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49) job embeddeness(附考古+近似原文)

V1by Bettylee (730)


p1 讲job embedness的三大好处(什么增进交流之类)
p2讲job embedness会导致一些不良影响。比如说过于投入工作忽略家庭之类。
问了到primary purpose, 还有一道最不能用job embedness的好处来解释的例子

V2by  lcommus(750)

第一段是说以前学者的传统观点认为job embeddment的三个优点(和几经中叙述差不多)
第二段转折,说job embeddment因为1)加强人与人之间的联系和沟通而让人得知更多其它工作岗位的信息。 2)因为太专注工作而疏忽家人,造成和家人不合。这两个原因而造成主动离职。
1。考了主题题,有点迷惑的,一个选项说比较2中理论还有个选项说分析job embembeddedment对主动离职的影响.我不记得我选啥了,反正就在这两个之间。
2。说那个最least表述job embeddedment。比较简单。看看哪一个描述和其他4个不一样就好了,很明显。

考古by XYXB[考友已确认考古]







关键词:embeddedness in people turnover of job

问题(1)主题题 (2)in order to 题 (3)except细节。


(1)主题题 注意作者TS的语气,有无强转折,强对比等

(2)in order to 题

(3)except细节 (参考:有可能是近似原文里的第三四两段的小列举)


A. the job is required to travel a lot

B. employee joins company’s soccer team

C. employee considers company as his/her community’s big part (JJ作者选)(可参考5段首句)

D. employee feels comfortable working for company, blabla

E. <can’t remember>



According to Mitchell et al. (2001), job embeddedness represents a broad cluster of ideas that influence an employee's choice to remain in a job, operating like a net or a web in which an individual becomes enmeshed. A person who is highly embedded has many connections within a perceptual life space (Lewin, 1951). Moreover, a person can become enmeshed or embedded in a variety of ways (both on and off the job). The critical aspects of job embeddedness are the extent to which the job is similar to or fits with the other aspects in their life space, the extent to which the person has links to other people or activities, and the ease with which links can be broken--what they would give up if they left. These dimensions are called fit, links and sacrifice. Less concerned with the influence of any one specific connection, job embeddedness focuses on the overall level of connectedness (Mitchell et al., 2001).
(介绍工作嵌入度的三个方面:fit (适合), links(联系) and sacrifice(损失)
According to the theory of job embeddedness (Mitchell, Holtom and Lee, 2001), an employee's personal values, career goals and plans for the future must fit with the larger corporate culture and the demands of his or her immediate job (e.g., job knowledge, skills and abilities). In addition, a person will consider how well he or she fits the community and surrounding environment. Job embeddedness assumes that the better the fit, the higher the likelihood that an employee will feel professionally and personally tied to the organization.
Job embeddedness theory suggests that a number of threads link an employee and his or her family in a social, psychological, and financial web that includes work and non-work friends, groups, the community, and the physical environment where they are located. The greater the number of links between the person and the web, the more likely an employee will stay in a job (Mitchell et al., 2001).
The concept of sacrifice represents the perceived cost of material or psychological benefits that are forfeited by organizational departure. For example, leaving an organization may induce personal losses (e.g., losing contact with friends, personally relevant projects, or perks). The more an employee will have to give up when leaving, the more difficult it will be to sever employment with the organization (Shaw et al., 1998). Examples include non-portable benefits, like stock options or defined benefit pensions, as well as potential sacrifices incurred through leaving an organization like job stability and opportunities for advancement (Shaw et al., 1998). Similarly, leaving a community where they are highly involved in local organizations can be difficult for employees.
One key area where job embeddedness complements traditional approaches to voluntary turnover is community attachment. The model explicitly considers the impact of both organizational and community influences on the three job embeddedness dimensions. Put differently, each of the three dimensions--fit, links and sacrifice--has organizational and community components, which are summarized in Table 2. In two reported tests, Mitchell, Lee and colleagues (Mitchell et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2004) have demonstrated that job embeddedness predicts variance in voluntary turnover over and above job satisfaction.
(讲job embeddedness(工作嵌入度)对理解主动跳槽有一个重要的补充,这就是归属感。Jobembeddness模型认为组织(偏公)和社团(偏私)对job embeddedness的三个方面------fit, links and sacrifice都有影响。模型作者认为:在预测员工“主动跳槽”方面,job embeddedness比job satisfaction更有优势。)
To date, job embeddedness has been tested in the hospital, grocery and banking industries. To extend the generalizability of the model, we propose to test it across multiple, diverse industries. Thus, the following hypotheses replicate Mitchell et al.'s findings:

Hypothesis 1: Job embeddedness is negatively correlated with voluntary turnover (主动跳槽).
(工作嵌入度越高,员工越不愿跳槽. Job embeddedness 和 turnover是 反比关系)
Hypothesis 2: Job embeddedness improves the prediction of voluntary turnover above and beyond that accounted for by job satisfaction(工作满意度).

