Potential Weaknesses 1:GMAT/GRE or TOEFL/IELTS score below the median
Recommended Strategies for Improvements: Retake the exam and send an updated score report
Potential Weaknesses 2:Limited exposure to quantitative coursework or tasks / Low GMAT/GRE quantitative score
(below 65%)
Recommended Strategies for Improvements: Improve your GMAT quantitative score and/or complete quantitative coursework such as a course at your local university or online courses through Coursera. Additionally, you may consider supplementing with mbamath.com
Potential Weaknesses 3:Communication skills
Recommended Strategies for Improvements: Join Toastmasters or a similar public speaking group. For non-native English speakers: read English literature, watch English television shows and interact with native English speakers as much as possible
Potential Weaknesses 4:Planning a significant career transition without prior preparation
Recommended Strategies for Improvements: Network with individuals in your desired industry and consider refining your goals; read The Two Hour Job Search; consider a viable Plan B
Potential Weaknesses 5:Limited career experience
Recommended Strategies for Improvements: Demonstrate significant achievements and leadership successes by sending updates and/or obtaining an additional recommendation - this can include activities/experiences outside of the workplace
Potential Weaknesses 6:Fit and commitment to Johnson
Recommended Strategies for Improvements: Contact current students, faculty, staff, and/or alumni to learn about Johnson and how you could contribute; Provide an updated statement about why Johnson is the best MBA program for you