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to jwzdfd,





   另外,我发现一个问题。ELSAT上面TEST25部分的CRITICAL REASONING1 实际上是TEST24部分的CRITICAL REASONING1。大家从后往前做的时候,不要被TEST25的答案吓趴了。
我做完TEST25部分的CRITICAL REASONING1后,一对答案,发现错了一半,受了很大打击。结果后来才发现是TEST24的题目跑到TEST25来了。呵呵~~~~~





E 不能说明两者的伙食一样好。


5. Adults who work outside the home spend, on average, 100 minutes less time each week in preparing dinner than adults who do not work outside the home. But, contrary to expectation, comparison show that the dinners eaten at home by the two groups of adults do not differ significantly with respect to nutritional value, variety of menus, or number of courses.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the information above?

(A) The fat content of the dinners eaten at home by adults who do not work outside the home is 25 percent higher than national guidelines recommend.

(B) Adults who do not work the home tend to prepare breakfast more often than adults who work outside the home.

(C) Adults who work outside the home spend 2 hours less time per day on all household responsibilities, including dinner preparation than do adults who do not work outside the home.

(D) Adults who work outside the home eat dinner at home 20 percent less often than do adults who do not work outside the home.

(E) Adults who work outside the home are less likely to plan dinner menus well in advance than are adults who do not work outside the home.



to besstte:

这个计划不应该被实施,因为不能避免those direct threats. 但为什么会成为政府提议此计划的基础呢?an assumption on which the government depends?


没错,正是因为some of the social .......do not pose a direct threat to the nation's existence. 所以这个计划不应该被实施,因为这个计划不能避免those direct threats.


5. The government has proposed a plan requiring young people to perform services to correct various current social ills, especially those in education and housing. Government service, however, should be compelled only in response to a direct threat to the nation's existence. For that reason, the proposed program should not be implemented.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the government depends?

(A) Government-required service by young people cannot correct all social ills.

(B) The nation’s existence is directly threatened only in times of foreign attack.

(C) Crises in education and housing constitute a threat to the nation's existence.

(D) The nation's young people believe that current social ills pose no direct threat to the nation's existence.

(E) Some of the social ills that currently afflict the nation do not pose a direct threat to the nation's existence.



Orthodox medicine is ineffective at both ends of the spectrum of ailments. At the more trivial end, orthodox medicine is largely ineffective in treating aches, pains and allergies, and, at the other extreme, it has yet to produce a cure for serious, life-threatening diseases such as advanced cancer and lupus. People turn to alternative medicine when orthodox medicine fails to help them and when it produces side effects that are unacceptable to them. One of the reasons alternative medicines is free of such side effects is that it does not have any effects at all.

19. The charge made above against alternative medicine is most seriously weakened if it is true that

(A) predictions based on orthodox medicine have sometimes failed, as when a patient has recovered despite the judgment of doctors that an illness is fatal

(B) alternative medicine relies on concepts of the body and of the nature of healing that differ from those on which orthodox medicine is based

(C) alternative medicine provides hope to those for whom orthodox medicine offers no cure

(D) a patient's belief in the medical treatment the patient is receiving can release the body's own chemical painkillers, diminish allergic reactions, and promote healing

(E) many treatments used for a time by orthodox medicine have later been found to be totally ineffective
19 D

D是削弱, a patient's belief in the medical treatment the patient is receiving can release the body's own chemical painkillers, diminish allergic reactions, and promote healing

D用的是一种很平常的削弱方式,他就是在说alternative 有用,而不是题干中的所谓 One of the reasons alternative medicines is free of such side effects is that it does not have any effects at all


to zyh79,




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