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GMAT考试-10月22日换题库阅读新题时时更新(29号更新)-Social Science Division

Social Science Division        2
1.1Business & Economics        2
1.1.1 restaurant 的service guarantee △        2
1.1.2企业竞争        4
1.1.3 CEO★        4
1.1.4  check支付方式★        6
1.1.5  government regulation与crop出口量        7
1.1.6营销策略        8
1.1.7 雇佣人数        8
1.1.8 Gray Market△        9
1.1.9 大企业与创新        11
1.1.11 客服与顾客投诉        12
1.1.12 公司筹资        12
1.2Analysis & Research        12
1.2.1新理论        12
1.2.2关于项目投资的实验(原1.2.1 --V2)        13
1.2.3 狩猎与游戏关系        13
1.3Human (Woman) Revolution & Historical stuff        13
1.3.1关于“公谊会教徒Quakers”中的女性的教育 ★        13
1.3.2  黑人奴隶自由        14
1.4Art & Culture        14
1.4.1广告 △        14
1.4.2部落与现代手段        18
1.4.3美国立法        18
1.4.4 加拿大铁路 △        18
1.4.5尾气处理△        20
1.4.6 广告2   model△        22
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1.1Business & Economics
1.1.1 restaurant 的service guarantee △
V1  【by: lamandel】
第一段:提出service guarantee 这个东西带来的影响是mixed的,对于一个比较高级的餐厅来说,有service guarantee是有帮助的,因为去这种餐厅是一种financial commitment,有service guarantee 是符合对这这种高级餐厅的期望的。但是对于一个a开头的一个形容的餐厅,我猜是那种评价的,大排档一样的餐厅,service guarantee 往往会产生nagative effect, 因为人们本来就没有期望从这样的餐厅里头得到多好的服务,有了service guarantee让人们觉得餐厅是不是觉得对于自己的服务的不自信还是什么的,然后这样的情况是对于一般餐厅来说的,但是对于那种需要skill的行业,比如说修理啊什么的行业,人们还是期望要有service guarantee的。
第二段:说对于restaurant 来说,这样的guarantee可能带来的东西对于staff方面比在customer方面多,然后说一来staff可以用这个东西比对标准来工作,二来可以⋯⋯忘了(不重要)

问题: 文章的idea :我选的是介绍service guarantee的disadvantage 和advantages,大家再看看,今天我的答案没有参考性。
后面还有两个问题,一个好像是问人们对service guarantee 的看法,有一个比较靠谱的选项是他们对服务质量有要求的时候,sg就会有用之类的。另外个想不出来了!!

V2  【by: tracytx121】

想起来第一篇了!刚看了阅读的整理想起来了 就是内个resturant的问题 一屏不到 没生词且好懂..
补一个题目吧 就是有一道题问service guarantee对内些不是特别高级的餐馆有什么影响
答案是:customer会觉得餐厅对自己的服务质量缺乏信心 比较确定 可以在原文定位..

V3  【by: calvin1983】


V4  【by: lTopway  750】
简单,寂静上已经说得很详细了,三个问题,一个是主旨,一个是说service guarentee什么时候能起到作用,还有一个service guarentee对中低端餐厅的影响

V5  【by: 知盛卿 700】
将service gurantee对不同企业的影响.一题主旨,一题是考其他产业和餐馆的区别(还有2个问忘了啊,我该死,刚才在车上还记得的)


考古  by: ryangu619
在服务业中guarantee的作用,8月jj29 (以下转录自04年8月SC & RC机经滚动总结:



是说service guarantee. 首段说这种服务保证对高档次的餐厅而言会有很好的辅助作用。另一方面,对低档的饭店来说,会起到副作用,因为顾客会怀疑服务质量。但是,对某些high skilled行业,如electricity等,这种保证却十分有效。因为顾客会认为它代表了高质量。二段说某人的某理论对这种现象进行了解释。三个细节题,都不难。)(x3次)


V1  【by: tiancai8888】
将一个大家通俗的理论说,这个通俗的理论说的是如果几个同行企业地点在附近,那么这几个企业就会因为竞争而利润下降云云,总之没好处。但是最近理论却发现实际上,企业设的近反而能gain profit。后面几段都是讲data和证据之类的。

V2  【by: nickshengmat】

还有一篇很长说business在一起好。因为有technology, 人们比较会去那里,还有sevice之类的,还说这些business在rural比较少,因为人们比较方便, 还有说hotel,有些小的hotel 比chain hotel更能得到好处。


1.1.3 CEO★
V1  【by: sky7115】

第一篇想起来了,是说公司board对于CEO的态度,说政府的方法premature(不认识,就知道mature)(有考点),board要自己做好(有考点)。然后分析了一下为啥board在这事儿上不行,因为他们content CEO工资和同类公司的比较。最后提了一个解决方案,说注重long-term和short-term的啥啥(好像是stock)(当时我还联想了产业组织理论中所有权和经营权分离的激励措施,原谅我做题爱走神)。

V2  【by: leaderkun】
GWD的原题  但是今天考试时印象中好像将顺序变了 但是答案内容没有变


GWD 26-Q14 to Q16
Although recent censure of corporate boards of directors as “passive” and “supine” may be excessive, those who criticize board performance have plenty of substantive ammunition. Too many corporate boards fail in their two crucial responsibilities of overseeing long-term company strategy and of selecting, evaluating, and determining appropriate compensation of top management. At times, despite disappointing corporate performance, compensation of chief executive officers reaches indefensibly high levels, nevertheless, suggestions that the government should legislate board reform are premature. There are ample opportunities for boards themselves to improve corporate performance.
   Most corporate boards’ compensation committees focus primarily on peer-group comparisons. They are content if the pay of top executives approximates that of the executives of competing firms with comparable short-term earnings or even that of executives of competing firms of comparable size. However, mimicking the compensation policy of competitors for the sake of parity means neglecting the value of compensation as a means of stressing long-term performance. By tacitly detaching executive compensation policy from long-term performance, committees harm their companies and the economy as a whole. The committees must develop incentive compensation policies to emphasize long-term performance. For example a board’s compensation committee can, by carefully proportioning straight salary and such short-term and long-term incentives as stock options, encourage top management to pursue a responsible strategy.

