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1). 美国80年代和60年代比较

80年代美国行业为什么丧失竞争力, 有的经济学家说,因为在60-80年代美国企业缺乏对长期资本的投入,比如说研发或者固定资产.可是既然这些因素对企业普遍有影响,但是各行业的表现却不尽相同呢?然后就举了美国的钢铁和航空 (steel industry and aerospace industry) 2个行业的例子 来论证.都是属于需要大量资本投入的企业。钢铁行业80年代大量亏损,而航空行业却蒸蒸日上。但是一个有竞争力一个没有竞争力.然后提出了一个观点说是问题可能不在长期投资而在于企业内部投资, 比如说人力啦, 组织结构啦,又比如企业过多的投资capital project, 而导致了竞争力的下降, 这些才是影响企业表现的因素。

Q1: 主题题: 美国企业缺乏竞争力不能单独归因于其中任一个观点

Q2: 举出钢铁和航客行业的例子的作用:

A1: 为了解释不同的行业和不同的capital strategy 会导致不同的结果。

A2: 说明前面提到的观点是错误的 

Q3: 问80年代美国经济是怎样的?在第一段里找答案

Q4: 第一段有什么作用: 给出了历史情况,后面会具体解释


2). Overstock

第一段:生产商(manufacturer)如果库存过大,生产商的库存成本就会增大;但销售商(retailer)如果库存过大,那销售商的销售压力也会很大,并且一旦卖不出去,销售商也会面临损失。但为了让销售商多压货Overstock,现在通行的做法有两个:一个是return policy, 一个是markdown money. Return是卖不出去的可以退还给生产商,退回时没有costs(比如运费吧)。 markdown是当卖不出去后,生产商把后续的货多打折,这样用多打折而少收销售商的钱来补偿销售商在前一批货中没卖出去的损失。Manufacturer处理这些退货和retailer处理这些积压货是equal效力的。由于有这两种方法,打消了销售商对压货的抵触,改善了生产商和销售商之间由于压货而导致的Channel关系。最后,本段介绍了这两种策略是要基于两种假设(assumption)的。




       A1: 举例说明return时是会有成本的





Q5: 问下列哪个例子符合生产商可购回存货再利用的原则: 有个选项说某衣服含有很贵的fiber可以拿来再利用

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3) 地球水源





有一题是高亮,不过不是高亮20%,而是高亮massive,我选的是“说明the thing between M and j 上有水”,还有个迷惑选项是ice什么的。另一种说法是来自comet。证据是这个来源刚好解释了the duration of the period(吻合时间跨度).大概就是说来自那么远的彗星需要很长时间到达并且会拖拖拉拉很久。(细节题)however,在哈雷等三大彗星上发现重水(类似这种物质反正水里的咚咚)的含量很高,明显不同于地球的水,因此这种理论也值得商榷。(出了逻辑问题:何种说法能够weaken 这个不利的证据?我选这3处彗星上的重水比例比一般的彗星高很多 atypical )作者赞成这种观点,是说是来自地球和彗星的碰撞,这些彗星在木星之外,所以水源自彗星上的冰。说彗星上有一种叫做D的元素,如果地球上的水来自彗星,那么水中的D元素应该比现在的高(细节题)。又给了好几个彗星(有一道题问举这些例子为了说明什么)全文有三个however,也问了作者态度


4) 阿波罗飞船探月



第二段是讲到了APOLO阿波罗号带回来的什么样本,现实的lunar sample太少,不足以做研究(考点,细节)。然后科学家只有simulate模拟这种月球的土质才能以后在月球上built观测点开发月球。模拟的材料出了来自美国,当然还来自国际。



第三段 US在Arizona用火山岩仿照lunar rock。只仿造3种最基本的--有题,问原因,原因是造所有的成本太高。

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5) 蚊子传播疾病

It seems like common sense: Reduce insect populations, and insect-borne diseases will decline as well. But a new study of dengue(登革热), a viral disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, suggests the opposite. Controlling mosquitoes may result in more cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a rare and sometimes fatal disease caused by the virus.

Researchers think that tens of millions of people in the tropics become infected with the dengue virus each year. The pathogen can spur dengue fever, which is marked by agonizing muscle and joint pains but is rarely fatal. Some patients, however, develop the more severe DHF, which can cause bleeding and is deadlier. There are still many questions around the epidemiology of both diseases--including the importance of mosquito abundance.

