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1.2.1 臭氧空间 By huiwazi

V2 by tompry 760
第二段里面说这个臭氧层破坏的影响然后又说科学家发现臭氧层在recovery,接着预测full recovery之后的影响,澳大利亚会变干,南美会变湿,对南半球的风有影响(促进还是减弱忘了),南极洲也会受到影响,这里有except题,


1.2.2 火山内部填充物By 唱什么歌


1.2.3 企业征税 by 唱什么歌
第一段 有人认为增加对企业征税只是对企业内部有影响,而作者认为事实上这种影响会转移到外部(比如:1更少的工资,造成消费水平下降,或者2通过提高价格转嫁给消费者)
第二段 继续解释1,因为政府征税多了,所以企业为了控制成本,不愿意扩张企业,造成新岗位减少,人均岗位减少(有题)。。。
第三段 由于当地征收高税,所以企业更愿意把钱投资到邻近的地区。。。



V1 by cthy1

widely held view物种灭绝是因为地球上发生catastrophic
关于catastrophe 在阅读大全上找了个相关的,给大家参考下 答案EDADBC
Although numbers of animals in a given region may fluctuate from year to year, the fluctuations are often temporary and, over long periods, trivial. Scientists have advanced three theories of population control to account for this relative constancy.
The first theory attributes a relatively constant population to periodic climatic catastrophes that decimate populations with such frequency as to prevent them from exceeding some particular limit. In the case of small organisms with short life cycles, climatic changes need not be catastrophic: normal seasonal changes in photoperiod (daily amount of sunlight), for example, can govern population growth. This theory—the density-independent view—asserts that climatic factors exert the same regulatory effect on population regardless of the number of individuals in a region.
A second theory argues that population growth is primarily density-dependent—that is, the rate of growth of a population in a region decreases as the number of animals increases. The mechanisms that manage regulation may vary. For example, as numbers increase, the food supply would probably diminish, which would increase mortality. In addition, as Lotka and Volterra have shown, predators can find prey more easily in high-density populations. Other regulators include physiological control mechanisms: for example, Christian and Davis have demonstrated how the crowding that results from a rise in numbers may bring about hormonal changes in the pituitary and adrenal glands that in turn may regulate population by lowering sexual activity and inhibiting sexual maturation. There is evidence that these effects may persist for three generations in the absence of the original provocation. One challenge for density-dependent theorists is to develop models that would allow the precise prediction of the effects of crowding.
A third theory, proposed by Wynne-Edwards and termed “epideictic,” argues that organisms have evolved a “code” in the form of social or epideictic behavior displays, such as winter-roosting aggregations or group vocalizing; such codes provide organisms with information on population size in a region so that they can, if necessary, exercise reproductive restraint. However, Wynne-Edwards’ theory, linking animal social behavior and population control, has been challenged, with some justification, by several studies.
1.        The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) argue against those scientists who maintain that animal populations tend to fluctuate
(B) compare and contrast the density-dependent and epideictic theories of population control
(C) provide example of some of the ways in which animals exercise reproductive restraint to control their own numbers
(D) suggests that theories of population control that concentrate on the social behavior of animals are more open to debate than are theories that do not
(E) summarize a number of scientific theories that attempt to explain why animal populations do not exceed certain limits
2.        It can be inferred from the passage that proponents of the density-dependent theory of population control have not yet been able to
(A) use their theory to explain the population growth of organisms with short life cycles
(B) reproduce the results of the study of Christian and Davis
(C) explain adequately why the numbers of a population can increase as the population’s rate of growth decreases
(D) make sufficiently accurate predictions about the effects of crowding
(E) demonstrate how predator populations are themselves regulated
3.        Which of the following, if true, would best support the density-dependent theory of population control as it is described in the passage?
(A) As the number of foxes in Minnesota decrease, the growth rate of this population of foxes begins to increase.
(B) As the number of woodpeckers in Vermont decreases, the growth rate of this population of woodpeckers also begins to decrease.
(C) As the number of prairie dogs in Oklahoma increases, the growth rate of this population of prairie dogs also begins to increase.
(D) After the number of beavers in Tennessee decreases, the number of predators of these beavers begins to increase.
(E) After the number of eagles in Montana decreases, the food supply of this population of eagles also begins to decrease.
4.        According to the Wynne-Edwards theory as it is described in the passage, epideictic behavior displays serve the function of
(A) determining roosting aggregations
(B) locating food
(C) attracting predators
(D) regulating sexual activity
(E) triggering hormonal changes
5.        The challenge posed to the Wynne-Edwards-theory by several studies is regarded by the author with
(A) complete indifference
(B) qualified acceptance
(C) skeptical amusement
(D) perplexed astonishment
(E) agitated dismay
6.        Which of the following statements would provide the most of logical continuation of the final paragraph of the passage?
(A) Thus Wynne-Edwards’ theory raises serious questions about the constancy of animal population in a region.
(B) Because Wynne-Edwards’ theory is able to explain more kinds of animal behavior than is the density-dependent theory, epideictic explanations of population regulation are now widely accepted.
(C) The results of one study, for instance, have suggested that group vocalizing is more often used to defend territory than to provide information about population density.
(D) Some of these studies have, in fact, worked out a systematic and complex code of social behavior that can regulate population size.
(E) One study, for example, has demonstrated that birds are more likely to use winter-roosting aggregations than group vocalizing in order to provide information on population size.


