs resembles that of "how to grow old" by Bertrand Russell, author of my favorite motto:

The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge!
The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge!


To Grenuis,

Welcome your participation.

I come here to post some of my reflections on Gmat preparation.

Sometimes, I have discussions with other Gmat takers to learn from their experience.  

Actually, I come here for motivation to work hard on GMAT.

Knowing that so many talented people are achieving the same goal diligently
is the drive for me.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-20 9:38:35编辑过]


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