1. 字数不是关键因素。只要不低于250字,多点少点都没多大关系。我这次就写了300字左右。我感觉最佳字数范围250-350之间。如果太少了,会让考官怀疑你的思维能力;如果太多必然会使句子的质量下降。 所以关键不是字数,而是要在(着重号begin)每一句话(着重号end)的质量上下工夫。
2.开头和结尾字数都不要太多。最好都不要超过50字,把大量的精力用在正文上,这就是所谓的“凤头,猪肚,豹尾”(看来中国传统的也不都是糟粕)。开头段3 句话之内一定要表明自己的观点,表明完自己的观点后不要再加任何东西,直接转入正文第一段。正文中每一段一定要有例子,无论你的例子多么幼稚和牵强附会都要有,当然例子越恰当越好。不一定必须是for example 或 take …as an example之类的字眼,不过一定要让人一看就知道是在举例。每一个分论点的篇幅要均衡,如果分5段(强烈推荐),估计25分钟能写300字的话,保持 5段的字数大体在30:80:80:80:30的比例范围之内就可以了。这一点其实很好掌握,考前多练一练就知道自己该如何操作了。结尾段一定要简练并点题再一次点明自己观点。最后一定要留5分钟检查(至于构思和列提纲应该在监考老师喊开始写之前就应该完成的了,至于如何完成已经超出本文的讨论范围,总之自己想办法吧,俗话说的好Where there is a will, there is a way. 别让监考老师抓住就行。跑题了!!)。
3. 尽量多的使用复杂句。以前好象听新东方的哪位老师讲过,简单句和复杂句都要有,而且他还给出了量化的比例关系。我不同意这一观点,我觉得复杂句越多越好,最好全部都是复杂句。不用担心考官会认为由于你的文章复杂句太多,使他难于理解而给你降低分数。不论你觉得你的文章写的如何复杂,你的句子写的如何难于理解,考官也会毫不费力的反射般的领会你要说的话(只要你不犯太大的语法错误); 而且正相反他会觉得复杂句更有意思,更生动(不止一个老外给我提到过这一点)。这就是native和"un-native"的区别。复杂句正是体现你英语写作能力的一个方面。记住这不是写小说或其他什么文体,必须遵循一定的语言习惯,而是要展示你的英文写作能力。Plain English 不是plain在句子结构上,而是在用词上要尽量简洁,所以尽管放心大胆的去用复杂句,最好完全杜绝简单句的出现,只是在不得不用简单句时才去写几个。考 IELTS 和TWE 时我就特别注意了这一点,每篇文章中的简单句不会超过5句。
4. 另外段落格式最好别再用传统的那种开头空4个字母,段与段之间不空行的格式了。最好用现代方式,就是每一段顶头写,段与段之间空一行的那种。我从网上当了很多英文的论文,发现现在已经很少有人用传统的段落格式了,特别是象托福作文这样的短篇幅的essay。
5.千万不要用别人的模板, 当然自己原创的例外,我倒是强烈推荐使用自己原创的模板。我一向认为从写作辅导书或网站上的范文学到的不是要写什么,而是不要写什么(这里只是从内容方面来说)。所以一定要有自己的东西。(这可能早已经是cliche了)。
以上只是就一些在 TWE中比较容易忽视,但又很容易做到的一些细节东西谈了几点看法。目的是希望大家在举手之劳就能做到的细节上多拿点分,使TWE工作做的更完美一些。至于如何提高写作水平,我感觉不是单靠看几篇别人发的考试经验或什么的东西就能很容易提高的,还是要靠个人长期不懈的努力,并采取适合于自己的方法才能办到的。
我TWE能拿6分绝对是出忽意料,也没感觉作文水平比以前能有多大进步,倒使我对ETS的评分标准更加迷惑。以前都是听说IELTS的作文比TOEFL简单,而且IELTS还有机经可以参考,可是我IELTS作文只考了个7.0 (也就是中偏上水平,满分9分)。如果IELTS 7.0=TWE 6.0的话,倒是更佩服那些IELTS作文8分的朋友了,如果让他们考TWE该是7分了吧!!!
9. Version 109 (定稿297字)
The computers are widely used in education and some people think teachers are not playing important role in the classroom. To what extend do you agree?(agree/disagree)
As new computer technologies become more efficient and more widely available, increasing numbers of schools use computers in education programs. It seems that the role of teacher in the teaching process is significantly decreased. But in my opinion, computers and teachers are both essential parts of education systems.
The use of computers has a great deal of benefits to the education systems. The computer programs can adapt to the abilities and preferences of the individual student and increase the amount of personalized instruction a student receives. Many students benefit from the immediate responsiveness of computer interactions and appreciate the self-paced and private learning environment. Moreover, computer-learning experiences often engage the interest of students, motivating them to learn and increasing independence and personal responsibility for education.
There are, however, many disadvantages of computers in education. In some applications, especially those involving abstract reasoning and problem-solving processes, computers have not been very effective. Poorly designed computer education programs can dehumanize the educational experience and thereby diminish student interest and motivation. Other disadvantages of computers include the difficulty and expense of implementing and maintaining the necessary computer systems. Therefore, this illustrates the important role of the teacher in the formal instruction.
Besides planning, guiding, and evaluating the learning process, the teacher also spots students who not feeling well, listens to complaints, and comforts the sad or injured student. At all times, the teacher is trying to help the students grow mentally, socially, and emotionally. In addition, computer education programs require teams of teaching specialists and experts in academic subjects to design effective teaching strategies.
Although computers are playing more and more important roles in education systems, the role of the teacher in classrooms should not be ignored, even though they are no longer the only instructors in the classroom nowadays.