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9. Paleontologists have discovered fossils of centipedes that are 414 million years older than the earliest land-dwelling animals previously identified. The paleontologists are confident that these centipedes were discovered in rock that also contained fossilized remained of animals known to be water-dwelling.

The paleontologists¡¯ view would be LEAST

(A) The legs of the fossilized centipedes were particularly suited to being a means of locomotion on land.

(B) All of the centipedes that had previously been discovered were land dwellers.

(C) The rock in which the fossilized centipedes were found was formed from mud flats that were occasionally covered by river water.

(D) Fossils of the earliest land-dwelling animals that had previously been identified were found in rock that did not contain fossilized remains of water-dwelling animals.

(E) Fossils of spiders with respiratory systems adapted only to breathing air were found in the same rock as the centipede fossils.

问题不全“The paleontologists¡¯ view would be LEAST。。。。”

21. The Japanese haiku is defined as a poem of three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the third line. English poets tend to ignore this fact. Disregarding syllable count, they generally call any three-line English poets have little respect for foreign traditions, even those from which some of their own poetry derives.

The reasoning is flawed because it

(A) confuses matters of objective fact with matters of subjective feeling

(B) draws a conclusion that is broader in scope than is warranted by the evidence advanced

(C) relies on stereotypes instead of presenting evidence

(D) overlooks the possibility that the case it cites is not unique

(E) fails to acknowledge that ignoring something implies a negative judgment about that thing

这句话不全,影响了我的理解“Disregarding syllable count, they generally call any three-line English poets have little respect for foreign traditions, even those from which some of their own poetry derives.”

24. The body of anyone infected by virus X will, after a week, produce antibodies to fight the virus: the antibodies will increase in number for the next year or so. There is now a test that reliably indicates now many antibodies are present in a person’s body. If positive, this test can be used during the first year of infection to estimate to within a month how long that person has had the virus.

Which one of the following conclusions is best supported by the statements above?

(A) Antibodies increase in number only until they have defeated the virus.

(B) Without the test for antibodies, there is no way of establishing whether a person has virus X.

(C) Antibodies are produced only for viral infections that cannot be fought by any other body defenses.

(D) If a person remains infected by virus X indefinitely, there is no limit to the number of antibodies that can be present in the person’s body.

(E) Anyone infected by virus X will not a time fail to exhibit infection if tested by the antibody test






to zyh79,






to cww and zyh79,

我是不是该这样理解:垃圾处理公司所谓的proportion of plastics 在上升,并不是由于人门抛弃的plastics的绝对数量上升了,而是由于其他如paper,glass,metal can的垃圾的下降幅度(这些东西因为能 recycle,就不送往垃圾处理公司了)远远大于plastics的下降幅度,导致了相对数量(proportion)的上升。

presupposition在这里作“预先假定的事实”讲喽?也就是people’s inability or unwillingness to work to pay the rent,而B就是指出这个假定的事实是不对的

这些人认为“法律允许的一些行为是不道德的”是不可想象的,也就是认为“法律允许的行为都是道德的”,而A是说“法律并不涵盖所非道德情况。”,这两者那里是inconsistent, 是not relevent, 我倒觉得B有点象,原文:permit=>moral,B: ~permit=>~moral



Many thanks to zyh79! *_^


to bessette:
结论:only be caused by people’s inability or unwillingness to work to pay the rent。这句话,其实已经默认people’s inability or unwillingness是一个预先假定的事实,作者只是做原因的归结。这里,presupposition应该不做前提讲。



to jeannette:


to jeannette:
注意:d答案不是说“A和M对meaning of ethical behavior是有分歧”
           而是说“A和M对 ethical behavior 在公众和私人环境下的意思是否相同上有分歧”,也就是说,一个人认为在两种情况下,意思相同;另一个认为不同。



To zyh79:
上次我贴的几到提还有3提有疑问,可以再帮我看看吗? 谢谢你!

A: H admits that he has influence with high government officials. He further admits that he sold that influence to an environmental interest group. There can be no justification for this kind of unethical behavior.
M: I disagree that he was unethical. The group that retained H’s services is dedicated to the cause of preventing water pollution. So, in using his influence to benefit this group, H also benefited the public.
A and M disagree on whether
B the consequences of H’s behavior can ethically justify that behavior
D the meaning of ethical behavior is the same in a public situation as in a private one
应该是B对,但是我觉得D也可以吧? D:A是从H的个人行为来看,M是从公众利益的角度来看。
如果选D,那就是说A,M在ethical behavior 是否有相同意思分歧,违背原文意思。

这提到底什么意思啊?A说sold that influence是unethical的,那就是对他个人行为而言;M又说sold后对环抱有好处,是从公众利益的角度来看是ethical的。所以我得出A和M对meaning of ethical behavior是有分歧的。我的理解那里有问题?

Even if a crime that has been committed by computer is discovered and reported, the odds of being both arrested and convicted greatly favor the criminal.
Each of the following, if true, supports the claim above EXCEPT:
A The preparation of computer-fraud cases takes much more time than is required for average fraud cases, and the productivity of prosecutors is evaluated by the number of good cases made.
A的后半句指公诉人的办案成果由它所办的good case决定。
那A的意思是不是就是说因为computer-fraud case的准备时间长,而公诉人的办案成果由它所办的good case决定,所以公诉人不办computer-fraud case?可是为什么准备时间长会和good case矛盾呢?

If the artificial is not better than the natural, to what end are all the arts of life? To dig, to plow, to build, to wear clothes – all are direct violations of the injunction to follow nature.
If the author’s argument were challenged on the grounds that the construction of building has adverse effects on the natural environment, which of the following replies might the author use to respond to the challenge logically?
A There are human activities, such as making music, that are environmentally harmless.
B Harming the environment is not an end, of purpose, of the arts of life.
C The construction could involve the use of natural, not artificial, materials.
D Constructing buildings is not an “art of life”.
E Even if the natural environment is disturbed by the construction of buildings, it is improved for human use.



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