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先贴上assumption, excel file也一并上传了


1> 取非--> weaken推理过程或结论的,则为assumption, 针对谓语动词取非,主要用来论证检查 ETS几乎每题都是用取非来解的
2> 选项本身可以support 103: tax do nothing, which agrees with the conclusion, 104: the government will ensure higher tax rate won't lead to evasion, therefore directly support that the vicious cycle won't take place
3> relevance 几乎每题都可以用来排除选项,再用其他方法论证正确选项
4> assumption 是唯一的方法 8- lobbist the only way to make a livinghood
167: lower level staffs are the only information source for chief management
5> bridge the gap between two causes which lead to the same result, or link the cause and result to set up a complete reasoning 21
一般此时原因和结果明显跳跃 195: no tax deduction for donation --> charity difficulty: gap between deduction and charity should be linked by donation
6> A=C--> B=C, assumption A=B, 架桥 36
A=B --> A=C, assumption B=C 171
7> A--> B, not because B --> A, 此法也可以用取非证明, 因为如果B--> A, then weaken A-->B 48
8> 方法-->目的,需要假设方法可行性 123: advance in quality is possible
130: depositors are able to identify which bank is secure in order to be selective
163: interview --> goal: eliminate unsuitable candidate, assumption: interview can identify who is not suitable
9> get a conclusion from average ratio, assume there's no extreme case which deteriorate the applicability or representative of average level 139: average level 5% --> a person 50:1, applicable to every one, assume there's no georgraphic difference
1> 无关内容,无关比较 36:physical treatment is similar for both physical and mental diseases
2> leave open the possibility, 因为assumption需要support, 若可以中立,则不起support 的作用 63: manager can use either intuitive or step-by-step
160: evaluate whether the candidate is uitable or not
3> 只是重复信息,没有support的作用 63: manager use intuitive when dealing with his daily life decision
4> 因果倒置 48: airport cannot deal with airplane without rador, not plane without rador are forced to outlaying airports
123: quality raises customer expectation, while B: anticipate expectation rather than form the expectation by development of quality
5> 绝对化的字眼(only, solely, etc)或所说的内容不且代表性( a few, some …etc )
6> give some relevant information but cannot draw the conclusion without additional information 171