An international team gleaned data from a massive national survey of Aedes mosquitoes performed between 2002 and 2004 in Thailand, where dengue is rife. The researchers compared this information with data on DHF incidence collected by the Thai Ministry of Health. Overall, 83 out of every 100,000 Thai contracted dengue every year. As expected, the team found that DHF incidence went up with the percentage of households per district containing Aedes larvae or pupae (the House Index). But the trend held only to a point. When the House Index climbed beyond 30, DHF incidence gradually declined, the team reports this week in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Co-author Yoshiro Nagao of Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan says the probable explanation--which was supported by computer models--is that DHF usually develops the second time a person is infected. When there are lots of mosquitoes, the second infection is more likely to come shortly after the first one, so there's a better chance that the person still has a strong immune response. When mosquitoes are less abundant, more time passes between infections, antibodies decline, and protection wanes.
报告的合著者,毕业于医学校的大阪大学的Yoshiro Nagao称,可能的解释是——计算机模型显示,通常在人体2次感染时引发DHF。当有大量蚊子存在时,2次感染比1次感染时间要短很多,而此时人体的免疫反应依然很强,这就是一有利的信号。而当蚊子数量减少时,交叉感染的时间久,抗体减少,免疫力减弱。

The data show that mosquito control can have unintended consequences, says Nagao. For instance, lowering the House Index to 30 across Thailand might lead to a 40% increase in DHF. In an unpublished study, Nagao and others plan to show that the only way out of the problem is a vaccine, several of which are now in clinical trials.

But dengue researcher Duane Gubler of the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, says the story is more complicated. For one thing, the study's models assume that all dengue strains and mosquito populations are similar. In reality, there's "tremendous variation" between virus strains' infectivity and potential to spread, he says, and some mosquito populations are much better vectors than others. Moreover, the House Index, which gauges mosquito breeding sites, may not be a good indicator of the population's exposure to a virus, says entomologist Paul Reiter of the Pasteur Institute in Paris. What's important is not the number of sites but the number of adult mosquitoes they produce, he says.
但是位于檀香山的夏威夷大学的登革热研究者Duane Gubler称此研究远没这么简单。(态度题)其一,研究的模型假设所有的登革热损伤和蚊子数量都是类似的。但他称事实上,病毒性损伤的传染性及传播的潜力是复杂多样的,并且某些种类的蚊子比其它容易带菌得多。此外,巴黎的巴斯德研究所的昆虫学家Paul Reiter称,计量蚊子生存繁殖的生存指数也并不一定是好的揭示病毒的标志,重要的不是生存地的数量而是成体蚊子的繁殖量(推断题)。


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6) Halo effect

(背景:晕轮效应,又称“光环效应”,指人们对他人的认知判断首先是根据个人的好恶得出的, 然后再从这个判断推论出认知对象的其他品质的现象。如果认知对象被标明是"好"的,他就会被"好"的光圈笼罩着,并被赋予一切好的品质;如果认知对象被标明是"坏"的,他就会被"坏"的光圈笼罩着,他所有的品质都会被认为是坏的。)

第一段:说公司的一种效应,叫halo effect,说人们倾向于用这样一种方式去评价公司,如果利润高,情况好,股票又涨,文化很vibrate,员工得到了很好的激励之类的,人们就会觉得这个公司什么都好,而相同的公司如果表现的没那么好了,人们就会觉得这个公司什么都不行了。


       A1: 不是按着一沉不变的规律来做的(740)

       A2: 选E,有可能有公司比这个公司发展的更好(个人比较倾向这个选项)


Q1: study highlight。说文章suggest 了什么。我选了暗示了这些studies是incorrect 当他们认为there was strategy 可以使企业成功只要企业follow it. 这个是A选项。


第三段:开始说一个企业的情况不仅仅取决于他本身还取决于相对的大环境,这里还提及了竞争对手在企业成功中起了很重要的作用,但一般的公司却缺乏关注。(考点:好像是选那个有competitive 之类的词的选项)对手举了个美国破产的汽车企业,说和80年代他们出产的汽车比起来商品好了很多,但由于亚洲汽车制造商的竞争而破产了,最后说遵从那个所谓的步骤就能成功是不现实的,企业必须要承担风险才有可能成功(这里似乎也有题)

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7) FTA

As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions, but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading biocs of nations, which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Europe 1992, the move by the European Community (EC) to dismantle impediments (消除壁垒)to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC’s markets, concern about protectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA; the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism. Nonetheless, although markedly different in origin and nature, both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world, as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.

1. The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to

  (A) Describe an initiative and propose its continuance

  (B) Chronicle a development and illustrate its inconsistencies

  (C) Identify a trend and suggest its importance

  (D) Summarize a process and question its significance

  (E) Report a phenomenon and outline its probable future

2. According to the passage, all of the following are elements of the shifting world economy EXCEPT

  (A) An alteration in the role played by governments

  (B) An increase in interaction between national governments and international regulatory institutions

  (C) An increase in the formation of multinational trading alliances

  (D) An increase in integration in the two richest markets of the world

  (E) A fear of increasing United States protectionism

3. The passage suggests which of the following about global corporations?

  (A) Their continued growth depends on the existence of a fully integrated international market.

