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lsat 14-4-18
Orthodox medicine is ineffective at both ends of the spectrum of ailments. At the more trivial end, orthodox medicine is largely ineffective in treating aches, pains and allergies, and, at the other extreme, it has yet to produce a cure for serious, life-threatening diseases such as advanced cancer and lupus. People turn to alternative medicine when orthodox medicine fails to help them and when it produces side effects that are unacceptable to them. One of the reasons alternative medicines is free of such side effects is that it does not have any effects at all.

18. if the statements above are true, which one of the following can be properly inferred from them?

(A) Practitioners of alternative medicine are acting in bad faith

(B) There are some medical conditions for which no orthodox or alternative treatment is effective

(C) There are some trivial illnesses that can be treated effectively by the methods of alternative medicine

(D) There are no effective medical treatments that are free from unacceptable side effects

(E) Orthodox medicine will eventually produce a solution for the diseases that are currently incurable

文章先说Orthodox medicine is ineffective ,因为人们turn to alternative medicine ,然后列举原因
最后又说,其实alternative medicine没有副作用,是因为它没有用





to zyh79,










to bessette:


25. All actors are exuberant people and all exuberant people are extroverts, but nevertheless it is true that some shy people are actors.

If the statements above are true, each of the following must also be true EXCEPT:

(A) Some shy people are extroverts.

(B) Some shy extroverts are not actors.

(C) Some exuberant people who are actors are shy.

(D) All people who are not extroverts are not actors.

(E) Some extroverts are shy.

The answer is B, why not D?

26. Science Academy study: It has been demonstrated that with natural methods, some well-managed farms are able to reduce the amounts of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide and also of antibiotics they use without necessarily decreasing yields; in some cases yields can be increased.

Critics: Not so. The farms the academy selected to study were the ones that seemed most likely to be successful in using natural methods. What about the farmers who have tried such methods and failed?

Which one of the following is the most adequate evaluation of the logical force of the critics’


(A) Success and failure in farming are rarely due only to luck, because farming is the management of chance occurrences.

(B) The critics show the result of the study would have been different if twice as many farms had been studied.

(C) The critics assume without justification that the failures were not due to soil quality.

(D) The critics demonstrate that natural methods are not suitable for the majority of framers.

(E) The issue is only to show that something is possible, so it is not relevant whether the instances studied were representative

The answer is E, why not B?
25。从条件可知,All actors are extroverts
问:哪一项must be true而不是can be true?
b不一定,可以是all extroverts are actors

14. Some of the world's most beautiful cats are Persian cats. However, it must be acknowledged that all Persian cats are pompous, and pompous cats are invariably irritating.

If the statements above are true, each of the following must also be true on the basis of them EXCEPT:

(A) Some of the world's most beautiful cats are irritating

(B) Some irritating cats are among the world's most beautiful cats

(C) Any cat that is not irritating is not a Persian cat

(D) Some pompous cats are among the world's most beautiful cats

(E) Some irritating and beautiful cats are not Persian cats

why E not C?这种题目有无妙法可解?
所以:Some irritating are not Persian 错!

13. "addiction" has been defined as "dependence on and abuse of a psychoactive substance" Dependence and abuse do not always go hand in hand, however. For example, cancer patients can become dependent on morphine to relieve their pain, but this is not abusing the drug. Correspondingly, a person can abuse a drug without being dependent on it. Therefore, the definition of "addiction" is incorrect.

The relevance of the example of cancer patients to the argument depends on the assumption that

(A) cancer patients never abuse morphine

(B) cancer patients often become dependent on morphine

(C) cancer patients who are dependent on morphine are addicted to it

(D) cancer patients who abuse a drug are dependent on it

(E) cancer patients cannot depend on morphine without abusing it

why C not A?
反驳的证据:cancer patients 有dependence,但没有abuse。
证据要与结论相关,要这样的假设:cancer patients 有dependence的为addiction

3. Balance is particularly important when reporting the background of civil wars and conflicts. Facts must not be deliberately manipulated to show one party in a favorable light, and the views of each side should be fairly represented. This concept of balance, however, does not justify concealing or glossing over basic injustices in an effort to be even-handled. If all the media were to adopt such a perverse interpretation of balanced reporting, the public would be given a picture of a world where each party in every conflict had an equal measure of justice on its side, contrary to our experience of life and, indeed, our common sense.

Which one of the following best expresses the main point of the argument?

(A) Balanced reporting presents the public with a picture of the world in which all sides to a conflict have equal justification.

(B) Balanced reporting requires impartially revealing injustices where they occur no less than fairly presenting the views of each party in a conflict.

(C) Our experience of life shows that there are indeed cases in which conflicts arise because of an injustice, with one party clearly in the wrong.

(D) Common sense tells us that balance is especially needed when reporting the background of civil wars and conflicts.

(E) Balanced reporting is an ideal that cannot be realized, because judgments of balance are necessarily subjective.



[此贴子已经被zyh79于2002-11-4 10:04:51编辑过]


to zyh79,

8.1)文中的because其实暗含着only because,学习不好就是因为时间分配,无它因
  2)fail to establish并没说establish了,就一定能保证结论推出。




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