Sorry about typing this in English, I am slow in typing Chinese. Just think of this as a RC problem.
Now it is time for JJ:
Issue: Governement should not probit business from advertizing through email, phone calls, etc. In doing so, it will limit the profitability of these companies.
Argument: Nova High used interactive computer instructions to teach. Now the dropout rate has decreased. Moreover, the students' achievements in college is better. Therefore, Nova High should allocate more funds to buy more computers in the future.
Math: Everything is covered by JJ. However, as other people stated that one of the JJ problem has changed.
- Now each student will be given 1 pen and two pencils or 3 pens and one pencil. If the average # of pen a student have is 1.6, how many pencils will be the average each student has? I don't know how to solve this problem.
Verbal: In general, the reading is very easy.
RC: Not hard in general
1. One is about the Hitchhock v.s Lonewolf. This one is in GWD
2. Another one is about if the dinosaur watched their young. The argument is based on bite marks of the baby dinosaur. Since evidence show that it couldn't walk, the mother dino must brought food to the baby. However, some other scientist pointed out that baby has bite marks even before they are born.
3. On Puerto Rico's relationship to the United States. A argues that PR is becoming a soverign soil. B argues that US only exploits PR's economy. The author argues neither of the two arguments are completely correct.
SC: I met 2 GWD ones, one is " more fuel efficient car" , another is the "wasp one". The rest are new but are not too hard, but maybe that is because I did bad.
1. Experiment shows that Pest A each soy plant's leaves. Right now 40% of pesticide is used on them. However, spraying them with pesticide or not do not make a difference to the crop yield. If we don't spray, we may save more than 40% pesticide, why? Because the pesticide kills other insects that eats pests on soy plant.
This is about the hardest one, the rest I can't remember because they were not very hard.
Overall, I didn't do a great job. M:50, V: 37 --710. I think I finished the first 15 question way too fast. I think I used only < 25 minutes. I finished the verbal section 15 minutes early. Please slow down, especially you guys who have a solid foundation. I was surprised how easy the section was after the first 2 SC. To get a good score, you must get those two right. That might have been my pitfall.
I am going to apply for 2007 year. Right now I am not sure if I want to take it again. I do think I have the ability for 730. However, my head hurts right now when I think about G, It take so much effort for us who get an OK score to think about taking up the battle again.
But tonight, I will celebrate... |