  (B) Their potential effect on the world market is a matter of ongoing concern to international institutions.

  (C) They will have to assume quasi-governmental functions if current economic trends continue.

  (D) They have provided a model of economic success for regional trading blocs.

  (E) Their influence on world economics will continue to increase

4. According to the passage, one similarity between the FTA and Europe 1992 is that they both

  (A) Overcame concerns about the role of politics in the shifting world economy

  (B) Originated out of concern over unfair trade practices by other nations

  (C) Exemplify a trend toward regionalization of commercial markets.

  (D) Place the economic needs of the trading bloc ahead of those of the member nations

  (E) Help to ensure the continued economic viability of the world community

5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the European Community prior to the adoption of the Europe 1992 program?

  (A) There were restrictions on commerce between the member nations.

  (B) The economic policies of the member nations focused on global trading issues.

  (C) There were few impediments to trade between the member nations and the United States.

  (D) The flow of goods between the member nations and Canada was insignificant.

  (E) Relations between multinational corporations and the governments of the member nations were strained.

6. The author discusses the FTA and Europe 1992 most likely in order to

  (A) Point out the similarities between two seemingly disparate trading alliances

  (B) Illustrate how different economic motivations produce different types of trading blocs

  (C) Provide contrasting examples of a trend that is influencing the world economy

  (D) Identify the most important characteristics of successful economic integration

  (E) Trace the history of regional trading blocs

7. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

  (A) An argument is put forth and evidence for and against it given.

  (B) An assertion is made and opposing evidence presented.

  (C) Two hypotheses are described and shown to inconsistent with one another.

  (D) A phenomenon is identified and illustrations of this phenomenon offered.

  (E) A specific case of a phenomenon is discussed a generalization drawn.

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8) 美国南部的黑人问题fficeffice" />

Why during 18XX-19XX 期间African American没有从南方大量迁徙到北方的原因。

第一段: although 美国黑人从法律上已经独立了,也挣脱了以前的种种束缚,但是在18XX-19XX年,很少黑人从南方去北方工作。 Some historian 认为这个是因为南方的黑人不知道北方有工作机会造成的。

第二段:反驳some historian的观点。其实南方黑人是知道的。然后讲真正原因是在first war 期间南方出台了一个法律禁止黑人从南方去北方工作,所以少的原因不应该是信息缺乏,新观点提出假想:是因为北面的雇主当时仍然喜欢招欧洲来的人,导致黑人在那边不能很好找到工作,所以才没有大规模去。后来欧洲人移民走了,南方的黑人填补了北方的劳动力空缺。

问题1:主旨题。我选的是 Contradict an explanation of why…南方黑人没有在18XX-19Xx去北方。

问题2.有问到黑人不能去南方的真正原因。 选因为 first war 期间出台的法律。(谨慎考虑)



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9) 乌龟 (turtle)的听觉


第二段说又有个人觉得K的结论也不对,因为乌龟的四肢组织肥厚,应该不容易感到震动,他做了个试验,把振动器放在龟壳上,发现乌龟反映很明感,立即缩入龟壳,于是他认为是乌龟听到声音在不同介质中的效果不同,难怪乌龟只能听到low vibrant sound. 在空气中声音被抵消掉很多,传到乌龟耳朵里就微乎其微。

Q1: 说明2个实验结论的区别,新观点。

第三段:说了乌龟的耳鼓和人耳的区别,乌龟的耳鼓厚(evidence)。因为乌龟的耳膜比较floppy而造成其听不到的。Supporting detail:什么样的声音能直接到达乌龟的inner or middle without hit the eardrum。实际上乌龟是通过骨头来感觉的,(好象这里还举了个例子说你要是在他的龟壳上发声,他就动静很大;要是在他的腿上接触的面上制造震动,他仍然不太搭理)。然后说人的耳朵的骨膜比较薄,适合感受空气中的震动。但是乌龟的很厚,根本听不到,所以当发声时,乌龟实际上更容易通过他的龟壳传进去而且比通过鼓膜传进去要先到达。


       A1:Bone transmission 而非 air vibration, 驳斥了由皮肤传导的说法.


Q3: 关于乌龟耳膜的特征,定位在第3段。定位在最后一段

备选答案:乌龟实际上更容易通过他的龟壳传进去而且比通过鼓膜传进去要先到达(答案就是声音直接进入inner without hit the eardrum,有一个比较干扰的是inner without hit the middle.)