1.2.6 advertising中popular music的影响的
advertising中popular music的影响的,popular music分为altered lyric和original lyric, 还有low significence和high significance的,然后第二段说high significance可以解释,但是发现low significance无法解释,第三段是讲altered和orginal, low 和high 分别对male和female的影响,具体谁对应什么忘记了


1.2.7 月球的形成
model of moon,这个结构很清楚,第一段讲有3个模型(有一个模型叫fission model?记不清出了,大家google下吧)可以说明月球是怎么出现的,第二段讲这三个模型都不对,然后list了很多论据表明为什么不对,第三段推出了一个新模型,这个模型很好的解决了第二段中提到的其他模型的不足。题目多是细节题,细心点。


1.2.8 火山magma
火山MAGMA之类的。第一段说了一个说法,然后说,根据这个说法,火山爆发对地球是有益的,因为什么LIQUID 的什么玩意我也忘了,总之接下来是反驳这个观点,说采样发现,MAGMA和原来预想的成分不一样。然后发现和什么什么成分是一样的,所以否定了第一段最后的观点。


1.2.9 海怪 by speedofsound 700+
2. 然后有些科学家就去研究了。他们在对lobster(还是blot?)这个海怪做了研究,大概是切片分析了基因,最终发现这个家伙是鲸鱼的尸体,我猜测可能已经腐烂了。 然后他们又去分析blot,分析不出来。因此他们说因为腐烂程度的不一样,还有一些其他原因,不一定都能检测出来。但是,他们又提出说blot的tissue结构类似lobster,可能也是一种鲸鱼。
3. 这个发现就能解释很多海怪了。但是因为这个科学研究没有被大量宣传,大众可能还要等好几年才能明白什么是海怪。

第二段:有两人证明某块神秘的东西其实那是鲸鱼身上的子宫- -。其他的部分由于保存不好所以难以鉴别,但肯定也是类似的。

sea serpent海怪!! 长篇

第一段:讲了对海怪的所谓证据: 过去一些文学作品里老是提到一些sea serpent,被称为sea monster什么的,引用了一个写guide的author的话,说什么odd carcass,...huge piles of...tissues之类,下面说这些生物常常被海水冲到海岸边,过去在智利Chile,秘鲁都有发现。还有人把它们描述得像“lobster” 最后说这些文学作品里的描述对科学家有allude(间接)提及。(首段有考题,问为啥把这种生物列为海怪?)
第二段:说P这个科学家带领一些研究人员想要研究这种怪物(对Chile Blob的各种研究)。发现和一种鲸鱼spern whale很相似,某些样本没法进行DNA分析,但是biochemical 等方面的比较发现了它们和Chile那里的还是相似的。

1、作者观点:两个选项:一个是和其他很多writers 的描述一致,另一个说in agreement with scientist P...and his colleagues (注意作者提到这些文学作品时表示态度的词
第二段说某个生物学家用各种方法检测”海怪“遗骸,因为腐烂,所以他们用了moleculor分子技术检测,发现这些遗骸都是源自海里的某种大鲸鱼 Blob whale,他们想更进一步用DNA检验,但是遗骸腐败严重没有提取到足够的DNA比对。

第三段总结,说即使科学家已经证实了这不是海怪,但是相关的迷信和传说仍将会流行一段时间,因为写这些书的人总爱Blah Blah什么的(已经无关轻重了)

P1.  A travel guide mentioned the existence of sea serpents based on the recent recovery of huge and amorphous organisms from the ocean. However, little was known about the true identity of these organisms.

P2. Recent scientific findings provided unequivocal evidence that these organisms are in fact a type of whale.

