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31. “Financial gain should be the most important factor in choosing a career.”


1.       把收入作为选择职业的首要考虑因素会使人忽视了生命中更应该追求的其他东西。事实上有许多人为了追求更为重要的目标而放弃了使自己获得最大收入的职业。象是特蕾莎修女,她以助人为快乐。尽管在物质上是清贫的但是却在别人快乐的同时自己也得到了幸福的回报。mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize,dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India. Although she was not rich all through her life, she was happier than most of her contemporaries because she gained happiness when she helped the poor.bliss blessedness  还有一些人为了做全职家长更好的照顾孩子更是完全牺牲了得到钱的职业。在他们看来和家人在一起生活照顾他们的起居饮食是自己最开心的事情。

2.       诚然经济基础是一切其他活动的前提,但追求钱以外更重要的目标并不一定意味着就会得不到物质回报或者是一定会过得潦倒。事实上两者是可以相互促进的。一个追求智力上或者是创造力上的成就的人象是作家艺术家或者是音乐家当他们的作品问世时候他们同时也得到了物质的回报。othes choose to pursue intellectual or creative fulfillment-as wirters, artists, or musicians. 而这些钱反过来又会为他们的创作提供更好的条件和环境.

ignore overlook neglect pursue go in for in pursuit of aspire after be down and out mutually come out be published priority primarily appreciate notion profession lucrative有利的 stem from subordinate ... to ...

recreation physical health psychological making money is not an end in the end of itself. acknowledge strike a balance overriding高于一切的 factor  

1.      Admittedly, 人们都不是生活在童话里fairy tale,人们需要面对日常生活中的各种花费,而金钱是保障这一切,从而保障人们生命的基础。financial gain does be an important factor in choosing a career.

2.      但是,这不代表说,所有人都应该把它regard it as the most important…因为after all, 金钱只是满足我们生活的手段,还有更多更家重要的东西,金钱无法满足。比如精神生活:首先,很多人选择很多工作,造福社会,但它们pay less than others,比如social work, nursing. 人们认为精神世界更重要,帮助别人。。。;另外,良好的工作环境,同事关系,使人们精神好。

3.      因为首先:不同人有不同的需要,又比如说,有的妈妈为了照顾孩子,选择地点离家比较近的工作,even though this job can provide her less money than those far from her home.。。再比如说,有的人为了事业上更大的成就,会选择能提供更多机会promotion,或者培训之类的。如果全部考虑金钱,则很可能丧失更多进步的机会。

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“All citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. Such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants.”


1.       比起专业的公共服务组织,所有的公民都完成一定的公共服务显得比较低效率。因为我们是在一个高度专业化分工十分明晰的社会,放弃专业的公共服务组织而采取强制性的公民义务形式的服务会使得效率十分低下,而且也会让大多数 人不满,毕竟每个人都有自己的职业和爱好。

2.       管理成本的高昂也是该计划难以贯彻的一个原因。这项决定潜在上要求了要有人监督每个公民是否履行了自己的义务,也要有人给每个公民分配任务.

3.       诚然就象作者所说的那样确实会从整体上给国家带来一定的好处,同时给每个参与的人提供和更多人交流等机会,但是在权衡利弊之后尤其是在和专业化组织对比之后还是得不偿失的be not worth the candle mandatory compulsory ...be weighed against ...

individual compliance enforcement nullify stifle incompetence competent tantamount to 等价 insofar as...


1.    对于国家和社会的好处:首先,强制性mandatory social work可以增加人力资源——因为social work的wage比较低,所以在非强制的情况下,只有少数人愿意参加,这样导致了人员的不足;广泛的参与extensive participation可以引起大家的重视——激发人们更加爱护公共设施,从而降低整个expense on the maintaining. 因为公共设施becomes a aggregation of the hard work of all the citizens. 人们不付出努力,就不会珍惜

2.    对参与者的好处: The principal thing in this world is to keep one’s soul aloft.  Flaubert(the great novelist)公共服务可以使人们更加意识到自己的社会责任感duty, 也同时有益于平时的工作; 可以增加人与人的交流, 在完全没有压力的环境下, 心灵得到放松.

3.    当然, 完全强制有可能引起stimulate抵触emotion of repellence, 也要注意方法,同时不要影响正常的工作.

View1: public service, a main approach to show social responsibilities, benefits both the county and the participants.

