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第一段:开头词汇,many economists used to hold that ….他们是不赞成内地经济可以很好的在国际市场上寻求发展。



第一段:一个efficient self-regulated market 应该具备3个prerequisites:union, 市场的监管(self-regulation)和这个union要有执行约束的力量(regulator has motivation to regulate the market)。股票市场达到了第一和第三个条件,但是第二个条件是debatable,就是市场到底能不能足够被motivated to self-regulation,目前尚无证据,这边带出一句in the recent absence of existing self-regulation (好像后面有态度题,就是其实作者认为目前是没有self-regulation的,多加注意。)

第二段:in principle,市场的监管会punish dishonest,但是有一些会逃避监管,造成investors的缺乏信心。若市场不自律,投资人就不喜欢买股票,交易量就会萎缩。但实际上,仍没出现自律,为什么呢?因为目前一些不法的行为没有被规范,市场上只有遇到共同的利益,才会团结起来做些事。如果board of governance 觉得这个条件和他们自己的利益有冲突,他们就未必会履行他们的责任,而broker们相当diversify,总是根据自己的利益决定行动。所以,市场基本上不会很想去自律。如果给予政府一些条件,政府就可以规范市场。不过最后还是理论可行,实际上是没证据支持的。所以,只有within a system that checks and balances harmonizes the conflict interest(只有在协调了多边利益冲突的情况下),政府才会对其内部违规的成员进行管制和规范,所以,第二个prerequisite不成立。


1) 作者对于股票市场的看法是什么?

2) 在什么情况下,board of governance will fail to 履行他们的责任?

(board of governance觉得这个条件和他们自己的利益有冲突的时候。)


4)问了一题在什么情况下政府的stock market的self-regulation会fail,我是定位在这儿,也不知对了没

5)stock broker的特点是什么?(broker们相当diversify,总是根据自己的利益决定行动。)

6)主题题。                 (分析一个特定市场的self-regulation的其中一个因素。)








第三段:讲了发行商的原因。因为发行商主要以发行流行音乐闻名,现在又发行classical music, 所以即使他们的价格便宜,唱片质量好也不会买。



第一段:美国音乐早先是注重vocal的,plugging比recording更赚钱。某人写了一首歌,是one of the best hits,红了十年。

第二段:某唱片公司卖sheet record,但不愿意做录音时间太长的唱片,因为:一来,要印刷更多的页数,增加cost;二来,一张sheet record放不下。某人的歌,别人很难reproduce,(好像是Jazz),因为他和他的乐队都把曲子记在脑子里,而且,这支乐队的演奏通常很长,不适合在grogram里播放。

第三段:某唱片公司也开始制作古典音乐了,但是人们tend to 不买他家生产的唱片,尽管他家做的这种唱片又好又便宜,因为他家以前是做流行音乐的。


1)“他和他的乐队都把曲子记在脑子里”有什么作用?                ()

2)作者会expect此家的唱片应该很好卖是因为which of the following...?



Out of all the aspects of the musical business, vocal tunes represented the number one priority for promotion during Ellington’s tenure at the Mills organization. Hit vocal tunes sold sheet music. According to Paul Mills and other sources, the biggest profit came from plugging songs more than particular recordings.

It was rare for an African American musician/composer to be involved in this Tin Pan Alley-dominated process that resulted in songs being covered by a wide variety of artists in different genres. But this dovetailed perfectly with the marketing strategy for Ellington which held that African American music represented a potentially popular genre. Mills Music commissioned lyrics for many of Ellington’s instrumentals, and a few of them, including “In My Solitude” and “I let a Song Go Out Of My Heart”, became his biggest hits of the decade. Of other contemporary African Americans, perhaps only Fats Waller (who had some of his copyrights handled by Mills) enjoyed the same advantages and presence in the song-writing marketplace that Ellington received during his tenure with Mills Music. Louis Armstrong had two songbooks dedicated to his work in 1927, four years before Mills published songbooks that collected Ellington material, but Armstrong’s folios emphasized his famed “hot” instrumental breaks and were intended for trumpet players, not the mass commercial market at which Mills aimed Ellington’s work. The Mills organization made Ellington sheet music available in multiple formats that served individual musicians and different sized bands.

