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小蜜给的UMD MSBF一些情况,给大家分享一下,跟新最新信息

1. What is the format of teaching? Will the classes be held on weekdays daytime/ weekdays evening/ or weekends?
2. Is there any facility such as library, self-study room, or lab in the Ronald Reagan Building?
3. How many students will be expected to enroll into the programme this year? and what is the percentage of international students?
4. Could you please give me some information about previous years stundents' placement? and will the school help international students to find some internship opportunities in D.C.?
Thanks a lot for your attention.就业情况也希望有人来说一说,虽然知道master基本每个学校都不怎么有career service,还是希望在读的人说一说这个项目在美国找实习和工作的情况。
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Answers to the questions:

1. Classes are held during the day time on weekdays. However, you make opt to take classes in the evenings/weekends if you like the classes then or if it fits in better with your schedule.
2. There are study spaces at RRB.急需UMD学长学姐解答
3. We are looking for a class of about 40-50. As for international students, we do not have a specific target. We want a class filled with qualified candidates, regardless of their nationality.
4. We do not have placement statistics. There are no career services offered to MSB students, so students must secure jobs/internships on their own using the class and personal network.


最近有人说没有career service的消息是因为想去UMD而特意编造出来的,很无语,UMD的一个小蜜Maria一直是说no CS的,最近又问了LeAnne这个小蜜是,回复是说有CS,但是只是改改resume和教一些job search strategies,没有针对MSBF开设的job fair之类的服务,也就是说对MSBF没有特别设置CS,但是可以享受基本的MBA的CS。
大家自己判断学校吧,其实还是挺恐怖的,本来也只想提供一些消息,让大家了解尽可能多,然后方便选校,没想到有人那么说,叹!知道很多同学最录取自己的学校爱校心切,很难接受负面评价,但是希望也不要随便揣测别人的用意,如果谁任然怀疑,我很乐意提供我的AD给他看,看看是不是因为想去UMD才故意说没有career service的。



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