P3. Due to the mystery-mongering attitude of writers on this topic, it may take longer for the general public to accept the fact suggested by recent scientific findings.

Q1. Which of the following would the author most likely to agree regarding the travel guide?
--> The travel guide shares the same attitude with some writers on this topic.
Q2. Which of the following would the author most likely to agree regarding the organisms recovered from the ocean?
-->They are huge and have no skeletons or distinctive shapes (八神妄语:其实,考的是amorphous)





P1. A travel guide mentioned the existence of sea serpents based on the recent recovery of huge and amorphous(无定形的,无组织的)organisms from the ocean. However, little was known about the true identity of these organisms.
P2.Recent scientific findings provided unequivocal evidence that these organisms are in fact a type of whale.
P3.Due to the mystery-mongering 传奇的传播 attitude of writers on this topic, it may take longer for the general public to accept the fact suggested by recent scientific findings.
v2 P1:讲述海怪的存在,有引用好像是导游还是什么人的话,说明有海怪存在(这里有题,会问为什么引用这个话,我选择说明在这个时候还没有人去研究海怪传说的真实性.)接着距离说明很多地方有残骸washed ashore.2001年的例子,2003年的例子,还有提到1988年的例子,(是智利的一个海岸?)说前一次在1988年,后来还有残骸出现.(后面这个有题)
P2:就讲澳洲的科学家着手研究这些残骸.欲采取DNA验证手段.有些残骸证明是抹香鲸(perm whale, cachalot)的.大多数残骸都年代久远,因此很难提取DNA,但是分析其纤维组织结构也能证明是类似动物身上的组织.


(1)为什么引用那个人的话; JJ作者选:说明在这个时候还没有人去研究海怪传说的真实性。
(3)Q1.Which of the following would the author most likely to agree regarding the travel guide?
--> The travel guide shares the same attitude with some writers on this topic.
(4)Q2.Which of the following would the author most likely to agree regarding the organisms recovered from the ocean?
-->They are huge and have no skeletons or distinctive shapes!!!


p1就讲很多作家喜欢神秘化sea monster(作者对此的态度是讽刺的.切记第一句有提到skeptic,是指怀疑sea monster传说的人,后面有题目把这个skeptic混淆成那些神化sea monster的人,注意区分).

p2讲一个科学小组对此的研究进展证明sea monster的DNA跟**类似.中间提到他们对于某种物质提取not sure.(有题).

p3将这些科学讲打击那些将sea monster神秘化的人,但是因为此种观念的根深蒂固,需要很长时间才能打消.(有题)


1.3.1 灰色地带 grey area
1. 经济学上有一个灰色地带的概念,好像是说从事配送,物流,服务的一些人可以被归类到这个地带。
2. GDP中灰色地带的比例。然后提到政策法规太复杂,太严密,这个灰色地带的经济比重就很大,比如什么意大利。美国和瑞士正好相反,灰色地带比较小。
3. 灰色地带主要是一些小规模的经济体,他们因为规模小,不大容易采用先进科技来提高生产力。
首先定义了一下grey econmoy, 就是某种程度上不合规的经济活动。然后讲如何衡量grey economy的规模,因为没有正规数据,所以只能通过间接的数据,譬如用电量占比之类的。然后提到一个research结果就是regulation and xxx越多,grey economy占GDP的比重就越大。最后讲为了规避政府监督,grey econmoy里的公司都规模很小,所以享受不到先进的科技跟规模经济(因为没法大投入)
a. 问哪个国家比哪个国家grey economy多,应该是Greece vs Switzerland
b. 问哪条符合grey economy里公司的描述?我选的是人数很少(虽然原文没提到,但我觉得算是正确的推论)
c. .....
grey economy狠简单,开始介绍什么是grey economy,然后说这种经济再监管的特别严格、结构特别复杂的国家占gdp比例较高。文章内容不难。题目也不难


1.3.2 服务行业和制造业

  第一段虽然1945年到1965年间美国经济productivity 一直在以每年3%的年增长率增长,但自从1970年以后,它的增长率就下降到了每年只有1%。是什么原因造成的呢?肯定不是manufacturing sector的错。因为自从1980年以后,制造业(manufacturing sector)的增长使美国生产率提高了一大截;有题,问作者暗示了什么,答服务业在1970年之前的表现不好。Behaviour relatively poor.