The marketing of Ellington’s sheet music also represented a form of integration practiced by the Mills organization to increase Ellington’s commercial potential. Ads accompanying his sheet music featured cross-promotion with either exclusively or mostly white songwriters and artists. Such racial cross-promotion was rare in any facet of the industry, and must have advanced Ellington’s work with a white audience, especially notation-reading musicians more inclined to appreciate the sophisticated nature of the Ellington material compared to the usual Tin Pan Alley fare. Conversely, such cross-promotion may have increased the sales of the white songwriters whom Mills Music marketed alongside Ellington. Ellington was a star as a songwriter as well as a performer, and it appears from the ads that Mills used this fame to cast a favorable light on other Mills-managed performers and composers.

Ellington’s extended pieces, which he began writing in 1930, proved to be one area where economic motives did not mesh smoothly with artistic motives. Many reasons existed for the relative commercial failure of these pieces. First, until the mid-1940s, publishers tended to refuse songs that lasted more than 32 bars. Not only were they too long for the standard 10”78 RPM record format, but they also entailed additional pages in printed sheet music, which mandated a more expensive and less marketable product. An additional problem ensued because, even if the public bought sheet music for such extended pieces as “Creole Rhapsody” and “Reminiscing In Tempo”, it would be difficult or impossible for most musicians to reproduce the complicated intricacy of Ellington’s arrangements and the unique timbres of his instrumentalists. Ellington wrote these pieces with his band’s individual talents in mind, and those men constituted some of the best musicians in jazz history. The fact that such pieces were deemed too long by radio programmers did not help their popularity either.

The segregation that existed between popular and classical music further complicated the longer pieces’ immediate success. When Mills Music started publishing classical folios, some customers would not buy from them because they sold popular music as well, even though their versions were cheaper and “had better engraving”.















第一段:一个叫B的人提出了一个以他名字命名的cost disease(disease应理解为problem or typical issue),其实是一个经济学现象,影响performance industry的production cost高于inflation rate,然后讲了art 的cost为什么降不下来的原因,其间举了个例子(而且出了个in order to 题,作者的意图是说art performance不可能像manufacturing那样通过缩短工时来提高效率)。这种现象在其他行业不怎么存在,因为在一般的industry中,技术的发展使productivity提高了, 而在performance industry,主要的人工劳力成本很高,而且productivity没什么变化,所以受影响教大。

第二段:根据某人的调查发现,其实performance industry是不存在这个问题的,因为……(记得有一个是观众的需求在增加. )。但是,另外一个叫F人认为,performance industry is subjected to this disease。但他不同意B的分析,认为生产率的上升是有可能的。文章最后一句是:Pointing out that....., however, 学者认为 increases of the productivity are possible。


1)What does 作者举art performance的例子in order to do?(作者想说明art performance不可能像manufacturing那样通过缩短工时来提高效率。这个例子说明了productivity并没有上升到足以抵消inflation影响的程度。???)

2) F和B都同意的是什么?(performance industry is subjected to this disease)



Baumol's cost disease (also known as the Baumol Effect) is a phenomenon described by William J. Baumol and William G. Bowen in the 1960s. It involves a rise of salaries in jobs that have experienced no increase of labor productivity in response to rising salaries in other jobs which did experience such labor productivity growth. This goes against the theory in classical economics that wages are always closely tied to labor productivity changes.

