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to zyh79,



to zephyr1977,

old theory: dark-shell with dark bottom in order to prevent predator, light-shell with light bottom in order to prevent predator;

new theory: dark-shell with much wave, light-shell with calm waters;

sopport new theory: find evidence where dark-shell, light bottom, much waves and predator exist, or where light-shell, dark bottom, calm waters and predator exist.


7. Marine biologists have long thought that variation in the shell color of aquatic snails evolved as a protective camouflage against birds and other predators. Brown shells seem to be more frequent when the underlying seafloor is dark-colored and white shells more frequent when the underlying seafloor is light-colored. A new theory has been advanced, however, that claims that shell color is related to physiological stress associated with heat absorption. According to this theory, brown shells will be more prevalent in areas where the wave action of the sea is great and thus heat absorption from the Sun is minimized, whereas white shells will be more numerous in calmer waters where the snails will absorb more heat from the Sun’s rays.

Evidence that would strongly favor the new theory over the traditional theory would be the discovery of a large majority of

(A) dark-shelled snails in a calm inlet with a dark, rocky bottom and many predators

(B) dark-shelled snails in a calm inlet with a white, sandy bottom

(C) light-shelled snails in an inlet with much wave action and a dark, rocky bottom

(D) light-shelled snails in a calm inlet with a dark, rocky bottom and many predators

(E) light-shelled snails in a calm inlet with a white, sandy bottom and many predators



我对这里bad 的理解:an action that harms another person is moraly bad
这里的anction 必须是造成伤害。没造成伤害的行为不属于讨论范畴,故A错!



23. Defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers have a lower conviction rate than those who rely on court-appointed public defenders. This explains why criminals who commit lucrative crimes like embezzlement or insider trading are more successful at avoiding conviction than are street criminals.

The explanation offered above would be more persuasive if which one of the following were true?

(A) Many street crimes, such as drug dealing, are extremely lucrative and those committing them can afford expensive private lawyers.

(B) Most prosecutors are not competent to handle cases involving highly technical financial evidence and have more success in prosecuting cases of robbery or simple assault.

(C) The number of criminals convicted of street crimes is far greater than the number of criminals convicted of embezzlement or insider trading.

(D) The percentage of defendants who actually committed the crimes of which they are accused is no greater fro publicly defended than for privately defended defendants.

(E) Juries, out of sympathy for the victims of crimes, are much more likely to convict defendants accused of violent crimes than they are to convict defendants accused of “victimless” crimes or crimes against property.

选项D的意思是不是说 那些用public lawyer的被告中真实的犯罪比率不比那些使用private lawyer的比率高,

也就是排除了 "那些花得起高律师费请private lawyer的被告中实际的犯罪比率就比使用public lawyer 的被告低" 这一导致lower conviction in defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers 的可能原因?

14 Marine biologists had hypothesized that lobsters kept together in lobster traps eat one another in response to hunger. Periodic checking of lobster traps, however, has revealed instances of lobsters sharing traps together for weeks. Eight lobsters even shared one trap together for two months without eating one another. The marine biologists’ hypothesis, therefore, is clearly wrong.

The argument against the marine biologists’ hypothesis is based on which one of the following assumptions?

(A) Lobsters not caught in lobster traps have been observed eating one another.

(B) Two months is the longest known period during which eight or more lobsters have been trapped together.

(C) It is unusual to find as many as eight lobsters caught together in one single trap.

(D) Members of other marine species sometimes eat their own kind when no other food sources are available.

(E) Any food that the eight lobsters in the trap might have obtained was not enough to ward off hunger.

如果B改成 two months is long enough to observe the lobsters in the lobster trap in response to hunger. 可不可以算是assumption, 我现在对assumption题最没有把握!


principle: good => benefit + good intention
           bad intention OR likely cause harm => bad

A: intention( attempt to cause trouble) => bad
   benefit + bad intention => not good (bad) 这是应用第一个原则的等价原则(逆否命题)




谢谢,我不准备买这本书了,Elsat 上的错误也不是很多,如果我有疑问,还请zyh79和其他高手帮帮我!

T5-S6-24,24. It has been claimed that an action is morally good only if it benefits another person and was performed with that intention; whereas an action that harms another person is morally bad either if such harm was intended or if reasonable forethought would have shown that the action was likely to cause harm.

Which one of the following judgments most closely confirms to the principle cited above?

(A) Pamela wrote a letter attempting to cause trouble between Edward and his friends; this action of Pamela’s was morally bad, even though the letter, in fact, had an effect directly opposite from the one intended.

(B) In order to secure a promotion, Jeffery devoted his own time to resolving a backlog of medical benefits claims; Jeffrey’s action was morally good since it alone enabled Sara’s claim to be processed in time for her to receive much-needed treatment.

(C) Intending to help her elderly neighbor by clearing his walkway after a snowstorm, Teresa inadvertently left ice on his steps; because of this exposed ice, her neighbor had a bad fall, thus showing that morally good actions can have bad consequences.

(D) Marilees, asked by a homeless man for food, gave the man her own sandwich; however, because the man tried to talk while he was eating the sandwich, it caused him to choke, and thus Marilees unintentionally performed a morally bad action.

(E) Jonathan agreed to watch his three-year-old niece while she played but, becoming engrossed in conversion, did not see her run into the street where she was hit by a bicycle; even though he intended no harm, Jonathan’s action was morally bad.

这题我选A,答案是E,我看不出E比A closely 到哪儿去?




你有原文,那printable ELSAT 岂非还不是正版, 不知那里有的下载原文?
如果方便的话,发给我 sailing_chen@hotmail.com

如果是"undeniable",then everything is OK!




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