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I 方法--> 目的型
a) 方法--> 目的, weaken if achieve the goal with or without that method 7: defrosting vent --> ice welt, Weaken: no attempt to defrost ---> melt at the same rate
93: contamined toothbrush --> to avoid sick, while the same likelihood to get sick with contamined or not contamined tooth brosh
198: a same level of cost reduction achieved without the new production
b) 证明方法事与愿违 A not --> B(target) 70: cut down wage --> obtain competitive advantage. Actually lower wage --> lower quality and lower sales
132: use smoke hoods --> prevent death in accidents. Actually extended time spent on wear the hoods increase the risk of dead
141: recruit experience people --> save cost, actually experienced people higher salary --> not save cost
157: replace keyboard--> reduce cost. Actually replacement --> training cost increase
178.abolish patent to new drugs --> improve access to new drugs. Actually, no patent, no new drugs = reduced access
b)-1 现象解释 the base of the argument leads to the opposite of the conclusion 201 large investment in road investment --> adequate road system. Actuall such a large investment proves in adequancy
b)-2 方法有不利的副作用,此处不利是指和conclusion不同 136: Method of less issues to cut down cost --> avoid profit decline. While the method also --> lower revenue --> profit decline
176: replace by skybus --> more efficiently turnover of flight. While skybus will result in delay which netoff its higher efficiency
183: strict environmental control --> higher cost, higher price therefore lower export. While strict environmental control has another imapct on increased demand of machinery--> opposite impact to boost export
c) There're better choices to meet the same target 5. decrease cost --> participate. Weaken by there's other better choices to decrease the cost
110. need A to repair S--> keep A. while if there's a cheap and better option to replace instead of repair, no need to keep A
186: use more offshore --> reduce risk, while tanker are less risky. Therefore this is a better choice to achieve the goal
d) meet the goal by change a variable, weaken by prove the change of variable has no effect to achieve the target 2: change birthplace from L to H for a longer life expectacy, the change of birthplace has no effect because the life expectacy depends on genetical factors
101: change light intensity --> change in biological cycle, while constance light intensity --> still change in cycle.
e) 方法-->解决问题,weaken方法effectiveness, such as possibility to circumvent 112:weaken the effectiveness by provide method to circumvent
f) 方法-->目的,而方法是取消或禁止,则证明该方法是达到目的前提或基础假设,不可以没有 178. abolish patent to new drugs --> improve access to new drugs. Actualln, no patent, no new drugs
g) the method is not feasible 194: offer free rental --> boost sales of electrical car. The plan will add considerable cost to already high price --> not feasible
II 因果关系型
a) 因果关系中,直接否定条件或原因 14: not harm others --> seat belt is personal decision. While it does harm others, the assumption or prerequsite does not valid
93: plane is better because it's more flexible than train. Weaken if plane is no more flexible than train. 否定原因
141: because safest chair is heaviest --> airline use safest chair overweight security over cost. While safest chair is not heavist, 否定原因
b) 找到其他因素可以使原因不发生 125:RM cost decrease-->price decrease, imply that because cost decrease so price decrease. The answer proves the total cost does not decrease as processing cost increase net off the lower RM cost.
c) 因果关系中,直接否定结果 105: conclusion - no economic justification, weaken by prove that there's economic reason
106: more customer buy earlier engine --> no consideration about safety. While actually, because customer care safety, they buy the earlier engine
d) 因果关系,异因同果,则weaken原因 A-->B, actually no A --> B
131. insurance --> higher bank failure rate, actually, no insurance --> still higher bank failure , same result
e) 同因异果则weaken该因果关系 9: shy and active in night --> bat are feared. While samely shy and active in night --> raccoons and owls are not feared
f) 因果倒置 A-->B, actually B--> A 137: different cycle --> unhappy marriage, Actually unhappy marriage --> different cycle
III 断桥法break the bridge: A--> B--> C, break A-->B, then A cannot --> C 12: remove restriction--> lawyer advertise and charged lower fees --> overall fees decrease. If lawyer advertise but not charged lower fee. Removal of restriction does not result in lower fees. Lawyer decrease fee is the bridge which was broken
IV 他因削弱alternative explanation (尤其当原推理过程中原因有唯一性时) 29: conclusion entirely A-->B, while another reason C-->B, thus C weaken that A is the only reason
A --> B, while actually also C --> B, thus weaken A -->B 41: campaign --> more people take bus; less road available --> take bus
81: failure control --> price drop while production increase also --> price decrease
146, 163,203
V Attack the base or assumption
a) attack the validity of the assumption or reasoning bases 原推理过程暗含assumption,则证明该假设不成立,则原推理过程 weaken. , 29: assumption all the patients are accurately diagnosed --> this assumption is false , then the reasoning is weakened. (另:68)
147 a counter prediction
a)-1 by giving another explanation 182: implements resemble Maya --> maya settlement. The resmble may be Maya copy from its earlier inhabitants, not C copy Maya
a)-2 reasoning base 本身有flaw 187: reasoning 偷换概念 class --> all the cars available
b) weaken the reliability of the survey or base 52: low usage in survey result --> conclude not much use; actual use > survey. Integrity
157: the reliability of records is weaken because different definition of accident is adopted by two companies --imcomparable
191: trial results are based on the top staffs --> the sample is not representative for all the staffs -- Representativeness
c) the assumption or cause is not feasible 64: because small mills can take orders from big mills which are previous taken by foreign companies---> import quota can help small mills. While actually it is not possible for small mills to take such orders
78: conclusion: young children do not think intention as relevant to punishment. While they are unable to justify whether the harm is done intentionally or not.
102: food allergy --> headache, unable to identify what are the foods
VI 举出反例,直接weaken conclusion,不用多,只要一个反例就weaken conclusion: arrive South earlier than North, any evidence support arrive North earlier can weaken --> some sites are predates
speculate: silence. Fact: encourage
A+B-->C, while if only A-->C, then weaken A+B together are necessary 61: perception of slower growth + deficiet --> devaluation, while actually only perception leads to devaluation.
113: the method does not mitigate the cause of the problem
the conclusion is wrong by rasing other potential factors 188: conclusion: less accidents during peak season, while there's other factor which may lead to more accident


1> 只是重复信息,没有weaken的作用,或additional information is not conflict or affect the assessment
2> rules out an alternative explaination排除他因,经常看上去也像无关选项 29-B: there's no difference in consumption of bottled-water
41-A: higher fair --> rules out alternative explaination that the lower fair attracts public to take bus. C --> rules out the possibility that more people take bus because more buses are avilable. E: rules out the possiblity that it is because the service are more staisfactory which attract people
144: D same applicability between the two engines. E - same price. Therefore price and applicability is not the reason why customer favour old model instead of the new one
3> raise some potential problem but not convice that these problem is worse or better than the current performance or whether this problem cannot be solved These kind of choices are not as strong as the choices which brings out a definitely worse effect (31)
4> 反向干扰, 给出的是支持 52: conclude customer not frequently use based on low usage obtained during survey. Wrong answer: actual usage is even less--> support the conclusion of low usage
5> 举例不具有代表性 52: people fequently jogging make take other sports often as well. --> these people are not representative for the total population that the generlization is talking about.
6> support the assumption or the feasibility of the method 70-C: cut down wage --> achieve competitive advantage. C tells it is possible to cut down wage as the wage is higher than the competitive. Therefore support instead of weaken
7> leave open possibility conclusion A-->B, answer: A assemble C, but there's no information about C-->B, therefore, leave open possibility that it can weaken can support
8> 无关 For weaken, sometimes the right answer can be irrelevant, such as alternative explanation. The key is to justify whether this information do affect the reasoning and conclusion, and whether they are talking abou the same issue
9> solutoin --> problem fail to prove the relationship that the solution can mitigate the problem
or just provide information but not solution
raise weakness which are not pointing to the problem. 114-- the problem is abscent rate, while some wrong answers talk about lunch break, productivity etc
10> give examples of other negative impact due from the reason or the method raised, but these negative does not weaken the reasoning 180: cut down trees along the bank in order to get more water available. D-- the land is special which do not suitable to grow corps if trees are cut down. This can support not to cut down the trees, but this does not weaken the conclusion that if cut down the trees, more water will be available



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