The rise of wages in jobs without productivity gains is caused by the necessity to compete for employees with jobs that did experience gains and hence can naturally pay higher salaries, just as classical economics predicts. For instance, if the music industry pays its musicians 19th century style salaries, the musicians may decide to quit and get a job at an automobile factory where salaries are commensurate to high labor productivity. Hence, musicians' salaries are increased not due to labor productivity increases in the music industry, but rather due to productivity and wage increases in other industries.

The original study was conducted for the performing arts sector. Baumol and Bowen pointed out that the same number of musicians are needed to play a Beethoven string quartet today as were needed in the 1800s; that is, the productivity of Classical music performance has not increased. On the other hand, wages of musicians (as well as in all other professions) have increased greatly since the 19th century.

In a range of businesses, such as the car manufacturing sector and the retail sector, workers are continually getting more productive due to technological innovations to their tools and equipment. In contrast, in some labor-intensive sectors that rely heavily on human interaction or activities, such as nursing, education, or the performing arts there is little or no growth in productivity over time. As with the string quartet example, it takes nurses the same amount of time to change a bandage, or college professors the same amount of time to mark an essay, in 2006 as it did in 1966.

Baumol's cost disease is often used to describe the lack of growth in productivity in public services such as public hospitals and state colleges. Since many public administration activities are heavily labor-intensive there is little growth in productivity over time. As a result growth in the GDP will generate little more resources to be spent in public sector. Thus public sector production is more depended on taxation level than growth in the GDP.






第一段:解放奴隶制后,African American 回到南方农场找工作,更有优势,选择范围更大。狡诈的雇主喜欢签订long-term contract,这样,黑人就必须干到丰收后才能得到工钱,而且工钱很少。可是黑人也不傻,更愿意签订short-term contract。然后,列举了short-term contract的一系列优点:工资高、灵活等。

第二段:南北战争结束的时候,黑人有了更多的劳动自由,尤其是在战争后1 年。Planters 在获得农业贷款时遇到困难,希望签订long-term contracts with African American,在庄稼收获后,再付黑人工资。黑人不愿意,要签订short-term 合同,因为dishonest Planter 可能借此机会赖帐人任意克扣工钱。黑人利用合同作为和种植园主谈判的砝码,因为short-term 合同更灵活,黑人可以到找到更好的工作就离开。

第三段:African American and 种植园主planter,slavery 废除后的影响,说planter 倾向根据long term 的收益来给blacks 收入,blacks 认为不公平,应该用短期时间段来发工资,因为可以避免长期时间段带来的负面作用,比如不可抗力以及可以灵活的找到更好的工作(有题)。


1)  主旨题。(说明战后黑人地位提高了。)

2)  提到长期合同时,为什么体现种植园主在获得贷款上难度大了 or 体现黑人无法在长期合同中得到保证?

(答案猜测:黑人必须干到丰收后才能得到工钱,而且工钱很少,dishonest Planter 可能借机赖帐、任意克扣工钱。)

3)  黑人为什么愿签短期的合同?(找到好工作后可以很快地离开)







1) M.C.女士会建议别的创业者怎么做?        (应该是看准被忽略的市场segment)

2) M.C.女士最可能会让自己的员工怎样?      (通过化妆打扮表现自己的social status)

3) 推断MC女士希望其他的公司做什么?      (希望给予黑人女性工作机会。提高黑人女性地位。)

4) 主旨题。                                (MC女士的商业信条(P1)和经营模式(P2))

5) MC女士希望她的员工能怎样?        (注意两个干扰项:①要匿名捐款(Anonymous),可是文中是有说捐款,但没有提MC女士鼓励匿名捐款;②将钱捐给一个public,而原文中是说把钱捐给他们自己成立的一个基金。)

6) 本文主旨。(说明MC business's methods and goals)









第二段:一个model认为,service增加,女人就业好。P理论认为,随着服务业的扩展,妇女的就业机会大大的增加,而且服务业的从业人员大多数是妇女。这使得妇女比原来从事的低级工作更易获得较高的报酬,更容易找到工作。但是,1975年的研究显示,男女在的distribution 上几乎是平均的(否了这种说法,考了这句话)。


第四段:作者认为,前两个理论关注了不同行业中,女人的机会的不同。又有一个D理论,关注同行业的男女工作机会,认为service的多少不重要。但是,最后有一个反例说,事实上service多了妇女还是受益。最后一句话为延伸性内容: some one说男性在service industry工作时间不如女性工作的持久。


1) 主旨题。    (预测一种趋势可能结果的3种approaches)

2) 与P理论相比,Q理论侧重于什么?


