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认为工人效率高能提高工厂的profitability,因为员工大部分时间是用电脑工作,所以用advanced information technology能提高员工的效率。(这题是题库,但是我找不着了)


No art exhibition or public performance should be cancelled if the community ......(什么什么) its content.



1.        GWD-25-Q13-Q15 songbirds筑巢的成功率

Grassland songbirds often nest in    草原燕雀和水禽一样常常把巢筑在

the same grassland-wetland complexes    草地和沼泽地的混合环境里,特别

as waterfowl, particularly in a certain     是那里周围的丘陵栖息地。

Line part of those complexes, namely,

 (5) upland habitats surrounding wetlands.

Although some wildlife management      虽然人工保护如复原栖息地等能为

procedures directed at waterfowl, such     燕雀带来好处,对水禽捕食者的控

as habitat enhancement or restoration,     制所造成的影响却难以预计。

may also benefit songbirds , the impact

(10) of others, especially the control of

waterfowl predators, remains difficult to

predict. For example, most predators       例如,大部分猎食鸟窝的动物有

of waterfowl nests prey opportunistic-      机会找到燕雀的窝,除去这些动

ally on songbird nests, and removing       物就能直接增加鸟窝的成功率。

(15) these predators could directly increase

songbird nesting success. Alterna-         另外,老鼠地松鼠等小型哺乳动物

tively, small mammals such as mice        是很多水禽捕食者的盆中餐,但

and ground squirrels are important         它们自身又吃燕雀窝。

in the diet of many waterfowl-nest

(20) predators and can themselves be

important predators of songbird

nets. Thus. Removing waterfowl-nest       所以,杀了捕食者,小动物多了,

predators could affect songbird nesting      反而影响鸟窝成功率。

success through subsequent increases

(25) in small-mammal populations.

In 1995 and 1996, researchers        19951996年,研究家捉走捕

trapped and removed certain waterfowl-      食者,主要是浣熊和斑纹鼬,但

nest predators. primary raccoons and        燕雀筑巢成功率却没有明显提高

striped skunks, then observed subse-

(30) quent survival rates for songbird nests.

Surprisingly. They observed no sig-

nificant effect on songbird nesting

success. This may be due to several         原因可能是多方面的。

factors. Neither raccoons nor striped

(35) skunks consume ground squirrels,          浣熊和斑纹鼬本来就不吃小动物

which are important predators of song-      因此对小动物数量影响不大。

bird nests. Thus, their removal may

not have led to significant increases

in populations of smaller predators.

(40) Additionally, both raccoons and striped

skunks prefer wetlands and spend little       另外它们都喜欢草地,很少呆在

time in upland habitats; removing these      丘陵栖居地。所以对筑巢成功率

species may not have increased the          帮助也不大。

nesting success of songbirds in the

uplands enough to allow detection.



Q 13:

NOTE: You must scroll to read the answer

choices for this question.


According to the passage, which of the following is true about the role played by ground squirrels in the ecology of grassland-wetland complexes?


A.    While not important in the diet of raccoons or striped skunks, ground squirrels are a significant source of food for other waterfowl-nest predators.

B.     Whereas ground squirrels are typically important as predators of songbird nests, their opportunistic predation on waterfowl nests also has an observable effect on waterfowl nesting success.

C.     Although most waterfowl-nest predators prey on small mammals such as mice and ground squirrels, populations of ground squirrels tend to increase quickly enough to compensate for this level of predation.

D.    Although ground squirrels have been known to prey on songbird nests, a larger portion of their diets is usually provided by predation on waterfowl nests.

E.     Since larger predators tend to prefer small mammals to songbird eggs as a food source, a large population of ground squirrels plays an important role in controlling opportunistic predation on songbird nests.

Neither raccoons nor striped skunks consume ground squirrels, which are important predators of songbird nests.

ground squirrels are important in the diet of many waterfowl-nest predators and can themselves be important predators of songbird nets.



Q 14:

Which of the following best describes the function of the sentence “Neither raccoons…songbird nests” (lines 34-37) in the context of the passage as a whole?


A.    It raises questions about the validity of a theory described in the first paragraph.

B.     It points out an oversimplification that is inherent in the argument presented in

the first paragraph.

C.    It introduces information that may help explain the results of the experiment that are presented earlier in the paragraph.

D.    It provides a specific example of the type of data collected in the experiment described earlier in the paragraph.

E.     It anticipates a potential objection to the conclusions drawn by the researchers involved in the experiment described earlier in the paragraph.



Q 15:

The primary purpose of the passage is to


A.    describe some procedures used for wildlife management and consider some problems associated with the execution of those procedures

B.     outline a problem related to a wildlife management procedure and offer potential explanations for the results of an experiment bearing on that problem

C.     present experimental results that illustrate the need for certain wildlife management procedures and point out some inconsistencies in those results

D.    argue that a certain procedure used for wildlife management should be modified because of its unintended consequences

E.     propose that further experiments be performed to assess the long-term effects of certain wildlife management procedures


 The passage suggests that removing

Waterfowl-nest predators could possibly

Have a negative effect on songbird popu-

lations because

A.  songbird populations could then

grow to unsustainable numbers

B.  small-mammal population could

then move out of the uplands

into wetland areas

C.  competition among remaining

waterfowl-nest predators could

decrease significantly

D.  a resulting increase in waterfowl

populations could crowd out

songbird populations

E .  a resulting increase in small-mammal

populations could increase small-

mammal predation on songbirds


it can be inferred that the habitat preferences

of raccoons and striped skunks affected the

results of the experiment described in the

passage for which of the following reasons?

A  . Songbird nests in the wetlands are

usually located in places that most

waterfowl-nest predators cannot reach.

B.  Raccoons and striped skunks are not

usually found in areas where songbird

nests tend to be located.

C.  Mice and ground squirrels tend to avoid

predation by raccoons and striped

skunks by remaining exclusively in

the uplands.

D.  The populations of small mammals in

the wetlands are usually controlled by

larger waterfowl-nest predators such

as raccoons and striped skunks.

E.  The waterfowl on which raccoons and

striped skunks prey in the wetlands

compete with songbirds for food.

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