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求助:TT GWD 6-30

Each year red-winged blackbirds stop in a certain region of Midland
on their spring and fall migrations.  In the fall, they eat a significant portion of the province’s sunflower crop.  This year Midland farmers sought permits to set out small amounts of poisoned rice during the blackbirds’ spring stop in order to reduce the fall blackbird population.  Some residents voiced concern that the rice could threaten certain species of rare migratory birds.  Nevertheless, the wildlife agency approved the permits.


Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the wildlife agency’s approval of the permits, given the concerns voiced by some residents?


  1. In the region where the red-winged blackbirds stop, they are the first birds to be present in the spring.
  2. The poison that farmers want to use does not kill birds but rather makes them incapable of producing viable eggs.
  3. Since rice is not raised in Midland
    , few species of birds native to the province normally eat rice.
  4. Without the permit, any farmers shown to have set out poison for the blackbirds would be heavily fined.
  5. The poison that farmers got approval to use has no taste or smell that would make it detectable by birds.

   Answer: A


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Resovle the paradox

poisoned rice 对很多鸟都有毒,但希望它只对blackbird 起作用。

那就让blackbird第一拨来,把poisoned rice 都吃了。 就是A的内容。

C 说的是native bird不吃,但是原文中说的是migratory birds。无关选项:)




D应该不对吧,题目让你分析agency为什么会approved the permits,D说没有批准,下毒的行为是禁止的。没有涉及原文中的逻辑,分析为什么会同意这种批准。而且这种说法感觉很主观。

对于B  producing viable eggs 是个无关选项。


为什么(d)不对 ?我认为在广告中并没提到这个产品是否会过时,但我认为产品在一段时间内是否过时也会对消费者很重要,但文中并没提到,所以想请教为什么这个选项不对,谢谢


我也错选C,问题出在对"rare migratory birds"的理解.







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