AA 新题1. “Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work when their performance is not being monitored or evaluated. Interviews with employees of not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason for their greater motivation is the belief that their work helps to improve society. Because they believe in the importance of their work, they have personal reasons to perform well, even when no financial reward is present. Thus, if our corporation began donating a significant portion of its profits to humanitarian causes, our employees' motivation and productivity would increase substantially and our overall profits would increase as well."
AI “Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities."
Math 1. PS: 10-1000之内有多少奇数是整数的平方数, (31-5)/2 + 1= 14 2. PS: 细菌30分钟增加3倍,求2小时后到4小时增加的倍数。我选3^4 3. DS: 座标轴上一条线L: y=ax+b,问斜率
(2)y=某个数 4. DS: A, B两个人,效率不同一起生产某样东西,A这个仁t小时做80件,问两个人一起做2t小时做多少件?
5. PS: (有给图)一个半圆内接一个直角三角形,三角形斜边为半圆的直径,三角形顶点在圆弧上,斜边以外的两边是6和8,问直角三角形面积和圆面积的比例。
6. 从n个东西取出三个(0<n<=60),问n(n+1)(n+2)可以被6整除的概率。答案1
SC 1. 考enough to V.. 2. S +V, not least because S +V 选项中,有在not前面放连接词,我选没加连接词的
3. 还有一题考and,不过结构有点复杂,有很多and在句中,要靠句意解
我好像是选…. because S+V and S+V, S+V and S+V 句型大概是这样,但每个S+V里又有and,所以会有点找不出平衡
CR 前面做的还ok,好像第四题就遇到boldface题,但后面因为时间快来不及,就写的很烂。boldface题是GWD里的,等我找到在写
RC 第一篇,JJ,引用别人写的。
ROI 先说普遍认为market share越高,ROI越高。 然后反驳,说一项独立调查显示,并非market share越高,ROI越高。market share 超过70%,ROI反而会decrease。
有些人讲到政府对公共设施(例如公园和图书馆)的经费来源不应该仅靠税收,因为税收对穷人和富人是不公的,最后导致征税的人并不一定使用这些公共设施,所以这些公共场所应该收门票,这样更公平。 但是作者认为这种说法不对,云云。