  虽然制造业进步很大,但是它毕竟只占美国生产的一小部分。1992年,manufacturing sector之雇佣了美国19.2%的工人,对比之下,服务业(service -producing )雇佣了70%的员工。虽然在1970年后,服务业的生产率也在提高,但提高的速度却在减慢。对于减慢的原因以及服务业和制造业之间的差距,人们做出了几种解释:

  一个原因是传统的测量方法没有办法真正测出服务业的增长情况。because it has been concentrated in improved quality of services. Yet traditional measures of manufacturing productivity have shown significant increases despite the under measurement of quality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate.



  然而又有一些人把这个归因于政府的赤字。Budget deficit.如果federal budget deficit 低,利率interest也就低,对于新技术的投资就多。但是服务业并不着急使用新技术,服务业的managers 不能广泛运用新技术。一些公司的情况说明如果managers 能够运用新技术,挑选熟练地员工,那么服务业的生产率一定会上升的。但是企业间不断地兼并以及政府不恰当的调节,使得经理们不能专注于这些正确的策略。
service sector in US
主要是讲美国为什么service sector productivity无法增长而manufacturingsector productivity却一直保持增长。讨论了各种各样的观点,但作者都认为不靠谱。文章最后一句有作者认为的可能的观点。
a. 进入80年代之前的manufacturing sector performance怎么样,答案应该是poorly(原文有讲80年代开始之后productivity有大幅提高貌似)
b. 同上(想起来的时候我会过来补充的)。。
1945年到1965年间美国经济productivity 一直在以每年3%的年增长率增长,但1970年以后就下降到了只有1%。是什么原因造成的呢? 绝对不是manufacturing sector。因为自从1980年以后,制造业的增长使美国一跃成为世界制造业的领头羊【此处出题问 “what can be infered about制造业的状况,immediately prior to 1980” 这里兰州不同意之前一篇寂静的观点,他选的是behavioring relavtively poor,但是问题里有immediately这个词,我选的是取得了较大进步,因为只有1980年前取得了较大进步,之后才能making America one of the领头羊,大家自己斟酌】 虽然制造业进步很大,但是它只占美国经济一小部分。1992年,制造业只雇佣了美国19.2%的工人;而服务业(service -producing )雇佣了70%的员工。虽然在1970年后,服务业的生产率也在提高,但提高的速度却在减慢。对于减慢的原因以及服务业和制造业之间的差距,有以下几种解释:

一个原因是传统的测量并有反应质量。因为服务业可能更注重于质量的提高。 Yet traditional measures ofmanufacturing productivity have shown significant increases despite the undermeasurement of quality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate.另一些人蛋逼说,是因为制造业的员工面临fiercer的国际竞争,这促使他们提高效率,而服务业面临的竞争较少,所以他们没有动力。但事实并非如此,制造业所面临的压力常常被夸大了【另一篇寂静里说的是服务业,兰州记得是制造业】。【此处有题,答案就是制造业的压力被夸大,选项和原文就是把“夸大”这个词做了不同的翻译,一个overstated,一个exaggerated】。实事上,虽然的确有些制造业的员工因为国外的竞争而失去了工作,但更多的人失去工作是因为产品需求的增长缓慢。

