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Dartmouth Tuck MBA 面试汇总(2009-2010)

Tuck面经:Phone interview on Feb., conducted by a second-year student

事先沟通了一下能不能用skype, 对方说只能用电话,但通话效果确实比较差。面我的second-year比较会调节气氛,开头闲聊了一下,然后才进入主题。
1)Introduce yourself;
2) Why MBA;
3) Why Tuck;
4) Leadership example;
5) failure;
6) contribution;
7) Q&A

个人感觉essay很关键,比如Tuck的那个 feedback一定要用心写,到了面试很大程度只是kick some people out了;然后Tuck这个学校很在意Why Tuck, 所以感兴趣的TX真的要下点功夫。Hope it helps.
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Tuck MBA Jan Round 2月19日 phone interview

very nice的二年级学生,问题和之前同志们贴出来的基本一样,不同的问题有:

1. achievement, why?

2. most difficult problems, how?

3. strength and weakness


Thank you all! Helen, Kevin, Ritchie!

发现每次面试都有遗憾,都有准备不到的地方。不过,人生也是如此,Que sera sera,与大家共勉。

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


2010年第一面Tuck MBA 电话面经


why tuck

why mba


tell me about your self

strength and weekness


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Tuck MBA alumni interview

刚刚面试回来,心情还有些激动。早上11点打开邮箱看到了面试通知,然后下一封就是面试官希望今晚面试的通知。那一刻,心快跳到嗓子眼。TUCK是我的dream school, fit and likeable. 之前因为已经是第三轮申请,而且听说它一般喜欢工作时间比较长的,这么久没有消息,以为已经与之失之交臂。但是,它终于在新年快要到来的时候,给了我一次近距离了解它的机会。MBA申请到今天,我已经充分体会到,凡事过程远比结果重要和精彩。I'm grateful to this far I have gone in the process. 校友人很nice, 我很enjoy这个过程。简单得写点面试心得,供后来人参考。

1. go through resume and tell what kind of person you are
3. Key leadership experience
4. Contribution to TUCK
5. Q&A

校友一直在记笔记,记得很详细,让我觉得非常得真诚和professional. 总之,让我更加爱TUCK了。祝自己好运!

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Tuck MBA phone interview

刚刚做完了Tuck interview, Second Year student, a very nice guy
关键应该还是刚开始有没掌握Chemistry/经验可以尽量有趣一点的说明,因为phone interview没有互动真的很会很冷。
我建议大家一开始可以想一下怎么warm up,然后穿插一些例子和小故事,尤其是在大家都会说类似答案的时候。不过当然还是要be yourself。
anyway, 希望面试官不要太挑剔。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.




注意:她大概面太多人了,所以喜欢把两个问题和着问。比如自我介绍 + why MBA,我一时糊涂,居然把why tuck给简单掠过了,超郁闷。另外,有的小事例,我可能两句话就概括,进入下一段,但她等我答完,会根据她不清楚的地方问的再具体一些。还有就是,她让我明确毕业后是在美国呆两年还是直接回国。我回答回国,不过不小心说了是觉得在美国找不到想要的工作=_= 真tm郁闷啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Tuck MBA on-Campus 面经

Interviewed with Tuck a couple of days ago on campus with a 2nd year student.

Class visit + 30 min interview + Campus tour + Q&A

I skipped the last two sections since I had to drive 300 miles back to New Jersey.

Interview was rather conversational and no "random" questions.

- Role at your most recent job
- Why MBA& Why Tuck
- Contribution to Tuck
- Teamwork experience  & what is ur most significant learning from this exp
- Team conflict experience & what is ur most significant learning from this exp
- Failure
- Questions for me?