View2: When becomes a burden and stress to the participants, public service harm not only individual performers but also entire society. Cost of enforcement, reduction of efficiency , increase of abhorrence.



thanks a lot!




“Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more respectful of one another’s differences.”



1.         一方面我们的立法越来越完善不断向着消除歧视和偏见的方向发展。这从强制的方面要求人们尊重和其他人的不同

2.         另一方面,随着技术的不断进步交流的不断深入人们对别的文化也有了更深的了解。而了解就会使得不同文化的人们提高对对方文化和行为的自发的非强制的尊重。

3.         诚然现在还有很多的种族的性别的等各个方面的歧视。但是我们很高兴地看到事情在向好的方面发展。

1.    The increased globalization has provided more opportunities than ever before to contact and acknowledge cultures of other nations. 对于不同的宗教信仰和文化习俗,人们采取了更加宽容more tolerant attitude toward dissimilar culture, including religion and custom from other nations. 比方说:China had long closed itself to the outside of the world for many centuries before it opened the door in 1980’s. 在那段时间里,西方文明被简单地理解为怪异和粗鲁的considered to be strange or rude. 而现在,接触了更多后,中国也认识到了不同,并且充分地接受和借鉴even learn from他们。

2.    然而,在很多领域,尽管通过legislation,已经改变了一些to some extent,但严重的discrimination and prejudice still remain severe despite of the legislation…  比方说,racial, gender虽然立法规定了男女在工作一样的情况下得到一样工资,但是社会人为地perceived inequity still exist since 男和女被分为不同种类的工作。

3.    有成绩,但仍然需要努力。对不同的高度容忍体现文明的发展程度。sign of… 之类。所以要一起努力。

Hearst Corporation

__celebrate differences among people and make active use of the varied perspectives that workers from different backgrounds bring to the job.

View1: our legislation and moral tend to eliminate bias and prejudice based on difference.

View2: better communication and broader cooperation teach people to respect deference

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“A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.”


1.       每一个政府官员都很难自己做出决策。每一个政令的颁布表面上仿佛是由一个人宣布的,其实背后的程序过程都是十分繁杂的。seperation of the three powers(the legislative, executive and judicial powers) In this work he argued that the three powers a state has are the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial and that for a state to remain democratic, these powers must be separated and there must be checks and balances to prevent a single group from acquiring control over two or more of them.

2.       而企业领导往往会有更大的决策权,而他们的决策也更容易被贯彻。在一个经济为中心的国家相应的他们的对社区和国家的影响力也就更大。

3.       诚然在一个以政治为中心的国家里,企业领导对社区和国家产生影响的机会会较少,但经济是政治的基础,离开经济政治是毫无影响力可言的。此外由于上面所说过的原因政府官员对社区和国家的影响同样不会很大。

goverment order procedure process complex complicated intricate higher-up subordinate superior

restict restriction confine constrain curb administration collective the seperation of the three powers: the legislative the executive and the judicial decision-making carry out implement perform politics-centered economy-centered influence effect impact historical influential abound

on balance=with all things considered admittedly opportunity commerce commercial check-and-balance system 制约平衡制度 scandal illuminate illumination luminous lumination technic technical technology technician technological entity equity seems to pale next to...

Yet the impact seems to pale next to those of our modern captains of industry.

by virture of for the sake of on the account of


1.       Admittedly, 领导人的作用有时不象企业家一样apparent. 因为国家的发展,人们的生活,与企业closely related. 比如GATES,领导了信息产业革命;Rockefeller,控制国家的石油命脉took control of  American oil supply。企业家通过影响企业的行为,从而直观上影响人course of a community.

2.    但是,企业的一切影响is based on its existence, which is permitted by the government. 政府制定各种policy来允许企业的存在,企业家的一切行为需要被政府允许才能产生作用。

3.       Moreover, 影响一个国家,需要强大的power, which can be only generated from absolutely authority. 这样的绝对权力是企业不具备的。Yet even a cursory review of the history reveals substantial evidence that it is the government leader rather than the business leader that can make the pivotal decision when the nation is in crisis. 比如,在经济recession,企业的力量无法使经济好转,revive the economy of the whole nation, 只有政府运用行政措施,制定positive policy to stimulate the companies and thus the economy of the whole nation. 比如Roosevelt. Bill Clinton.  financial policy

View 1: Unlike business leader, government power is likely to subject to many more restraints.  Our check-and-balance system, the legislation influence and the voting power are all factors that temper the power of government official to the course of a community or a nation. Moreover, powerful business leaders all too often seem to hold the actual legislative and judicial power by their financial supporting of official activities such as governmental elections.