According to the passage, the majority of compensation committees put the greatest emphasis on which of the following when determining compensation for their executives?
A.    Long-term corporate performance
B.    The threat of government regulation
C.    Salaries paid to executives of comparable corporations
D.    The probable effect the determination will have on competitors
E.    The probable effect the economic climate will have on the company
The passage suggests which of the following about government legislation requiring that corporate boards undergo reform?
A.    Such legislation is likely to discourage candidates from joining corporate boards.
B.    Such legislation is likely to lead to reduced competition among companies.
C.    The performance of individual companies would be affected by such legislation to a greater extent than would the economy as a whole.
D.    Such legislation would duplicate initiatives already being made by corporate boards to improve their own performance.
E.    Corporate boards themselves could act to make such legislation unnecessary.
Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A.    A problem is acknowledged, the causes are explored, and a solution is offered.
B.    A question is raised, opposing points of view are evaluated, and several alternative answers are discussed.
C.    A means of dealing with a problem is proposed, and the manner in which a solution was reached is explained.
D.    A plan of action is advanced, and the probable outcomes of that plan are discussed.
E.    Two competing theories are described and then reconciled.


1.1.4  check支付方式★
V1  【by: tracytx121】

还有一个貌似也是现象解释 一屏半好像 就是说check的使用率很高,虽然它的什么social cost大, 在其他的什么支付方式都被更普遍使用的时候,check的使用率还是居高不下。后面就是解释..有一个什么conventional explanation说balabalabala..另一段好像是另外一个解释.

V2  【by: 伍月 690】

V3  【by: tent1985】

第一段是说,现在电子化的支付方式很多,但是paper check 还是很受欢迎,占80%什么的
第二段,讲paper check多说明市场不健康,似乎稍微讲了点原因
第三段,重点说这个paper check的弊端吧,writer怎么样怎么样,可是拿利息,不用承担什么什么风险


原文搜索:  chinamerica  
狗主人:(kking   v37)是这个原文没错,前三段一样,如果我没记错的话,后面还有,应该是讲质疑第三段传统观点的.

Despite the growing availability and acceptance of electronic payment instruments—such as credit cards, debit cards, and automated clearinghouse (ACH) payments—by far the most popular noncash payment instrument used in the United States is the paper check. In 1995, approximately 80 percent of all noncash transactions were made by check (Bank for International Settlements, forthcoming). Furthermore, although use of electronic instruments has grown in the past several years, check use has grown as well: between 1987 and 1993, the average annual number of payments per capita increased by 26 payments for electronic instruments, but by 31 payments for checks (Humphrey, Pulley, and Vesala, forthcoming). Clearly, individuals and businesses are not rapidly shifting away from checks to electronic instruments.

The popularity of checks persists even though checks cost society more to produce and process than do electronic instruments. According to standard economic theory, that may be a sign that the market for payment instruments is not working properly. In general, in an efficient market, when competing goods are available and one costs societymore, the prices of the goods will reflect the relative costs of the resources used to produce them, and the cheaper good will be substituted for the more expensive. In this way, society uses its resources to produce only the particular goods it wants in the particular amounts it wants. In other words, resources are used efficiently. When use does not shift to the cheaper good, either the goods are not close substitutes or the market has failed, and there is a potential role for a public authority to attempt to correct the failure.

Market failure is a commonly accepted view of what’s happened in the market for payment instruments. According to this view, the users of checks are the check writers. And for those individuals and businesses, the private cost, or price, of using checks has been distorted by the value of check float, or the time between the writing and clearing of a check. During that time, of course, the funds can earn interest for the check writer rather than for the check receiver. The size of this benefit is thought to have reduced the price of check use below the cost to society of producing and processing checks. Since individuals and businesses
don’t face that higher social cost, they continue to use checks despite the existence of other means of payment that are less costly to society. In short, checks are overused.


1.1.5  government regulation与crop出口量
V1  【by: nickshengmat】

还有一篇说government regulation使crop出口量减少了,但那些没有regulation的国家就没有影响。但受regulation影响的crop的比例只占1%,所以影响并不大。

V2  【by: 米米喵】


V3  【by: m2msisi】(不同的狗狗版本有待补充)

有篇是类似寂静1.1.5government regulation与crop出口量,但是不全是,反正几个转折后中心意思是A影响不了B

V4  【by: zmy19880908】
有关农业的和export 什么的,举例记得有说到tomato,XX XX,又问道举这个例子有什么作用


V1  【by: chenrunyu】


V2  【by: zoezyt】


V3  【by: angela236】

讲manufacture和retail sellors 对产品打折的的影响啥的。
问题:作者认为顾客对这些打折信息的了解情况是什么。有个答案是什么不知道M什么时候打折,还有顾客认为R是没有权利影响商品打不打折。呀。。其他的都忘了= =

V4  【by: lotus1221】

阅读碰到一篇讲marketing的,第一段说什么研究purchase 比comsumer consumption重要,比如捆绑销售“buy one get one free”,如果消费者买了之后consumption quantity不增加,销售就会下降。



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