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世界三大商学教育认证组织AACSB,EQUIS, AMBA 对英国商学院认证的结果(截止

Ashridge,Aston University,Cranfield University,Henley Management  College,London Business School,The University of Manchester,University of  Strathclyde,University of Warwick(共八个)。

获双重认证 (AMBA,EQUIS) 的有:
Bradford University School of Management ,
Cass Business School, City University,
The Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge,
Open University Business School,
Lancaster University Management School ,
Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds  

获 AMBA认证的有:
Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University  
School of Management and Business University of Wales, Aberystwyth  
University of Bath School of Management  
The Birmingham Business School  
Bristol Business School (UWE)  
Brunel Graduate Business School, Brunel University  
Durham Business School  
The University of Edinburgh Management School  
School of Business and Economics, University of Exeter  
University of Glasgow Business School  
Imperial College London, Tanaka Business School  
Kingston Business School  
Leicester Business School, De Montfort University  
Leicester University Management Centre  
Loughborough University Business School  
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School  
Middle*** University Business School  
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Business School  
Nottingham University Business School  
Business School, Oxford Brookes University  
Said Business School, University of Oxford  
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生命里总有些什么是值得我们去感动的吧,即使我们整日整夜的忙碌于工作和生活,恋爱和分手之间.就象涛声此起彼伏,就象他带着喘息站在她面前,他已经长的更高,但依然带着那个夏天的痕迹: \"其实我, 一直都是喜欢她的. \"



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