8. F(X)=X^3, 问f(x+1)-f(x) ? 答案2f(x)
My answer: 3x^2+3x+1
36.W, X, Y, Z是一维数轴上的4个点,W*X*Y*Z>0 ?
(1)W*Z<0; (2)W*Y>0 选C
My answer: E
40.what's the mean of something per month?
A. there is 6,000 for each of the first six month.
B. the total number this year is 54,000 (not sure about the number, but it is larger than 2 times of 6x6000)
my answer is 3.
My answer: D
The rest is same. Thanks for your effort.
BTW, I found that there's a quite old JJ. But no one describe it acuratelly and completely. Here it is:
My answer: 7/12
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-1-29 0:22:01编辑过] |