AI: B1. The primary responsibility of citizens is to obey their nation’s civil and criminal laws. AA: B9.The following appeared in a memorandum to a team developing accounting software for SmartPro Software, Inc.: “Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro accounting software than any other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us. In surveys, our professional customers repeatedly say that they have chosen SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more advanced special features than competing brands. Therefore, the most effective way for us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently offer.”
1. 地震S波P波 2. 汽车公司顾客的忠诚度和公司修车的质量的联系 另外两篇想不起了,等我想起来我再补充吧! 另外想和后面的XDJM说:机经是好东西,但在考试时不能依赖它。 如果你基础不好,前面几题已经让你进入低分区,靠机经也不能考到好分数.所以很多刚开始准备GMAT的人还是别看机经先,踏踏实实把每一部分的技能巩固了才是硬道理.能考到这个分数当然要谢谢前辈们。但我是认认真真一道一道自己慢慢看的,考试的时候别尝试着回忆机经,自己踏踏实实做就好.
至于我的学习经历:一个半月全职,不过因为前期比较懒,OG只过了一遍,prep破解没做完,不过完整地看了改错部分,GWD 做了1遍,好象做了14套吧,其它就没了.感觉有时间还是要吃透prep. 同时谢谢今天开车送我去考试的老公的同学Shawn,谢谢老公,谢谢和我讨论问题的Lachance和其他我不一一列举的cder们.谢谢大家! 同时问问大家能给我点申请的建议么,有没有哪些好一点的学校比较重视GMAT成绩的.感觉自己的工作背景不是很强,而且大学没好好学,GPA也不高. 谢谢大家了! |