Good luck to all.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


昨天下午在Tuck做完on-campus interview后就穿两州(NH, VT),过两省(QC, ON)开回多伦多,一路下冰雨,途中见到运油车事故,油罐炸得开花,山石烤得漆黑(希望司机没事),而且这两天new england气候暖和,导致路上严重大雾,为了安全,只能慢慢开,顺便沿途回想了这几天的经历以便贴在此跟大家分享。

先说大家最关心的面试吧,面我的是个二年级女生。地点在一study room。在从waiting room走去面试室的时候互相交流了一下背景。
坐下后直接进入正题。我觉得我有点背,因为刚开始回答问题时我就听见很响的,好像肚子咕咕叫的声音,停了下来,望着面试官,发现她也望着我。然后两人异口同声说 'sorry...',然后她抢着说,‘I am sorry, it's been like this all morning. I am not feeling very good today.' 才明白,哦,不是我。可接着下来她的肚子几乎每一分钟响一下,而且特别大声,让我非常分心,我在回答的时候好几次停下来问她是否ok, 所以说得有点断断续续,一开始最传统的resume, why now, why mba, why tuck 都没答好。我过了几分钟后才排除一切干扰,精神100%集中。


resume related questions (3 mins):
She didn't ask me to go through my resume, but broke down my resume piece by piece to ask me in details.
Why this undergraduate school?
What I did in my first job, second and third job?
What were the companies business except for the last one which was a Fortune 500 company?
What were my responsibilities?
What I enjoyed most at my current job?

Three whys (5 mins)?

behavioral questions (10 mins):
leadership example
example of a difficult time with a team member or client
She asked some questions based on my answers, such as:
Why did you do that?
Can you tell me more details on how you did that?
How big was the team?
Why was he difficult to deal with?
Do you think it was your problem or his problem? (This was a bit tough. I didn't prepare for this. It took me a while to come up with the answer as i didn't think it was all my fault but at the same time I didn't want to put everything onto the other person.)

Then she asked me if I wanted to add anything. I mentioned two reasons before while I actually had three, but she cut me short, so I mentioned the last point for why Tuck.

The last part was for my questions, I had three questions, but she only allowed me to ask two, and then sent me back to the waiting room.

她严格的把时间控制在30分钟,面试期间好几次提到了‘we are short of time/ we are running out of time.’。在我之前,之后她都有其他面试者。整个过程非常紧凑,但我觉得时间严重不够用。

在waiting room 里,有人面了45分钟,说面试官告诉他面试已经严重超时,但没关系,因为他之后没人。这些还是看运气的~~

tell me a time when you had a conflict with your team member.
do you think you are a team player? example.
do you like outdoor activities?

有一个经验,就是如果你要on-campus面的话,一定要注意控制时间,答案一定要精炼,简洁。因为面试官大多是二年级学生,面完你可能还要面其他人,上课,考试,或者有自己的job interview,所以在mock的时候一定要控制在30分钟。

总的来说,我觉得我essay写的还过得去,但面试就比较烂。接下来就是漫长的等待了。我一到了就直奔amy mitson 的办公室跟她聊了了会天,她刚刚才电面了一个澳洲女生,然后还做了几个on-campus interview。amy其实是专门read asian applications, 有兴趣的同学们应该多找她聊聊,因为她很有可能会读到你的application package。不过当然,Dawna自己会read every single application at least once。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Kristine面的,从why mba开始。中间穿插了career goal, 针对我工作的经历有很多细节的问题。此外还有why now, contribution, why Tuck, personal development,到过的最喜欢的地方等。很多问题都是针对个人经历说到哪儿问到哪儿,而且问得很具体。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Tuck MBA Interview Beijing
刚刚面试归来。 周五接到 Tuck 面试通知。约了周一一大早。应该是北京头一个面的。Kristine 人很nice, 只是我状态实在不好,面的太差了。一些面经供大家参考:

1. why MBA?
2. why Tuck?
3. what your family describe you?
4. your strength and weakness?
5. what can you contribute to Tuck?
6. Teamwork experience
7. Any questions?
都是经典问题。 她还是很详细地记录你说的每一句话。有时候自己都感觉不知道说什么,看着她在记更紧张,都想和她说,不然重来一次。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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