提醒大家,Verbal和Math的instruction画面倒数一分钟完后,如果没按Next,画面会出现”press OK to continue”,这时虽然右上角没显示倒数,但其实已经开始计时了,我天真的以为按了OK才会开始考试,在Verbal开始前花了点时间把pace写上、调整耳塞和缓和心情,结果按下OK发现时间已经倒数至70分左右,整个人傻掉,赶快开始考试,但心情大受影响,很怕写不完所以写的很赶,CR和RC没看完全就瞎选,pace全乱了调,最后还剩3题没写,成绩没出来就知道只有一个惨字。
AI 21. “Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity.”
AA 95. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper. “Hippocrene Plumbing Supply recently opened a wholesale outlet in the location once occupied by the Cumquat Café Restaurant. Hippocrene has apparently been quite successful there because it is planning to open a large outlet in a nearby city. But the Cumquat Café, one year after moving to its new location, has seen its volume of business drop somewhat from the previous year’s. Clearly, the former site is a better business location, and the Cumquat Café has made a mistake in moving to its new address.”
57for savings into bank, for first 0 - 20,000, interest rate is 2 %, next 20,000 to 50,000 interest rate is 2.5%,and above 50,000 interest is 3.5%, what is the saving amount that the interest equal to 3%? 65.有一组数列,均为正数,从第三个数开始,如果前两个数和是奇数则为此和,如果和是偶数则为和的1/2, 已知第4个数是7第五个数是5问第一个数是多少?
98(同本月JJ15题)DS:Tom is going to move, he has three kinds of boxes: large, medium, and small. Now he has already 11 large boxes, each of which is either empty or filled with 6 medium boxes. Medium boxes are filled in the large boxes and each of them is either empty or filled with 6 small boxes. Small boxes are empty and filled in the medium boxes. How many boxes does Tom have?(1) he has 56 empty boxes(2)he has 42 small boxes.
151If (n)=2*4*6..., (22)+(20)中最大的prime factor?
168我看不懂题目,是个qs题.说,有个tire,问可以rotation多少倍.a),over6000miles的时候,diameter是a miles(数值忘了,好象是10),b)over 6000miles的时候,...因为我看不懂,所以描述也描述不出来,随便选了个 c.
32.关于大人小孩的题,不知道上个月出过没有,6000人去玩, 2/3是小孩,1/6~1/8是带了小孩的大人, 问没有带小孩的大人可以是多少? (1/6~1/8是范围,不是相减)
45. Y>=3, X>=2, Y<=9-X,问相交的面积?
58. there are two set each with the number 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6. ask randomly choose one number from each set, what is the probability that the products of the 2 number is divisable by 4? (这题旧JJ数字就常有变化,要小心不要背答案)
1. N是整数,问下面哪些数可能是N的平方,答案全部是五六位数的整数。(同旧JJ No.166,补充题目,给了一堆很大吓人的数字,但平方数个位数字只可能为1,4,9,6,5,所以答案找个位数字是这几个的)
2. a+b+c+d=10,a+b+c=20,a+b+d=8,问a+b=?
3. x^y =< y^x ? (1) (√x)=y (2) 忘了
4. X>0.04 ? (1) x^3>0.008 (2) (√x)>0.1
5. 直角三角形,两股(legs)各为60, 80,问斜边为多少? (在最后几题出现,差点没晕过去)
RC分别是(1)地球转速的影响因素 (2)Monarch Butterfly (3)Downsizing (4)忘了
考Verbal时呈现半失魂状态,没能记住题目,抱歉。 |