问的问题一点都不简单,是GUY GROFF面试我的。问题如下: 1. Why MBA? 2. What's the specialization you want to pursue. Why? 3. Have you ever had a critical time that you you have to make a dicision but you did not have enough time? 4. Have you ever met any difficult client? How did you handle? 5. What's your top five skills? 第3~5个如果充分准备也不是那么难。幸好我以前找工作时各种各样的面试都碰过,随机应变的能力还是有的。 面试官有点南方口音,我也不怕,就叫他repeat,他最后还夸我英语好。结束之前的气氛很好,有说有笑的。
ASU电话面经-惨! Interviewed on Feb. 16, lasted for 40 minutes. Nice interviewer, normal questions, terrible phone. I was kinda struggling during the last five minutes of the interview, she can hardly grasp what I was saying, vice versa. For example, I repeated one simple sentence for more than three times but she still can't hear me clearly. At least, one less thing.
ASU phone interview ASU 延续了迟到的风格,原本晚上1:00钟的面试,到2点钟也没有电话响。只好打国际长途去投诉。本来还因为是web cam interview,在大半夜的时候奇怪地穿着formal attire, 还在脸上涂抹了 一下,结果活活冻了个半死,本来的感冒又加重了。 预计50分钟的面试结果只有30分左右,语速很快完全没有因为是国际学生放慢速度,听不明白的地方就叫他重复。交谈也总是冷场,看来他们应该有个question list, 在上面找问题问的,基本上我都在www.accepted.com上面查到过了 1. Why now 2. tough team member 3. feedback from your supervisor 4. a situation made important decision 5. which MBA program you apply. why you choose them 6. career goal. what is you positon in a company 15 years later 7. do you satisfied with you leadship, what are you lacking in your leadship? 8. ethic situation 9. Failure 就这些了,没什么想法,最讨厌不守时了。今年进不了好的学校,我就明年再来,又不是钱多得没有地方用,非得给小米花不可。
攒人品,ASU面经 是JAYNE SABRINA面试的,基本上很传统的问题: 1. WhyMBA, Why now? 2。tough team member 3。which MBA program you apply. why you choose them,how will you choose if all admit you? 4。greatest and worst team experience 5. leadership example 6.Your question to us?