View2: While take more thorough consideration, the government official is likely to have more direct and broad influence on a community and a nation.

Evidence: various approach to influence other than financial approach

In addition the governmental official have the abilities to regulate commerce,  

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




“It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.”


1.       两者并不矛盾而是相互促进相辅相成

2.       科学技术的进步使人更高效率的工作也能让人更好的协调两者的关系

3.       诚然一定的牺牲是必然要做出的但是绝对不是生活中的重要方面


1.    cost of living, growing population, increasingly scarce resource… all contribute to a radical competitive society. 是客观条件force people to work longer hours, 自然, 无法避免地剥夺了人们的personal life. 这一点在很多发展中国家尤其明显:缺乏社会福利lack of social welfare, 人口膨胀population explosion, 人们面临更大的失业压力.

2.    而反对这种观点的人说, 先进的科技已经帮助人们沟通更加便利,提高效率, 甚至在家中办公, 已经大大地减少了对个人生活的压榨. 但是close scrutiny will reveal that 事实上,这种进步,更加剧了exacerbate人们工作的强度intensity. 提高的效率, 更要求人们一天干更多事, 在家中办公的可能, 也被充分地利用成了加班overtime.

View1: a fulfilling personal life guarantees a healthy mind and energetic body which enhance professional performance.

View2: Having a joyful career to devote to also in turn help to ensure a fulfilling personal life.

View3: if to achieve professional success must have something to sacrifice, the things may not necessarily the important aspects of personal lives.



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“No one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or ‘get rich’ in business by conforming to conventional practices or ways of thinking.”

“没有人能在遵循传统的实践和思维方式的情况下达到任何真正的持久的成功或在做生意中‘变富’(get rich)。”

1.       A conformist can achieve any real success especially lasting success. Real and lasting success needs innovation and hard work. Just to conform does not make any sense. Through imitating others, one can only become an artisan-painter rather than an artist; without any innovation, a scientific worker can never be acknowledged as a scientist.

2.       Likewise, no one can "get rich" in business merely conform to the existing practices.

3.       However, what I mentioned above does not mean that conventions have no value at all. We should not only know the conventions but also have a deep insight of it, thus getting the information of the domain that indicates what kind of innovation can be made and how make.

1, Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president)

2, Growth and change are the law of all life. Yesterday's answers  are inadequate for today's problems ----just as the solutions of today will not fill the needs of tomorrow. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president) 

以上是两个很有用的名言!都是Franklin Roosevelt:As President Franklin Roosevelt said, “…”

1,  的确在很多情况下,merely!!遵循旧的方法,很难保持long-lasting success。在很多consumer-driven industries, 顾客们追求innovative and different products。比如,一个it is ridiculous for a abacus manufactory cannot compete with the calculator factory by producing better abaci. 必须创新,才能keep up with the development of the market.

2,  但是在有一些为了financial achievement的一些business principles. 比方说,a, 追求efficiency, 降低cost是永恒的需要——所以要追求新技术,创造不同的产品;b, 比如保持企业的reputation,吸引充足的consumer. ——制造质量好的产品。c, 企业作为社会的一分子,不能单纯地追求利益最大化,也应该carry some responsibility for the whole community。

Thesis sentence: Whether a conformist can achieve lasting success or "get rich" in business depends primarily on the type of business involved. Iconoclasts rise to the top in newer industries and in those where consumer demand is in constant flux. Conformists ultimately prevail, however, in traditional service industries ensconced in systems and regulations.

View1: In consumer-driven industries, innovation, product differentiation, and creativity are crucial to lasting success

Evidence: retail and media sectors. And in technology, companies that fail to break away from last year's paradigm are soon left behind by the competition.

View2: However, in traditional service industries—such as finance, accounting, insurance, legal services, and health care—lasting success and riches come not to nonconformists but rather to those who can deliver services most effectively within the confines of established practices, policies, and regulations.

Evidence: CitiBank gain high reputation for its insistence in comprehensively considerate services

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




“With the increasing emphasis on a global economy and international cooperation, people need to understand that their role as citizens of the world is more important than their role as citizens of a particular country.”


