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Conservationist: The population of a certain wildflower is so small that the species is headed for extinction. However, this wildflower can cross-pollinate with a closely related domesticated daisy, producing viable seeds. Such cross-pollination could result in a significant population of wildflower-daisy hybrids. The daisy should therefore be introduced into the wildflower’s range, since although the hybrid would differ markedly from the wildflower, hybridization is the only means of preventing total loss of the wildflower in its range.

34. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the conservationist’s reasoning depends?


A.        The wildflower currently reproduces only by forming seeds.

B.        The domesticated daisy was bred from wild plants that once grew in the wildflower’s range.

C.        Increasing the population of the wildflower will also expand its range.

D.       Wildflower-daisy hybrids will be able to reproduce.

E.        The domesticated daisy will cross-pollinate with any daisy like plant.



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B的意思是不是指这种与wildflower授粉的家养的daisy是从一种野生的植物繁衍而来,而这种野生植物其实也是归在这种需要授粉繁殖的wildflower的范畴内的,in short,他们是一个种族的:)



还有其他人有意见吗  实在是不能把握他的意思 如果按照ls的理解  那就很自然的归为无关项了



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