3) 针对P理论,以下哪个是作者的观点?

4) 第四段最后一句话的作用是什么?    (例子作用)

5) 服务业扩展对妇女有什么影响?(比以前更不能干建筑等(男人占优势地位的) 低级体力活了。)





第一段:传统历史的概念就是不写女人和下层人民,“people from the below”。H是研究女性历史的,她专注与被正史忽略的女性,特别是那些普通的女性。后来的女性历史学家跟她不同,她们更关注那些在literature and art等领域非常有成就的女人。不过,他们和H之间也有共识,就是他们都怀疑或者不怎么认同historical writing about the female推动了妇女平等运动。




1)  主旨题。

2)  两派学者的共同点是什么?(她们都不认同historical writing about the female推动了妇女平等运动。)

3)  后来的女性历史学家和正统的历史学家有什么相似之处?(她们都忽略小人物)





第一段:美国男女在同一雇主下做相同的工作,男的工资比女的高。一般认为,大家不注重salary gap 的问题,但是其实大家不是不注重,而是比较容易focus 在workers productivity上。其实,工会一直在努力减少salary gap,因为:1)首先,工会更能制定一个bureaucratic process,因为这个官僚程序是一个成规,就比原来无所依循好;其次,工会迫使一些企业执行这些规则;再次,工会主张消除不同岗位之间的薪筹差距,为不同领域的工种制定衡量标准;再次,工会能为消除男女报酬不平均做了一些特殊细致的工作;最后,有组织的工会更能够坚持一个bureaucratic process,因为在没有工会的情况下,即使有这样的process,管理层也可以随便不遵守这个process。The union managers are more likely to adhere to the law than the non-union managers,而且,在union 工作的工人工资差别相对较小。


1) 为什么男女工资的gap在union中不是大问题?

在union 工作的工人工资差别相对较小。



4)为什么工会能够减少那些以前被不同性别占据的工作之间的salary gap?(此题只是把文中的establishment改写成了organization,很好找。)

5)manager对于bureaucracy level of salary 的态度?(T union 的manager比nonunion的manager更不容易反对置顶bureaucracy level of salary。)


7)为什么union员工会比非union员工工资gap小? (The union managers are more likely to adhere to the law than the non-union managers)




第一段:关于文艺复兴时期的妇女地位,有两种观点:第一种积极的认为她们'' stand well on the feet",我理解是说她们取得了相当的地位,因为研究者把贵族女性作为研究对象,忽略了平常的一般的妇女;第二种认为他们还是男人的附属品。Recent research发现,这两种观点都比较片面。

第二段:介绍K的女性学家的研究。K研究了6个写上流社会女性的middle- and high-class女文学家,并且首次把女性做为一个社会整体来看,并把所有人的观点都否定了。她的研究对象是女性作家,她甚至错误的认为,女性作家可以代表文艺复兴时代的所有女性,所以错。她忽略了还有很多不识字的妇女。不过,作者最后给了这个K一些肯定,说虽然她错了,不过她还是为文艺复兴女性的研究提供了新的视野,具有一定的先进性。然后,作者接着又开始承认这个作家的贡献,最后四行对其贡献做了一个总结。


1)主题。                         (针对某一时期的情况的讨论)

2)第2个人认为哪个方面得到改善。  (self expression)



5)K研究的女性是什么女性?(middle- and high-class女文学家)







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