1.       两者并不是完全对立的环保

2.       事实上两者可以相互促进一个人在一个国家做慈善工作很可能也会有一天为别的国家的人服务

3.       当两者冲突的时候哪个更重要取决与不同的情况。

代替取代supersede compatible be compatible with... citizenship domain This one person would be acting consistently as a citizen of community, state, nation and world.admittedly conflicting obligation arise dual Admittedly, conflicting/clashing/discordant obligations sometimes arise as a result of our new dual citizenship.obligatory In sum, although our "dual" citizenship may at times lead to conflict, one role need not automatically take precedence over the other. more often than not The relationship between the two roles is, more often than not, a complementary one, and can even be synergistic. synergistic coactive complement complementary supplement

1.    有时, 很多问题是全球性的,需要世界公民的角度考虑,而非只站在一国角度. 比如,环境问题, 能源问题, 等等. 人们应该为整个地球负责任,而不仅仅是为了一个民族或国家. 因为, 如果是后者, 则很有可能只解决自己的问题, 而把危害转移到别的国家. shift the burden and threats from one nation to another…比如: 出口垃圾,比如大量进口发展中国家的木材.虽然自己的国家暂时解决了问题,但长远看, 没有国家孤立地存在, 不能short-sight and narrow mind, 因为interdependent.

2.    但这不意味着人们就要discard or weaken their role as citizens of one nation. 其实两者并不是incompatible, 更多时候, 可以作为complementary one—and can even be synergistic.比如the preservation of traditional culture, 人们作为一国公民,保护自己独特文化的同时, 实际上也为全球的diversity of culture作出了positive effort. 比如, 为一个国家的public service付出努力的同时, 很可能激发起公民的社会责任感和compassion and responsibility, 参与到国际public service 中, 比如很多charitarian就开始从对本国的慈善事业subsidize the school in one nation也激发起对attention to the education in the international scope.

View1: people’s role as citizens of the world is become more and more important in the modern society.

View2: Without the awareness of being citizens of a particular country, people will find no roots to behave on the stage of the world.

View3: these two roles, national and international, are not mutually exclusive alternatives. They can be properly combined.

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 “Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.”


1.       艺术可以使人更好地投入到科学技术的研究中.起到一定的促进作用.For example, recent studies of cognitive development show that studying music at an early age can strengthen a child's later grasp of mathematics. And understanding philosophical concepts has helped scients recognize their own presuppositions, and frame their central questions more accurately.

2.       从前人前辈的成就和伟大人格中我们可以得到促进和激励更好的投入到工作和学习生活中.

3.       单独只有科学技术我们只能找到解决问题的办法。即我只是知道how to do而不知道should we do

.... . This is not to say, however, that ... . To the contrary mathematicians cognitive strengthen grasp philosophical philosophy presupposition presumption premise assumption intellectual inspire dominate predominate autonomous autonomy liberal arts 文科 contemporary


1.    科技十分重要,没有科学技能的人,很难快速容入工作。难以想象一个缺乏基本电脑知识的人,如何在一个corporation in which most of the daily affairs are dealt with the aid of computer里很好地完成工作!所以,学校有责任培养学生的IT技能。

2.    但是,不代表学校应该忽视艺术人文的教育。众所周知,艺术人文起到启迪思想provide people with gracious spirit. 引导人们意识到人性中的固有美德:。。。举例:科学技术是人们生存发展的工具,但同时,如果没有美德,则可能变成危险的武器。比如nuclear weapons; heroin is made by people with standard chemistry knowledge…(with the guide of virtue, science can be the best servant of human; however, on the other hand, without such guide, it can become the most dangerous weapon.

3.       false dilemma. The speaker falsely put the school in a dilemma by suggesting the teaching of science and that of arts are mutually exclusive. 完全可以把两者结合起来。

Because scient View1: primarily and secondary school, whose main function is to teach general knowledge and more important, to shape healthy personality, should place at least as much attention on the arts and humanities as they do on science and technology

View2: Contrarily, university and college should devoted more time on teaching science and technology as they are becoming more and more essential to our modern society. However, it dose not mean the Arts and humanities is not important and the time devoted to it should be decreased. Universities can increase the teaching hour on science and technology by ways such as employ more professors and open more available classroom to provide more courses at the same time.

View3: science and technology are becoming more and more important, yet, we still can not underestimate the importance of the arts and humanities.

Learning form predecessors’ experience and great personalities can lead to great efforts devoted to work and thus better performance. Science and technology tell us who to do, but humanities tell us what should to .


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