Before being simplified, the instructions for computing income tax in Country R were to add 2 percent of one's annual income to the average (arithmetic mean) of 100 units of Country R's currency and 1 percent of one's annual income. Which of the following represents the simplified formula for computing the income tax, in Country R's currency, for a person in that country whose annual income is I? a)50+I/200 b)50+3I/100 c)50+I/40 d)100+I/50 e)100+3I/100 题目看不懂,恳请NN们赐教。。。
这道题真正要读的时候要学会正确的断句:add 2 percent of one’s annual income to the average (arithmetic mean) of 100 units of Country R’s currency and 1 percent of one’s annual income
add [2 percent of one’s annual income] to the average (arithmetic mean) of{ 100 units of Country R’s currency and 1 percent of one’s annual income}
add X to average of Y and Z 就是X + (Y+Z)/2 其中 X = 2 percent of one’s annual income = I/50 Y = 100 units of Country R’s currency = 100 Z = 1 percent of one’s annual income = I/100