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GWD-TN-16 Q13-17  三道题13,15,17原题,不多说了,这个月考的童鞋一定要熟读。




Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.

A. Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.
B. Over the course of the eighteenth century a tripling in the average output of ironwork was due to the replacement of charcoal by coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, in addition to several improvements in blowing machinery.
C. With charcoal’s being replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century.
D. The replacement of charcoal with coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century.
E. Charcoal being replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, and several improvements in blowing machinery, which tripled the average output of ironwork over the course of the eighteenth century.


可惜这是一道争议题,貌似一直没有确定的答案,我个人倾向于A,觉得跟OG上那道partly to acquire...and partly becasue差不多,是功能平行,其他几个选项都有实在看不过去的毛病。反正我今天选的是A,从我的分数也看不出来到底对不对。

SC考的比较结构尤其多,倍数,as...as,more than什么的好几个,可惜实在记不得什么有价值的内容了。


CR 也记不太清了,有一题机经就是有一类fungicide里有致癌物质,应该禁用该种fungicide,问weaken,我选的和提供机经那位不太一样,我选的是该禁令所限制使用的some fungicide是only能杀某fungi的,该fungi会产生一种物质也会致癌。


还记得一个:科学家搞了个survey,结果那些喜欢exciting运动的人更喜欢好象是Hip-Hop之类的音乐,科学家得出结论是喜欢exciting运动的人更喜欢强劲的音乐,问assumption, 我记得有两个挺明显的错误选项,一个是结论的逆命题:喜欢强劲音乐的人更喜欢exciting运动,还有一个则是否命题:不喜欢激烈运动的人更喜欢舒缓的音乐,我选的是这个survey调查的人能代表普遍的人,我想应该是对的。






2.前面jj提到过,我是学理科的,这个看得最明白。第一段讲意大利植物学家研究的一种植物AP,貌似是一种lily, 描述了下该植物的形象,最后一句话说该植物上面有个cap,朝地面方向有个window(有道题考这里,应该是from above看不见)第二段讲AP这个植物怎么假冒fungus勾引一种fungus gnat,该gnat从上面说的window进去到AP的appendix部位的一个chamber里,该部位不像一般的lily,是...的(大意是说表面很像蘑菇),颜色也像该种mushroom是off-white(这里考到了,问AP用到了文章末尾提到的那两种方法来勾引gant,我选了texture和color),AP装得如此之像以至于该笨gant在它的appendix上lay egg,这些egg是孵化不出来的。该gnat在那里活动可以给AP授粉pollinate(这里有题,问AP对gnat的利用关系是怎样的,选项有对两者都有利,都有害,对AP有害对gant有利等,显然选对AP有利而不利于gnat),最后一段总结这种fungus mimic行为,末尾提到常用手段有ordor,color等等等等,在考AP用了哪种手段的时候提到了。最后一题是第二段和第三段的关系与以下哪种类似,是个类比题,大概是选前一段是个具体事例后一段generalizaiton.



AA:108. The following appeared as part of a business plan created by the management of the Take Heart Fitness Center.

“After opening the new swimming pool early last summer, Take Heart saw a 12 percent increase in the use of the center by members. Therefore, in order to increase the number of our members and thus our revenues, which depend on membership fees, we should continue to add new recreational facilities in subsequent years: for example, a multipurpose game room, a tennis court, and a miniature golf course. Being the only center in the area offering this range of activities would give us a competitive advantage in the health and recreation market.”


AI:37. “Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

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1. |x+k|<|y+k|, (1)k>0, (2) |x|<|y|,我选的E,比如2,3和2,-3,k=1


2. 6个数uvwxyz,average42, median<42?(1)最小的是41,(2)z=47,我选C,因为z=47的话前5个都只能是41,median当然就是41


3. 某公司卖东西,进价:60块的20个,55块的10个,50块的x个,都卖80块,要求最后利润达到成本的40%,问x,选5个




5.进价40每个,问gross profit/cost, (1)20%卖了80每个,剩下卖了60每个, (2)一共卖了4800,选A




7.S(1)=2,S(2)=3,S(n)=S(1)+S(2)+...+S(n-1),求S(24)/S(16), 推一下,S(n)=10*2^(n-4),所以选2^4=16





10.0.0002X0.00005/100,000=? 分子两个小数的零个数可能有出入,无所谓了。


11.10刀的gift card去加油,普通油1.22/g,高级油1.32,加普通的比高级的能多加多少


12. 一个鸟飞行平均速度18米/秒,飞越一个湖,问它飞行距离是否小于21千米,(1)飞了less than 20 min, (2)飞了less than 0.4h,我选了E,(1) 20X60X18=21.6km,不到20min,不能确定有没有21km,(2) 0.4h=24min,更不能确定,合起来也没用。


13. 某公司,2001到03年revenue和expenditure变化如下:revenue:01到02上升20%,02到03下降25%, expenditure: 01到02下降20%,02到03上升30%,三年的利润分别为xyz,要将xyz排序,很简单,数据应该都没错。