(job embeddedness工作嵌入度的大小,对员工跳槽的影响要超过job satisfaction工作满意度大小对员工跳槽的影响。)



51)制造业选址(附原文)fficeffice" />

V1by amumu

:但是,选择不同的厂址,可能会提供不同的competitive advance。这个advance来自于当地的人力资源的skillness的情况。因此不同的厂址location会让企业获得不同的workforce skillness
1)文章认为企业考虑自己的exchange rate最应该考虑什么因素?(这个exchange rate我在文章里面找不到,就认为是第二段的观点去选了需要考虑skillness”
2)作者认为location可以有什么作用?(我选的是"slight competitive advance"。基本上是复述P2开头的那句话)

 原文 出自GWD

Manufacturing site location is an important consideration in determining the optimal deployment of a firm’s production resources, but one that is usually given only limited attention. Decisions about location are often based purely on quantitative analyses that trade off transportation costs, economies of scale, and other cost-based variables. This practice, however, can lead to suboptimal results, as decision-makers tend to focus only on easily quantifiable factors. A further disadvantage of strictly cost-based methods is that they tend to focus on cost advantage factors, which are often transitory Government regulations, tax systems, and exchange rates can quickly change. Strategies based on such parameters may eventually be rendered obsolete by the very factors that first created an advantage.

In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage. For example, the level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location; consequently, location can affect the ability of firms to implement skill-based process technologies. When formulating a site location strategy, companies should therefore emphasize qualitative factors to ensure that the chosen strategy supports the company’s overall business strategy. Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies refine choices using cost-based factors

Q13. The passage suggests which of the following concerning qualitative methods used in choosing manufacturing sites?

A.     They are more likely than are quantitative methods to identify issues crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage

B.     They are least useful to companies with relatively low levels of manufacturing technology

C.     They have little value when applied to decisions other than choice of site

D.    They are more risky for decision makers than are quantitative methods

E.     They are used more frequently by multinational corporations than by companies with strictly domestic operations.


Q14. According to the passage, analysis of quantitative factors is best used for which of the following?

A.     Determining strategies for offsetting qualitative disadvantages in manufacturing site locations

B.     Evaluating manufacturing site-location parameters affecting long-term competitive advantage

C.     Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations

D.    Narrowing manufacturing site-location options arrived it through qualitative analysis

E.     Making decisions about business considerations other than location of manufacturing sites



50)社会变迁的认知(附考古)fficeffice" />

V1 by cally5803 (750 V40)

讲的是人们都social changeimagine的能力有限。第一段说人们的这个能力有限。说历史上直到罗马帝国覆灭开始,人们才有。而且中心主题一直是社会向不好的方向变化。第二段讲只有在文艺复兴和另一个时期人们才觉得社会是better了。但是这是人们对changeimagine还有过于simplistic,只考虑了什么opposite的没有考虑different的。题目只记得一道主旨,偶当时选的是criticize什么人类认识social change的不足。


考古by XYXB[尚未确认]


第一段讲历史上对(society change)社会变迁的认识缺乏。



social change。第一段讲social change很难被人们正确认识,因为通常要花很长时间,改变也很慢,身处其中的人们就不会发现到这些变化。即便是像罗马帝国的崩溃那样巨大的social change也经历的几百年,人们对此的感受就是社会的崩塌和破坏。第二段讲,另一方面,即便是像法国革命这种朝着好的方向变化的social change也不容易认识清楚。人们通常把社会变革想的过于简单,simplified,加入大量想象,而不是建立在琐碎的事实上。人们总想着一下子改变掉所有的东西而不是对先有的社会结构做出有限的修改。因为社会变革通常从巨大的期望变成对现实方方面面具体行为的沮丧,之后人们就对社会变革失去信心,认为社会变革只是对现状的妥协而看不到那些进步。




V1by horcruxesq2(590 V18)


第一段(开场白··· 没题目)

第二段 公司的股价和这些nonpublic information 是有关的 员工个人利用这些消息进行交易不公平··· 消息的泄露讲影响到公司股价的波动(有题问firm 和nonpublic information 的关系是什么)
第三段···巴拉巴拉巴拉··· 举了个什么例子- -真的忘记了 有一个in order to 的题 问举这个例子的目的
第四段 说公司其实可以给突出优异的员工一些内幕信息作为奖励 这样既能保证吸引足够的创新思维又能节省 wage奖励上的开支(有题目问公司给员工nonpublic information 的好处。。。)


many&nbsp; thanks !


many&nbsp; thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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