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1.2.2. 广告语和接受度*
V1【By blessalex 700】
p1广告先说俩个牛人,都是M打头的。M1说广告语速越快,停顿越少越能使受众集中尽力 去听。M2说不然,语速太快和停顿越少,人们越懒得听...提出有两种可能,1. 缺乏理解的时间 2. 太快使人缺乏理解的motivation,(其实就是懒得去鸟一个不断blabla的人的意思)。
V2 【By Ivanka囡】
第一篇是讲advertisement syllable
MacLachlan and his colleagues (LaBarbera & MacLachlan, 1979;MacLachlan & Siegel, 1980) contend that people prefer speech that is somewhat faster than normal speed, and that this prompts them to elaborate more on the advertising message. While they provide data that are consistent with this conclusion, attempts at replication have not provided support (Stephens, 1982; Lautman & Dean, 1983; Schlinger et al., 1983; Moore, Hausknecht, & Thamodaran, 1986).
Moore et al. (1986) offer an alternative thesis, suggesting that time compression interferes with the listener’s opportunity and motivationto elaborate on the ad. They argue that accelerating speech not only curtails processing time, it also serves as a cue that processing will be difficult. Drawing on the Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) they argue that when speech rate is faster than normal, consumers will tend to process the substance of the ad less and focus instead on peripheral cues such as the likeability of the announcer’s voice. Empirical findings provide support for this prediction. Unfortunately, their methodology does not enable them to determine whether this is the result of reduced opportunity to process, reduced motivation to process, or both.
第一段主要就是讲M和Moore 的观点,M有一个claim,Moore有两个opportunity and motivation
选项有confirm both,cofirm M refute Moore,confirm
V3【By seraphfeng 610】
第一段讲关于广告的速度两个人有不同的理论.第一个人叫Mac神马的.说是广告太快了 会怎么怎么样(不重要因为没考题而且作者totally不同意).第二个人叫Moore,他的A观点是广告太快了让人没有时间去process内容.B观 点是广告太快了让人没有motivate去理解内容因为潜意识会认为它很difficult.
V4【By william1963 760】
语速和停顿对于广告效果的影响那篇 估计这是前10题当中出现概率很大的一篇了 文章很短两段跟现有的寂静相差无几
直接问题:1.第二段高亮的“增加停顿时间have no effect”作用是什么? 答案具体不记得了..貌似是高亮的后一句话的同意改写。大家到时再具体看一下
2.作者最终证明了什么? A:驳斥了第一个M 同时证明了第二个M的第二个观点(这篇当中两种理论的学者都是M打头的。。。)
V5【by estellesha 700】
超简单的这篇。题目有一个是选disconfirm第一个人的观点,confirm第二个人的第二个观点(motivation)。其他不记得了 |