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33出处: [9/5] 北美 三战JJ + 感想  winbie

1。考了 not until ..... sth decided to...

选项好像有个 it was not until .... that sth  (不管了,这个看上去最对)


2Just as sth .....does, so sthelse does....


3. among all the employers , 70% says management is very important for colloge degree student, and 90% ____ for students with master degree

选项有 about; of .... 什么的(最主要注意什么和什么在比)


*Just as A do, so B do  (A,B在逻辑含义及语法形式上要平行)

Just as A do, so too.




34出处:9.4SH二战730 少量jj  hmq88385708

语法考了not only 。。。but also     还有一题在prep 或者GWD上一摸一样出现过: A...,unlike B,reduce the possibility of the air bags would burst when they inflate in order to make passangers to think the car is firing.(记得不全大致这样) C. inflate and make  D.inlfate and made E.inflate to make   当时选了inflate and make 不知道对不对



New items developed for automobiles in the 1997 model year included a safer air bag, which, unlike previous air bags, eliminated the possibility that a burst of smoke would appear when the bag inflated, and making an already terrified passenger think the car was on fire.

A.    inflated, and making

B.    inflated, so that it could make

C.    inflated and made

D.    inflated and make(选D)

E.     inflated to make

*not only..but also…和unlike的考点已出现多次,可参照之前的

35[原创]九五一战,750,绝非NN  apple0629

语法部分主要考查点就是平行对称,还有just as...so...含有这个结构的好像只有一个选项,好像就是a吧。还有一道tricky的题,一个人ABC,一大串同位修饰,seems/seem怎么怎么样了,abc三个选项都是这个结构,只是在主谓一致上什么的不太一样,本来以为这是一个挺preference的选项,读了一遍,发现好像是个run-on句子,就没有选。大家考试碰上了好好看看,确认一下。


*Just as A do, so B do  (A,B在逻辑含义及语法形式上要平行)

Just as A do, so too.




36出处: 9.3上海午场740,夙愿得偿,jj  cfr134fficeffice" />

语法有考到as a do, b do结构,要注意ab的概念要对称,题目生词很多,对应比较隐蔽



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