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to andrewcan,

which question do you mean? NO.20?


My comment:
In the original passage,there is no any "quantity" concept, only sth vs sth,
so in A, that the conclusion of some must be larger than some cannot be true. thus, it's the key.


我没有注意短信,to zyh79:我会参与讨论的, to tongxun:你10月6日发给我的短信我也没注意,道歉!下次改进


今天做了test8,其中19,20两题我的思路怎么也理不清,求助!Questions 19-20

Oxygen.18 is a heavier-than-normal isotope of oxygen. In a rain cloud, water molecules containing oxygen-18 are rarer than water molecules containing normal oxygen. But in rainfall, a higher proportion of all water molecules containing oxygen-18 than of all water molecules containing ordinary oxygen descends to earth. Consequently, scientists were surprised when measurements along the entire route of rain clouds' passage from above the Atlantic Ocean, the site of their original formation, across the Amazon forests, where it rains almost daily, showed that the oxygen-18 content of each of the clouds remained fairly constant.

19. Which one of the following statements, if true, best helps to resolve the conflict between scientists' expectations, based on the known behavior of oxygen-18, and the result of their measurements of the rain clouds' oxygen-IS content?

(A) Rain clouds above tropical forests are poorer in oxygen-18 than rain clouds above unforested regions.

(B) Like the oceans, tropical rain forests can create or replenish rain clouds in the atmosphere above them.

(C) The amount of rainfall over the Amazon rain forests is exactly the same as the amount of rain originally collected in the clouds formed above the Atlantic Ocean.

(D) The amount of rain recycled back into the atmosphere from the leaves of forest vegetation is exactly the same as the amount of ram in river runoffs that is not recycled into the atmosphere.

(E) Oxygen-18 is not a good indicator of the effect of tropical rain forests on the atmosphere above them.

20. Which one of the following inferences about an individual rain cloud is supported by the passage?

(A) Once it is formed Over the Atlantic, the rain cloud contains more ordinary oxygen than oxygen-18.

(B) Once it has passed over the Amazon, the rain cloud contains a greater-than-normal percentage of oxygen-18.

(C) The clouds rainfall contains more oxygen-18 than ordinary oxygen.

(D) During a rainfall, the cloud must surrender the same percentage of its ordinary oxygen as of its oxygen-18.

(E) During a rainfall, the cloud must surrender more of its oxygen-l8 than it retains.

10. Most people are indignant at the suggestion that they are not reliable authorities about their real wants. Such self-knowledge, however, is not the easiest kind of knowledge to acquire. Indeed, acquiring it often requires hard and even potentially risky work. To avoid such effort, people unconsciously convince themselves that they want what society says they should want.

The main point of the argument is that

(A) Acquiring self-knowledge can be risky

(B) Knowledge of what one really wants is not as desirable as it is usually thought to be

(C) People cannot really want what they should want

(D) People usually avoid making difficult decisions

(E) People are not necessarily reliable authorities about What they really want





to zyh79,


A的意思说,the reasoning in the passage is vulnerable because 研究人员对分析结果的解释表明 十五世纪时使用titanium的墨水仅仅限于the printing of Bible,但又不仅仅限于the printing of Bible,因为后面又提到Vinland Map 中也有titanium.

也就是说,如果研究结果仅仅是发现the printing of the two Bible,那么说This finding strongly supports the hypothesis that B-36 was printed by Gutenberg完全可以,但作者又画蛇添足地说the finding also shows that the presence of titanium in the ink of the purportedly fifteenth century Vinland Map can no longer be regarded as a reason for doubting the map’s authenticity, 那么读者就会提出疑问,即why not the B-36 was not printed by the printer of Vinland Map?



to bessette,
       举个例子:100个用public lawyer,真实的犯罪99个
                 100个用private lawyer,真实犯罪1个
       前者的胜诉自然低了,但不能多说public lawyer就没用。
    假如洞里有很多吃的,两个月虽说是足够观察了,但有什么用呢, lobsters 也许可以撑一年。
    24. Until recently it was thought that ink used before the sixteenth century did not contain titanium. However, a new type of analysis detected titanium in the ink of the famous Bible printed by Johannes Gutenberg and in that of another fifteenth-century Bible known as B-36, though not in the ink of any of numerous other fifteenth-century books analyzed. This finding is of great significance, since it not only strongly supports the hypothesis that B-36 was printed by Gutenberg but also shows that the presence of titanium in the ink of the purportedly fifteenth century Vinland Map can no longer be regarded as a reason for doubting the map’s authenticity.

The reasoning in the passage is vulnerable to criticism on the ground that

(A) the results of the analysis are interpreted as indicating that the use of titanium as an ingredient in fifteenth-century ink both was, and was not, extremely restricted

(B) if the technology that makes it possible to detect titanium in printing ink has only recently become available, it is unlikely that printers ore artists in the fifteenth century would know whether their ink contained titanium or not

(C) it is unreasonable to suppose that determination of the date and location of a document’s printing or drawing can be made solely on the basis of the presence or absence of a single element in the ink used in the document.

(D) both the B-36 Bible and the Binland Map are objects that can be appreciated on their own merits whether or not the precise date of their creation or the identity of the person who made them is known.

(E) the discovery of titanium in the ink of the Vinland Map must have occurred before titanium was discovered in the ink of the Gutenberg Bible and the B-36 Bible .

The answer is A, why not C?






Because the CR of LSAT is too hard to me to deal with: I often correct only several out of 25 every section. If possible, please give us explanations of every problems. Thanks.


to zyh79,




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