14. n为1到9,求n,(1)1/n十分位是n,(2)1/n百分位是n,就是前面jj里那道,0.333,选A


15.跟上面那道很像,先出来的,我开始还以为是上面那道呢,注意1<n<10,也就是说不能是1, 问n,(1)1/n十分位和百分位一样 (2) 1/n百分位是n,我选C,因为(1)3,9, (2)3,6 合起来n=3






[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-13 12:05:51编辑过]

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确认下这篇GWD 阅读(文章、题目 如下,非常感谢!):

GWD-TN-16 Q13-17  三道题13,15,17原题

13-17 GWD25-Q 13 to 15:


     Grassland songbirds often nest in the same grassland-wetland complexes as waterfowl, particularly in a certain part of those complexes, namely, upland habitats surrounding wetlands. Although some wildlife management procedures directed at waterfowl, such as habitat enhancement or restoration, may also benefit songbirds, the impact of others, especially the control of waterfowl predators, remains difficult to predict. For example, most predators of waterfowl nests prey opportunistically on songbird nests, and removing these predators could directly increase songbird nesting success. Alternatively, small mammals such as mice and ground squirrels are important in the diet of many waterfowl-nest predators and can themselves be important predators of songbird nets. Thus. Removing waterfowl-nest predators could affect songbird nesting success through subsequent increases in small-mammal populations.

     In 1995 and 1996, researchers trapped and removed certain waterfowl-nest predators, primary raccoons and striped skunks, then observed subsequent survival rates for songbird nests. Surprisingly. They observed no significant effect on songbird nesting success. This may be due to several factors. Neither raccoons nor striped skunks consume ground squirrels, which are important predators of songbird nests. Thus, their removal may not have led to significant increases in populations of smaller predators. Additionally, both raccoons and striped skunks prefer wetlands and spend little time in upland habitats; removing these species may not have increased the nesting success of songbirds in the uplands enough to allow detection.


?    Q 13:

?    According to the passage, which of the following is true about the role played by ground squirrels in the ecology of grassland-wetland complexes?

  1. While not important in the diet of raccoons or striped skunks, ground squirrels are a significant source of food for other waterfowl-nest predators.
  2. Whereas ground squirrels are typically important as predators of songbird nests, their opportunistic predation on waterfowl nests also has an observable effect on waterfowl nesting success.
  3. Although most waterfowl-nest predators prey on small mammals such as mice and ground squirrels, populations of ground squirrels tend to increase quickly enough to compensate for this level of predation.
  4. Although ground squirrels have been known to prey on songbird nests, a larger portion of their diets is usually provided by predation on waterfowl nests.
  5. Since larger predators tend to prefer small mammals to songbird eggs as a food source, a large population of ground squirrels plays an important role in controlling opportunistic predation on songbird nests.


?    Q 15:

?    The primary purpose of the passage is to

  1. describe some procedures used for wildlife management and consider some problems associated with the execution of those procedures
  2. outline a problem related to a wildlife management procedure and offer potential explanations for the results of an experiment bearing on that problem
  3. present experimental results that illustrate the need for certain wildlife management procedures and point out some inconsistencies in those results
  4. argue that a certain procedure used for wildlife management should be modified because of its unintended consequences
  5. propose that further experiments be performed to assess the long-term effects of certain wildlife management procedures


?    Q17:TTGWD27-Q33

?    It can be inferred that the habitat preferences of raccoons and striped skunks affected the results of the experiment described in the passage for which of the following reasons?

  1. Songbird nests in the wetlands are usually located in places that most waterfowl-nest predators cannot reach.
  2. Raccoons and striped skunks are not usually found in areas where songbird nests tend to be located.
  3. Mice and ground squirrels tend to avoid predation by raccoons and striped skunks by remaining exclusively in the uplands.
  4. The populations of small mammals in the wetlands are usually controlled by larger waterfowl-nest predators such as raccoons and striped skunks.
  5. The waterfowl on which raccoons and striped skunks prey in the wetlands compete with songbirds for food.


?    Q 14: Which of the following best describes the function of the sentence “Neither raccoons…songbird nests” (lines 34-37) in the context of the passage as a whole?

  1. It raises questions about the validity of a theory described in the first paragraph.
  2. It points out an oversimplification that is inherent in the argument presented in the first paragraph.
  3. It introduces information that may help explain the results of the experiment that are presented earlier in the paragraph.
  4. It provides a specific example of the type of data collected in the experiment described earlier in the paragraph.
  5. It anticipates a potential objection to the conclusions drawn by the researchers involved in the experiment described earlier in the paragraph.


?    Q16:TTGWD27-Q32

?    The passage suggests that removing waterfowl-nest predators could possibly have a negative effect on songbird populations because

  1. songbird populations could then grow to unsustainable numbers
  2. small-mammal population could then move out of the uplands into wetland areas
  3. competition among remaining waterfowl-nest predators could decrease significantly
  4. a resulting increase in waterfowl populations could crowd out songbird populations
  5. a resulting increase in small-mammal populations could increase small-mammal predation on songbirds












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7.S(1)=2,S(2)=3,S(n)=S(1)+S(2)+...+S(n-1),求S(24)/S(20), 推一下,S(n)=10*2^(n-4),所以选2^4=16





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