还有一些人把这个归因于政府的Budget Deficit.如果federal budget deficit 低,利率interest也就低,对于新技术的投资就多。但是企业间不断地兼并以及政府不恰当的调节,使得经理们不能专注于这些正确的策略。
1.        T-3-Q33-Q36 80年代美国经济增长变缓原因何在
(This passage is excerpted from material published in 1997)
Whereas United States eco-        美国经济增长从1970’s
nomic productivity grew at an annual    起变缓,增长率从3%
rate of 3 percent from 1945 to 1965,     降至1%。
Line                                it has grown at an annual rate of
(5)                                only about 1 percent since the early
1970’s. What might be preventing       原因何在?
higher productivity growth? Clearly,     不是制造业原因。
the manufacturing sector of the
economy cannot be blamed. Since
(10)                                1980, productivity improvements        自1980年,制造业的
in manufacturing have moved the        生产力从谷底上升至
United States from a position of         世界前列。
acute decline in manufacturing
to one of world prominence.
(15)                                Manufacturing, however, consti-         而且制造业只占经济一
tutes a relatively small proportion        小部分。
of the economy. In 1992, goods-       1992年制造业只雇19.1%
producing businesses employed          的美国工人,服务业却
only 19.1 percent of American           雇了70%。
(20)                                workers, whereas service-producing
businesses employed 70 percent.
Although the service sector has          虽然服务业在1970’s有
grown since the late 1970’s, its          所增长,其生产力下降。
productivity growth has declined.
(25)                                Several explanations have been          对制造业和服务业生产
Offered for this declined and for the      力增长的差异的解释有
discrepancy in productivity growth       很多
between the manufacturing and
service sectors. One is that tra-           一个是传统衡量不能
(30)                                ditional measures fail to reflect           反映服务业的生产力
service-sector productivity growth        增长,因为它只关心
because it has been concentrated          服务质量的改善。
in improved quality of services.
Yet traditional measures of manu-         而衡量制造业则相反
(35)                                facturing productivity have shown
significant increases despite the
undermeasurement of quality,
whereas service productivity has
continued to stagnate. Others argue        另一个解释是制造业
(40)                                that since the 1970’s, manufacturing       工人在竞争下提高了
workers, faced with strong foreign         效率,而服务业相反
competition, have learned to work
more efficiently in order to keep their
jobs in the United States, but service
(45)                                workers, who are typically under
less global competitive pressure,
have not. However, the pressure on         但是制造业工人提
manufacturing workers in the United        高效率被夸大了,
States to work more efficiently has         由于政治原因。
(50)                                generally been overstated, often
for political reasons. In fact, while          虽然竞争造成制造
some manufacturing jobs have been         业的一些失业,但
lost due to foreign competition, many       主要原因还是需求
more have been lost simply because         增长缓慢。
(55)                                of slow growth in demand for manu-
factured goods.
        Yet another explanation blames         还有一种解释是联
the federal budget deficit: if it were         邦预算赤字。
lower, interest rate would be lower          赤字减少,投资增
(55)                                too, thereby increasing investment          加,服务业就有钱投
in the development of new technol-         资新技术,提高生产
ogies, which would spur productivity        力。
growth in the service sector. There          但这是错的。
is, however, no dearth of techno-
(60)                                logical resources, rather, managers          其实是服务业经理
in the service sector fail to take             没利用好现有的技
advantage of widely available skills          术和机器。
and machines. High productivity
growth levels attained by leading-
(65)                                edge service companies indicate            如成功的公司就是
that service sector managers               用好了现成技术和
who wisely implement available            工人。
technology and choose skillful
workers can significantly improve
(70)                                their companies’ productivity.
The culprits for service-sector              服务业生产力停滞
productivity stagnation are the              原因是企业合并和
forces-such as corporate                不必要的政府律令。
takeovers and unnecessary
(75)                                governmental regulation-that
distract managers from the task
of making optimal use of available
文章结构清晰,为了回答为什么经济衰退,找到服务业的原因,为什么服务业衰退,找到服务业管理者的原因,最后找到根源:the forces---corporate takeovers and unnecessary governmental regulation.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the budget deficit explanation for the discrepancy mentioned in line 27?
A.        Research shows that the federal budget deficit has traditionally caused service companies to invest less money in research and development of new technologies.
B.        New technologies have been shown to play a significant role in companies that have been able to increase their service productivity.
C.        In both service sector and manufacturing, productivity improvements are concentrated in gains in quality.
D.        The service sector typically requires larger investments in new technology in order to maintain productivity growth than dose manufacturing
E.        High interest rates tend to slow the growth of manufacturing productivity as much as they slow the growth of service-sector productivity in the United States.

The passage states which of the following about the effect of foreign competition on the American manufacturing sector since the 1970’s?
A.        It has often been exaggerated.
B.        It has not been a direct cause of job loss.
C.        It has in large part been responsible for the subsequent slowing of productivity growth.
D.        It has slowed growth in the demand for manufactured goods in the United States.
E.        It has been responsible for the majority of American jobs lost in manufacturing.
However, the pressure on manufacturing workers in the United States to work more efficiently has generally been overstated,

It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was true of the United States manufacturing sector in the years immediately prior to 1980?
A.        It was performing relatively poorly.
B.        It was in a position of world prominence.
C.        It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 3 percent.
D.        It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 1 percent.
E.        Its level of productivity was higher than afterward.
Since 1980, productivity improvements in manufacturing have moved the United States from a position of acute decline in manufacturing to one of world prominence.

The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about productivity improvements in United States service companies?
A.        Such improvements would be largely attributable to efficiencies resulting from corporate takeovers.
B.        Such improvements would depend more on wise implementation of technology than on managers’ choice of skilled workers.
C.        Such improvements would be more easily accomplished if there were fewer governmental regulations of the service sector.
D.        Such improvements would require companies to invest heavily in the development of new technologies.
E.        Such improvements would be attributable primarily to companies’ facing global competitive pressure.
The culprits for service-sector productivity stagnation are the forces-such as corporate takeovers and unnecessary governmental regulation-that distract managers from the task of making optimal use of available resources.文章最后一句话。



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