- 精华
- 7
- 积分
- 8300
- 经验
- 8300 点
- 威望
- 742 点
- 金钱
- 2241 ¥
- 魅力
- 1428
我前面的女生去到了排队正前方的VO窗口处,内容没听到,但是不幸的,被拒了。于是到我,我依旧是同一个窗口。从容走到窗口,把书包摘下放在脚边,手捧签证材料放到窗台上,抬头,微笑,介绍:Hi, i'm XX, i'm applying for F1 visa. These are my application documents.(将必交的资料递上,剩下的依然还在窗台上)
VO:OK, OK. So you are 28?
ME: yeah, i'm 28.
VO: What's your work?
Me: XXXX in ABC.
VO: Oh, ABC, the XXX company.
Me: yeah, right.
VO: Why do you go to study in the US?
Me: what i am doing as a living now, what i plan to be in future, so i decided to go to study in the US.
VO: you're gonna pay the tuition yourself, did you save that up?
ME: yeah, ya'know, i have been working for 6 years.
VO: OK, your visa has been approved.
ME: Thank you very much.
VO: congratulations!
ME: thank you n' have a good weekend.
VO: (Smile)Yeah, you too.
接过返还的Sevis fee收据和I-20表走出签证大厅,办理邮寄。整个过程不到一分钟,除了必交的资料(护照,I-20,sevis fee收据,DS160确认页及照片),准备的一书包,至少15公斤重的资料VO一眼都没看,我根本就没机会递给他,还有一些辅助的签证资料根本就没拿出书包。
出了领馆,天降瓢泼大雨,我肆意的走在雨中,三年来我过的非人生活暂告一段落。我知道我申请的学校很一般,但因为时间献给了工作,而且工作得到认可,我依然很欣慰了。以后的路还要更努力,学校虽然一般,但是英雄不问出处,我必能再辉煌。 |