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10) 知识产权保护法

Intellectual protection laws (知识产权保护法) 也存在于indigenous tribes。

第一段: 提出传统观点。认为IP laws 不存在于 Native American tribes. 还提到 contemporary IP laws have 4 factors.不过没有出题点

第二段: however, the traditional view is misleading. 因为它和XX record提供的证据矛盾(考点)。XX record 显示indigenous people有regulate and protect those rights – such as titles, property names..etc. Even in some tributes, 举例K部落,对于某些咚咚的保护more than titles.

第三段:(有很多考点)讲其实 indigenous tribes 越来越多的用contemporary IP laws来保护他们的权利。真正的问题不是他们不用Law, 而是这些law is too narrow in scope to protect rights of indigenous tribes(考点). 然后说indigenous tribes 保护更加注重underlying value, 而contemporary laws 只是注重certain aspect. (考点). 一个主旨题。3个细节,2个在第3段。


11) 沙丘sand dune

第一段谈沙丘的形成原因与过程, sand被风吹后,被挡住,停留(stagnate)在某地后就形成沙丘。

第二段解释沙丘为什么会移动。沙丘形成一定规模后,即其中一个坡的坡面超过30多度(Critical Angle),坡顶上的沙子就开始往下坍塌,整个沙丘则沿着坍塌的方向向前移动. 讲到流沙(drift sand)

问题:which of the following is true according to the passage. 答案是 drift sand何时发生是难以预测的。

第三段提到一个有趣的现象, 而且科学家们好像也还没有能够很好的提出一个解释. 就是有的沙丘移动的时候会发出声音(应该是呻吟Moaning), 而且移动速度越快,发出的声音越大(细节题). 可是有的会有的却不会. 另外即使会发声的沙丘也很情绪化, 有时候moaning有时候却全无反应。

细节题,解释为什么说沙丘temperamental, 我选的是没法确定它什么时候moaning, 注意有个干扰,说没法确定哪些沙丘会moaning, 哪些不会)。

问题:沙丘的形成 (最tricky的题目,给了五句话让排列顺序,说明沙丘形成的先后顺序)

第四段提出一种解释,说这种moaning实际上和moisture很有关系,一般来说,moisture很高的时候你是听不到沙丘的moaning的。可是,作者有举出一个反例,说海边的沙丘和其他的不一样,言下之意是海边虽然湿度很高,可是那的沙丘却会moaning.科学家们只好又找原因了。发现湿度固然重要,沙子的材质也很关键,二者共同作用于沙子间的facial interaction, 最终决定到底会不会moaning. 一般的沙子都是石英的,而海边的沙子则是钙化的,所以现象不同。

Primary purpose 题:A1: describe the existing knowledge

                     A2: discuss available knowledge

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12) 保险策略

第一段:保险公司在遇到自然灾害时会有较大的冲击,因为没有自然灾害没啥,一旦有了则要大量陪保费。于是保险公司就想出了一个办法来对冲自然灾害带来的风险:发行自然灾害债券 (catastrophe bonds) 。这种债券和传统的债券相比:一是它同样收取本金(principle),二是在没有遇到自然灾害的前提下,这种债券的收益率比传统债券高很多,但是一旦遇到自然灾害,那么这些债券的投资人的本金将部分或者全部无法返还。保险公司则直接用这些钱抵消(Offset)了他对投保人的赔付

第二段:举了一个例子来说明第一段介绍的这种债券,(出题点:第二段的作用,我选了:用一个hypothesis case来说明第一段的内容)说是如果某个地方发生了龙卷风,则保险公司会根据约定,将它发放的自然灾害债券的本金全部用于向它的保户发放赔偿金;但是在没有遇到自然灾害的情况下,它的保户的保费也将和灾害债券一起投资,使投资者获取高额的收益。这就形成了对冲,保险公司将风险转嫁给了大众投资者(出题点:可以从文中推出什么,我选了:保险公司将风险进行转嫁),有个问说哪个选项是错的还是哪个选项是保险公司反对的我选了一个那些风险被转移到了a few people上,因为文章中说的是many people,不知道对不对)



Q3: 细节题:关于新推出的保险说法哪个是正确的?我选的是:投资者买新的保险同时,也买老的保险



13) 欧洲妇女地位



但是作者认为ND是不对的,原因之一:ND 描述的是古罗马法律的部分,但是古罗马法律对欧洲中世纪的影响是很小的(negligible)(这里有个细节题)。原因之二:没有参考法律史学家的论述,比如某某和某某的论述。而在这些法律史学家的论述里我们没有看到ND提出的那种系统。作者认为如果事实真如ND所述,则必然会在法律文件中体现出来 (reflected in documents).而法律文件中没有体现这种做法,所以作者认为ND所说的那种做法至少是不成系统的。

Q1:问第三段的作用,一个选项是challenge the lecture of a scholar about women in F, 还有一个选项是assumes balaba underlies women history,我选challenge那个。

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