题目: 1)提出plan的目的:preserve the land; 2)plan的方法:purchase that land,发现此plan方法不行,谁都会卖给highest price,那么花费就太大了。此方案被否决。 3)plan的另外一个出路:farmer不需要卖地,但需要按照现代化的方式耕种。下面就是要提出a more sensible preservation strategy 来帮助farmer来按照现代化的方式耕种了。
A: 1)"the argument rejects as ill-conceived;"就错了,题目反对的是“购买土地方案”,第一个boldface是方案需要到达的目的,而非方案本身。 2)第二个boldface是“ providing a basis for the argument’s advocacy of a particular strategy”。而“evidence that is presented as grounds for that rejection”是原文中“if the farmers did sell their land, they would sell it to the highest bidder, and developers would outbid any other bidders.” |